What does 紡織廠 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 紡織廠 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 紡織廠 in Chinese.
The word 紡織廠 in Chinese means cotton mill, textile factory, textile mill. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 紡織廠
cotton millnoun |
textile factorynoun 現在 我 在 紡織 廠 Now I work in a textile factory. |
textile millnoun (spinning and weaving mill) |
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然而,地区法院还注意到,针织品厂的所有权在第100/1945号法令生效之日由J转让给了国家,此次转让所依据的法律条例是法律制度的组成部分,法院无法审查这些条例。 However, the District Court also noted that the transfer of ownership of the knitwear factory from J to the State, which occurred on the date on which Decree No. 100/1945 entered into force, took place under legal regulations that form a part of the legal system and that those regulations could not come under court scrutiny. |
该方针应汇集一流技术;估计二氧化碳的减排潜力;派专家去钢铁厂提供适当的建议;以及确定作为优先事项的技术(日本,技术问题研讨会); The approach should compile state-of-the-art technologies; estimate CO2 reduction potential; dispatch experts to steel plants for appropriate advice; and determine the priority technologies (Japan, technology workshop); |
帕爾默聲稱,由於聯合國的機制不成熟,以色列被系統地排除在許多國際及地區組織外,以色列甚至在聯合國內也遭到刁難。 Palmor claims that due to the multi-sections system of the UN, Israel is being systematically excluded from all geographical sections and groups, and due to that Israel can't even apply to most of the UN councils. |
城市废水处理厂污泥 Municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge |
泰國銀行的貨幣保護措施使國際儲備偏低,政府只有接受國際貨幣基金組織的貸款。 Due to low international reserves from the Bank of Thailand's currency-protection measures, the government had to accept a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). |
它說特別是在1947-1950年,1048個耶和華見證人領導和積極分子已被逮捕,5間地下印刷廠已經被發現,和大量的印刷品被沒收。 It said, in particular, that during 1947–1950, 1048 Jehovah's Witnesses leaders and activists had been arrested, 5 underground print houses had been uncovered, and large amounts of printed matter confiscated. |
2011年6月,伊朗表示福尔道燃料浓缩厂的用途是生产铀-235丰度达到20%的六氟化铀以及开展研究与发展工作。 In June 2011, Iran stated that the purpose of FFEP was the production of UF6 enriched up to 20% U-235, as well as to carry out R&D. |
共產黨自此開始在首都發展組織,並成立名為"清澄學校"(Escuela Claridad)的勞工學校,傳授讀書寫字,並協助組織工會。 The communists began to organize in the capital, and established a school for workers, known as the Escuela Claridad, or the Clarity School, which taught reading, writing, and also helped organize unions. |
政府还向特别报告员提及Hindustan Lever有限公司发表的声明。 该公司在声明中指出,泰米尔纳都污染控制委员会设立了一个工作组,负责协调调查对该工厂在厂区内外造成汞污染的指控。 The Government also referred the Special Rapporteur to a statement issued by Hindustan Lever Ltd. in which the company referred to a working committee set up by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) to coordinate a study of the allegations that the factory had caused mercury pollution/contamination in and around the premises. |
這個會議有117個國家與13個國際組織參與,其目的為討論且強化核能安全,並從福島核災中學習。 The conference, in which 117 countries and 13 international organizations participated, was held to discuss and strengthen nuclear safety as well as learn from the Fukushima disaster. |
他們的經驗與專業遠超過職位所需,從開始就為組織帶來生產力,及可見的影響力,提高成功的機率。 Their experience and expertise enables them to be productive and make a noticeable impact from the outset, maximising the likelihood of success. |
令人遗憾的希法制药厂事件,就是这种建立信任进程的重要性的证明,该制药厂被错误地指称为生产化学武器。 The unfortunate case of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, which was falsely alleged to produce chemical weapons, bears witness to the significance of such a confidence-building process. |
中心包括一个计算机中心、一台社区的公共电视、一个面粉厂和一个社区湿式粉碎站。 The centre includes a computer centre, a community television, a flourmill and a community wet grinding station. |
南斯拉夫軍隊和塞爾維亞人準軍事組織通過城鎮戰佔領了城市,破壞克羅地亞人的資產。 The Yugoslav army and Serbian paramilitaries devastated the town in urban warfare and the destruction of Croatian property. |
鷹級童軍成員偏好每日花30分鐘或以上的時間運動、擔任宗教或非宗教組織志工、與家庭及朋友保持密切關係、在職場或地方社區擔任領導角色、向慈善團體捐款以及與他人工作以提升其鄰里的品質。 Eagles are more likely to exercise for 30 minutes or more every day, volunteer for religious and nonreligious organizations, have closer relationships with family and friends, be in a leadership position at their place of employment or local community, donate money to charitable groups, and to work with others to improve their neighborhoods. |
這LTTE歷史上是最大的一次爭吵,組織內部的衝突似乎一觸即發。 It was the biggest expression of dissension in the history of the LTTE and a clash within the LTTE seemed imminent. |
到了2006年7月及8月,戰火又再度燃起,一些國際援助組織也因為生命受到威脅而相繼離開。 July and August 2006 saw renewed fighting, with international aid organizations considering leaving due to attacks against their personnel. |
这是在合同范围以外的一项额外工程,但双方同意按化肥厂合同的支付条件来进行。 This was extra-contractual work but was agreed to be subject to the payment terms of the fertiliser contract |
這點引起了討論,並因此促成了一個學習小組,而這個小組還組織了首次的软件工程研討會。 This prompted discussions that led to the formation of a study group that organized the first conference on software engineering. |
歐洲猶太人大會是最具影響力的國際公開協會,且為一個巨大的世俗組織代表著超國250萬歐洲犹太人。 The European Jewish Congress is one of the most influential international public associations and a large secular organisation representing more than 2.5 million of Jews in Europe. |
此外,该司还负责财产管理框架,并监测执行公共部门会计准则关于厂场和设备及存货的估值和报告要求的情况。 Furthermore, the Division is responsible for the property management framework and monitors compliance with the IPSAS valuation and reporting requirements for plant and equipment and inventory. |
与会者欢迎菲利普公司作为当下一项后续行动,就在南部非洲各国建立生产设施(例如组装厂),生产节能型灯泡展开专门的可行性研究。 Participants welcomed the fact that Philips, as an immediate follow-up action, would launch specific feasibility studies for establishing production facilities (such as assembly plants) for manufacturing energy saving light bulbs in Southern African countries |
1831年11月22日,一个营的军队在这条街上被织工解除武装。 On 22 November 1831, a battalion of the army was disarmed by the canuts in this street. |
小组还认定,由于这一时期的甲醇厂安全风险较少,该公司继续了甲醇厂的运行。 The Panel also finds that GPIC continued the operations of its methanol plant during this period because of a lower safety risk at the methanol plant |
M1892轉輪手槍(或稱:勒貝爾轉輪手槍或聖埃蒂安8毫米)是法國採用的一種制式手槍,由聖埃蒂安武器製造廠生產,以取代老舊的MAS 1873轉輪手槍。 The Model 1892 revolver (also known as the "Lebel revolver" and the "St. Etienne 8mm") is a French service revolver produced by Manufacture d'armes de Saint-Étienne as a replacement for the MAS 1873 revolver. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.