What does 墳墓 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 墳墓 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 墳墓 in Chinese.

The word 墳墓 in Chinese means tomb, grave, sepulchre. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 墳墓


noun (small building or vault for the remains of the dead)

What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb.


noun (excavation for burial)

取上 一個 死 的 墳 墓 非常 豐富 , 非常 貴 的 。
We took from the grave of a dead man, Very rich and very loved.


noun (A place (commonly marked with a headstone) where one or more people are buried (usually in a coffin underneath the ground).)

Then, the Evangelist tells us, they ran from the sepulchre, “fearful yet overjoyed” to share the good news with the disciples.

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Nhung was buried on 1 February, the day after his death, in the presence of family and friends, at Gia Đính cemetery.
The tomb of Sulayman Shah is thus not in any sense an enclave under Turkish sovereignty inside Syrian territory.
For example, Westminster Abbey was not built to house tombs.
Within the tomb, the twin sarcophagi of Grant and his wife Julia are based on the sarcophagus of Napoleon Bonaparte at Les Invalides.
Hence, the governor’s seal that was put upon the large stone that closed the entry to the tomb in which he was buried after dying on the tree, and also the soldier guard that was stationed at the tomb to prevent his disciples from stealing the dead body, failed to block Jesus in exercising his God-given authority on the third day. —Matt. 27:62 through 28:15.
例如 墳墓 是 一種 陷阱 格子
For example, the Tomb, that's a trap square.
當我們 在 墳 墓... 我 看到 了 企鵝 的 圖紙 誰 衝浪 著火 了 。
When we were stuck in that tomb I saw some drawings about a penguin who surfed through fire.
杜瓦的母親和兄弟姊妹在對他的悼念文中寫道: 我們的思念在一位英勇士兵的墳墓徘徊,(Our thoughts they ever wander to a soldier's honoured grave,) 對於你的犧牲我們永不忘懷;(Never will we forget the noble sacrifice you made;) 因為我們的心依舊同在那對你的愛,(For our hearts arc still united in that same fond love for you,) 且對一位勇敢又真誠之人的愛是如此的珍貴。
His mother, sister and brother published these words in memoriam: Our thoughts they ever wander to a soldier's honoured grave, Never will we forget the noble sacrifice you made; For our hearts arc still united in that same fond love for you, And loving thoughts are cherished of one so brave and true.
The legislation set by the House required that the restoration be completed by April 27, 1997, the tomb's 100th anniversary and Grant's 175th birthday.
The members of the Kuwaiti National Committee expressed gratitude to the multinational force in Iraq, especially United States, United Kingdom, Polish and Italian contingents, for providing security to Kuwaiti teams, including during exhumation operations at the grave sites, and other assistance
The independent expert was informed of the existence of 12 mass-grave sites in the Province of Bururi — 11 in the commune of Rumonge and 1 in the commune of Vyanda.
Hebron, the second largest city in the West Bank, is the location of the Ibrahimi mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs - considered to be the burial place of Abraham/Ibrahim, Isaac, and Jacob and their wives Sarah, Rebecca and Leah - and is of great significance for many Muslims, Jews and Christians.
(Isaiah 64:8) This is why the Bible uses the expression “memorial tombs.”
This unacceptable situation peaked on Saturday, when thousands of the faithful attempted to reach the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to attend the Holy Fire ceremony.
另一项申请去河内以南约 # 公里的南定市,探望他母亲和其他亲戚,并去他父亲上扫墓,当局不管他父亲刚过世,也拒绝了这项申请。
Another request to go to Nam Dinh City, approximately # kilometres south of Hanoi, for the purpose of visiting his mother and other relatives and to pay respect at his father's tomb was also rejected, despite the recent death of his father
湖北云梦睡虎地11号秦出土的秦律竹简, 对研究先秦数学有巨大的价值。
The Qin laws kept on the bamboo slips unearthed from Tomb No. 11 of the Qin Dynasty at Shuihudi in Yunmeng County have great value for the study on the history of mathematics in Pre-Qin China.
A total of about 1,850 burials were uncovered, including 16 that were described as "royal tombs" containing many valuable artifacts, including the Standard of Ur.
In the Netherlands, 53 dolmens have been preserved to our day; 52 of these are situated in the province of Drenthe.
Muslim worshippers were prevented from entering the grounds surrounding the Ibrahimi mosque/Tombs of the Patriarchs except for 10 days each year; on all other days, the area was reserved for the settlers.
It's been attacked by looters.
Joseph's Tomb, a site holy to both Jews and Muslims that is located in the Palestinian-controlled town of Nablus, has been the target of gunfire and violent attacks by Palestinian civilians, police and armed militias in recent weeks
Remarkably, they were not set up haphazardly, but most are aligned east-west, the entrance being on the south, which may have something to do with the seasonal positions of the sun.
Stressing the importance of measures to prevent persons from going missing in connection with armed conflict, which may include enacting national legislation, producing and providing proper means of identification, the establishment of information bureaux, grave registration services and registers of deaths, and ensuring accountability in cases of the missing,
However, according to data from burial inscriptions, about 400 B.C.E. the life expectancy in Greece was approximately 29 years.
There, adorning the tomb of Pope Pius X (1835-1914), is a painting of the high priest of Israel with the Tetragrammaton on his headdress.

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.