What does 蜂巢 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 蜂巢 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 蜂巢 in Chinese.
The word 蜂巢 in Chinese means beehive, honeycomb, hive. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 蜂巢
beehivenoun (home of bees) ? 这 才? 讲 通 了 , 它 就 像? 个 巨大 的 蜂巢 It totally makes sense.It' s like a giant beehive |
honeycombnoun (structure of cells made by bees) 要是从高处俯瞰,桩柱拼在一起像一个蜂巢。 They are so uniform that when viewed from above, their tops mesh together like a honeycomb. |
hivenoun 但 它 可能 更 容易 保持 与 蜂巢 的 关系 。 But it was probably easier to maintain that relationship with the hive. |
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2003年金邊騷亂期間,一位在蜂巢電台發言的聽眾錯誤宣稱一名柬埔寨大使館官員在曼谷被殺。 In 2003, during the Phnom Penh riots, a caller to Beehive Radio claimed incorrectly that Cambodian embassy officials were killed in Bangkok. |
撒上14:25-27)约旦河谷有许多野生蜜蜂,而施浸者约翰的主粮之一就是野蜜。( 太3:4)蜂巢除了筑在树上之外,也筑在裂缝里,例如岩石和墙壁的裂缝。( (1Sa 14:25-27) Wild honeybees of the Jordan Valley provided John the Baptizer with a large proportion of his food. |
我 絕無 可能 混進 蜂巢 來 There' s no way I could' ve infiltrated the Hive |
所罗门警告说:“外道淫妇的嘴好像蜂巢滴蜜,她的口比油更滑;后患却像苦艾一样苦涩,又如两刃的剑一样锋利。”——箴言5:3,4。 But the aftereffect from her is as bitter as wormwood; it is as sharp as a two-edged sword.” —Proverbs 5:3, 4. |
蜂巢于是能抗热御寒,效用及得上厚40厘米的砖墙。 This insulates the nest from heat and cold as effectively as would a brick wall 16 inches thick. |
她 在 蜂巢 裏 有線 人 , 我 不知道 是 誰 She had a contact within the Hive, someone I never met |
移动食物的距离从蜂巢起算,每次都比上次远一又四分之一倍。 Each movement of the food was one-and-a-quarter times the previous distance from the hive. |
身为今日蜂巢组成员的女青年,要巩固自己对天父和耶稣基督的信心,并学习以和谐及合作的方式与人共事。 As a member of a Beehive class today, a young woman strengthens her faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and learns to work with others in harmony and cooperation. |
CA:每年30%。 MS:但是那时养蜂人会把他们的蜂巢分出来。 这样他们可以维持同样的数量, 他们可以弥补一些损失。 MS: But then beekeepers are able to divide their colonies and so they can maintain the same number, they can recuperate some of their loss. |
隐基底的磐石好像蜂巢一样,有许多宽大的洞穴。 The rocks of En-gedi are honeycombed with roomy caves. |
評論員對巫巫茲拉的聲音作出了各種各樣的描述:除了「煩人」、「像魔鬼一般」之外,還把它比作「一群嘈吵的大象」、「一群嗡嗡狂叫的蝗蟲」、「一隻準備給屠宰的山羊」、「一個裝滿發狂的蜜蜂的巨大蜂巢」、「一隻吃了搖頭丸的鴨子」等等。 Commentators have variously described the sound of vuvuzelas as "annoying" and "satanic" and compared it with "a stampede of noisy elephants", "a deafening swarm of locusts", "a goat on the way to slaughter", "a giant hive full of very angry bees", and "a duck on speed". |
蜂巢 有 其 自身 的 防 禦 機制都由 電腦 控制 The Hive has its own defense mechanisms, all computer- controlled |
研究者将一碟糖水放在蜂巢附近,每隔数分钟便将其移远一点,而且每次所移的距离继续增加,直至达到每次100英尺(30米)或更远的程度。 A dish of sugar solution is placed near the hive and moved every few minutes in increasingly large jumps, until it may be transported 100 feet (30 m) or more each time. |
这个外壳与蜂巢并不相连,但却缠绕着上面的树枝和幼枝作为支撑。 This covering does not touch the comb, but for support intertwines itself around the branches and twigs just above it. |
箴言15:1)与此相反,“可喜的言语是蜂巢的蜜,叫人心甜,医治筋骨”。( (Proverbs 15:1) By way of contrast, “pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.” |
女青年满12岁时,女青年会长团第二咨理和蜂巢组顾问要安排时间和她及其父母见面。 When a young woman reaches age 12, the second counselor in the Young Women presidency and the class adviser for the Beehives arrange to meet with her and her parents. |
我 絕不 允許 它 逃離 蜂巢 I couldn' t allow it to escape from the Hive |
自然界设计》一书解释说:“蜂巢室是由三个成120度角的蜡墙所组成的,构成了等边六角形的图案。 “The wax walls of the honeycomb’s cells come together in threes at 120-degree angles, forming a regular array of hexagons,” explains the book By Nature’s Design. |
这就是外祖父向小鸟表示谢意的方式,感谢它把我们带到蜂巢去。” This was his way of saying thank you to the bird for leading us to the beehive.” |
约翰俯身在一个开了盖的蜂巢上,说:“养蜂的工作涉及一种天天都发生的奇迹。 “Beekeeping is an exercise in everyday miracles,” John remarks as he leans over an open hive. |
她遵守圣约的一种方式,就是光大她身为蜂巢组班级会长的召唤。 One of the ways she keeps her covenants is by magnifying her calling as the Beehive class president. |
迈赫维特省的乌尔吉卜合作社,旨在 培训合作社的女性成员如何养蜂和做蜂巢,以增加蜂蜜产量和提高质量,从而提高社员的收入水平。 The Al-Arkoob Association, in Al-Mahweet Governorate, trains its rural women members in beekeeping and beehive construction, to enable them to produce more honey of better quality and thereby to earn additional income. |
我 只是 蜂巢 里 的 幼仔, 我 做 不到 I can't do this "? |
至少在美国, 平均30%的蜂巢 在每年冬天消失。 At least in the United States, an average of 30 percent of all bee hives are lost every winter. |
2012年,人權觀察形容蜂巢電台是「柬埔寨促進人權、民主的重要途徑之一」。 In 2012, Human Rights Watch described Beehive Radio as "a key platform for promotion of human rights and democracy in Cambodia". |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.