What does 訃聞 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 訃聞 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 訃聞 in Chinese.

The word 訃聞 in Chinese means obituary, obituary notice. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 訃聞


noun (brief notice of a person's death, as published in a newspaper)

obituary notice


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Sixty journalists were killed between 1993 and 1998 in Algeria.
“我们听到我方阵亡数, 但从不知敌方的,为什么?”
They were talking about the recent invasion of Iraq, and Rumsfeld is asked the question, "Well, we're hear about our body counts, but we never hear about theirs, why?"
All received extensive training in the rules of gallantry, polite decorum, poetry, and music.
它 肯定 起 來 像 一個 設置 。
It sure smells like a set-up.
Numerous rumors affect media women and harm their professional and personal reputation
Perhaps because of his stuttering, he had always avoided covering what others covered, feeling he could not succeed if he was forced to compete with other reporters by shouting out questions at news conferences.
並且 再也 出不去 的 恐怖 故事. 你 的 氣息 起來 就 象 處 女
Your breath smells like virgin.
停住 起来 惬意 极了
Stop it!
Each year crashes involving private and commercial planes take many lives.
然后 在 比賽 一周 前 華爾街 日報 就 在 第 頭版發布 了 一條 關 于 我的 新 有 一張 照片 還有 其他 的 一切
So the Wall Street Journal did a front page piece on me... a week before the tournament with a picture and everything
The stew smells delicious.
It is a crisis that has been largely ignored by the political establishment.
他現 在 挂靠 更 晚間 新 節目... 比比 誰 美國 歷史 。
He's now anchored more nightly news broadcasts... than anyone else in U.S. history.
到 了 烟味 。
I smell smoke.
According to the New York Daily News, the renovated station would get "a bright, new airy look" as well as one of the system's first installations of continuously welded rail.
当 一个 无家可归 的 人 走 了 进来 , 他 到 了 死亡 。
When a homeless person came in and he smelled of death.
He was married to sharpshooter Annie Oakley, and while his birth date is listed on his and Oakley's U.S. passport application as February 25, 1852, the obituary for Butler posted by the Associated Press in 1926 has his age as 76, which would mean he was born in 1850.
兩種說法都有道理,因為就在九月十七號,官營的新加坡海峽時報就刊出了一則由政治新編輯Paul Jacob所寫的評論,替官方先設下了立場。
Both may be true as, on September 17, the government-owned Singapore Straits Times rolled out an Op-Ed piece by its deputy political editor, Paul Jacob, laying a precursor to an official stance.
(a) 不要用深呼吸方法和嗅方式来判断所涉物质的性质;
(a) Do not take deep breaths to determine what the substance smells like;
Aven appears in the Hebrew Masoretic text at Ezekiel 30:17 and is so rendered in the King James Version.
這些 醜 起碼...
All this scandal.
以《女神异录3》为基础开发了一款独立的网络游戏《Persona 3: The Night Before》,它遵循与《女神异录3》类似的白天过着普通生活而夜间与Shadows战斗的生活,每晚选择一名玩家作为团队的队长。
Persona 3 received a Japan-exclusive spin-off online game titled Persona 3: The Night Before; it follows a similar cycle of daytime activities and night time combat as the original game, with one player being chosen as the party leader each night.
您也可以將實體訂閱刊物的數位版加入 Google Play 或 Google 新及書報攤應用程式。
You can also add digital versions of your print subscriptions to Google Play or the Google News and Newsstand apps.
自傳出版人朱迪思·雷根(Judith Regan),亦擔任配套電視特別新:《珍娜·詹姆森的自白》(Jenna Jameson's Confessions)的執行製片人,於2004年8月16日在VH1頻道播出,恰好於詹姆森自傳上架前一天。
The autobiography publisher, Judith Regan, also served as executive producer of a tie-in television news special, Jenna Jameson's Confessions, airing on VH1 on August 16, 2004, one day before the book's launch.
On 20 January 2003, the Malaysiakini office was raided by police, who confiscated the website's servers and 15 newsroom computers, an estimated RM150,000 ($40,000 USD) in equipment.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.