What does 格局 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 格局 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 格局 in Chinese.
The word 格局 in Chinese means pattern, structure, layout. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 格局
patternnoun 适足道路和电力的欠缺容易进一步加大农村经济与城市经济的差距,导致发展格局失衡。 The absence of adequate roads and electricity tend to isolate even further rural from urban economies generating an uneven pattern of development. |
structurenoun 今天的格局比以往任何时候都更加多样化,按不同情况设计了特派团的多种结构和职能。 The landscape today is more diverse than ever before, with a wide array of mission structures and functions deployed in different contexts. |
layoutnoun 这种街区,街道和公共空间里的各种设施的格局 that the layout of the blocks, the streets and blocks, the putting in of public space, |
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不过,从整个信贷格局来看,依然是男人在投资决策方面起主导作用。 A review of credit patterns still indicate the dominant role of men in taking investment decisions, however. |
为了应对全球发展格局的迅速变化和对现有官方发展援助概念的批评,经合组织发援会正在审查外部发展资金的衡量和监测工作,包括建立一个比官方发展援助更广泛的“官方发展支助”概念。 In response to the rapid changes in the global development landscape and criticism of the existing ODA concept, the OECD DAC is undertaking a review of the measurement and monitoring of external development finance, including constructing a concept of “official support for development” that would be broader than ODA. |
国家之间作贸易主要取决于它们的生产格局,收入以及是否属于某个经济集团,它们之间的距离也有一定的影响。 Countries mainly trade with one another depending on their patterns of production, income and whether they belong to economic blocs, with the distance between them also having some bearing. |
决定用题为“药物滥用的程度、格局和趋势”的经修订的年度报告调查表第二部分 取代现行调查表第二部分; entitled “Extent, patterns and trends of drug abuse”; |
因此,在设计过境协定和过境走廊时,有必要考虑到此种格局。 It is, therefore, necessary to take such patterns into consideration when designing transit agreements and corridors |
国际安全必须是所有人都享有安全,并在合作与和谐基础上建立起全球安全格局。 International security must be truly that, security for all, underpinned by a global architecture founded on cooperation and concord |
当前的全球贸易格局不够平衡,其特征与其说是它为巴布亚新几内亚这样的发展中国家提供了机遇,不如说是已经掌握着明确优势的国家在进行着不公平的贸易做法。 Global trade today is uneven and characterized more by unfair trade practices by those already holding decided advantages than by the opportunities it offers to developing countries like Papua New Guinea. |
外国直接投资流入格局在不断变化,体现了主要的跨国公司对发展中国家进一步自由化和放宽管制的政策动态以及这些国家工商机会日益增加所作出的反应。 Patterns of inward FDI are changing, reflecting responses key transnational corporations (TNCs) to policy developments in the direction of more liberalization and deregulation in developing countries and growing business opportunities in those countries |
选举结果出来后的政治格局是,没有一个政党接近取得多数席位,因此一个包含议会中所有政党的“集中政府”成为唯一现实的选择。 The political constellation after the election results was such that no party came close to securing a majority and so a “concentration government”, including all parties in the Assembly, emerged as the only realistic option. |
赞赏地注意到自从经社会第58/1号决议于2002年5月22日通过以来,已根据该决议第1段规定的格局确立了新的会议结构; Notes with appreciation that, since the adoption of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific resolution 58/1 on 22 May 2002, a new conference structure has been established in accordance with the pattern set out in paragraph 1 of that resolution; |
小岛屿发展中国家由于极端天气格局和沿海地区遭受侵蚀而面临危险,这些国家赞成开展区域协调并对沿海地区和流域实行综合管理。 Small island developing States, which are threatened by extreme weather patterns and coastal erosion, favour regional coordination and integrated management strategies for coastal areas and watersheds |
但是,方案产生了这一种强烈意识:提供住所和城市化是非洲发展格局中的关键因素。 However, it has created the strong awareness that shelter provision and urbanization are key ingredients of the development matrix in Africa |
然而,摊款与自愿捐款之间日益失衡将造成管理危机:立法机构批准了各项任务和优先事项,但自愿捐款被用来背离这些任务和优先事项的原有格局。 However, the growing imbalance between assessed and voluntary contributions was creating a crisis of governance: legislative bodies approved mandates and priorities, but voluntary contributions were being used to provoke a departure from the original pattern of those mandates and priorities. |
然而,美利坚合众国代表团无法支持该决议草案,因为该草案被政治化,要求对基本的言论自由施加不可接受的限制,并且仍然格局狭隘,与承认和打击其他历史悲剧(例如卢旺达种族灭绝、柬埔寨的波尔布特凶残政权或目前席卷阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的杀戮)的残余几乎毫无关系。 Nevertheless, her delegation could not support the draft resolution because it was politicized, called for unacceptable limits on the fundamental freedom of expression, and continued to have a narrow scope, doing little to recognize and combat the remnants of other historical tragedies such as the Rwandan genocide, Pol Pot’s murderous regime in Cambodia or the slaughter currently ravaging the Syrian Arab Republic. |
人类发展报告处处长在答复时表示,鉴于过去25年中发生的全球变化和新出现的发展格局,必须重新审视人类发展的概念和衡量方法,以使该报告能继续为不断变化的发展辩论和对话作出贡献、反映新的现实和为评估发展成果提供工具。 In response, the Director, Human Development Report Office, indicated that in light of the global changes of the previous 25 years and a new development landscape, it was important to revisit both the notion and measurements of human development so that the report could continue to contribute to the evolving development debate and dialogue, reflect new realities, and provide tools to assess development outcomes. |
经常性出版物:《国际贸易中的发展中国家》,其中包括贸易和发展基准参数(2);普遍优惠制(普惠制)手册和市场准入研究(6);《世界矿物贸易统计手册》(2);《竞争立法手册》(2);《国际经济关系的新型地理格局》,其中特别提到贸易和南南合作(1);系列A:国际贸易的体系问题和市场准入:保证国际贸易体系和贸易谈判系列带来发展收益(2);系列B:关于竞争法和竞争政策的分析研究(6);系列C:商品发展和贸易:分析研究(9);系列D:关于贸易、环境与发展的分析研究(12);系列E:贸易政策(14);贸易、贫穷与有关交叉发展问题系列(2);《贸易、环境与发展审查》(2);《世界商品概览》(1); Recurrent publications: developing countries in international trade, including trade and development benchmarks (2); Generalized System of Preferences handbooks and market access studies (6); Handbook of World Mineral Trade Statistics (2); Handbook on Competition Legislation (2); new geography of international economic relations, with special reference to South-South cooperation (2); series A: systemic issues and market access in international trade: ensuring development gains from the international trading system and trade negotiations (2); series B: analytical studies on competition law and policy (6); series C: commodity development and trade: analytical studies (9); series D: analytical studies on trade, environment and development (12); series E: trade policy (14); series on trade, poverty and related cross-cutting development issues (2); Trade, Environment and Development Review (2); World Commodity Survey (1); |
我们邀请国际劳工组织向7月举行的经济及社会理事会实质性会议介绍国际劳工大会第九十八届会议通过的“全球就业契约”,该契约的目的是利用体面工作议程,促进密集就业型的经济恢复,形成可持续增长的格局。 We invite the International Labour Organization to present the “Global Jobs Pact”, adopted at the ninety-eighth session of the International Labour Conference, to the substantive session of the Economic and Social Council in July 2009, which intends to promote a job-intensive recovery from the crisis, drawing on the decent work agenda, and to shape a pattern for sustainable growth. |
在过去几十年中,世界经济格局发生了重大变化,发展中国家在全球产出中所占份额稳步增加。 Over the past few decades, the landscape of the world economy has undergone significant changes, with the share of developing countries in global output increasing steadily. |
本报告对非法药物消费的格局与趋势进行了一次审查,是为2000年而编写,其中包括对各类药物消费格局的描述分析,对与毒品有关的病毒感染问题的审议,以及对全球监测非法药物滥用能力发展状况的讨论。 The present report is a review of patterns and trends in illicit drug consumption compiled for the year 2000. |
在军事格局、尤其是武装反对派团体间的军事格局日趋复杂的情况下,仍然必须有一个专职顾问; The need for a dedicated adviser remains important within an increasingly complex military landscape, in particular among armed opposition groups; |
现行的各种机构和施政结构在国家、省市和地方各级呈纵向分割格局,而在地方各机构和部门之间则横向分割格局。 At present, institutions and governance structures are divided both vertically—among the national, subnational and local levels—and horizontally—among agencies and departments at the local level. |
而且,恰恰是在这些国家,正在发生着形成世界人口格局的人口增长动态变迁。 Yet, it is in those same nations that most of the demographic growth dynamics shaping the world population are taking place. |
海湾分区域的国家政策和地方企业的国际运作需要在确定本区域的全球化格局方面发挥关键性作用。 National policies and the international operations of local enterprises in the Gulf subregion need to play a key role in determining the pattern of globalization in this region. |
在从冷战后的和平红利中大大受益之后,裁谈会现在面对新的战略格局,其范围还远远没有得到足够的了解。 After benefiting considerably from the peace dividends following the cold war, the Conference must now face up to the new strategic constellations, the scope of which is still greatly underestimated. |
又重申国际一级的善治是实现可持续发展的根本条件,为了确保有一个充满活力和有利的国际经济环境,必须解决影响发展中国家发展前景的国际金融、贸易、技术和投资的格局问题,促进全球经济治理,为此,国际社会应当采取一切必要和适当的措施,包括确保支持结构性和宏观经济的改革、全面解决外债问题并加强发展中国家的市场准入 Reaffirms also that good governance at the international level is fundamental for achieving sustainable development, that, in order to ensure a dynamic and enabling international economic environment, it is important to promote global economic governance through addressing the international finance, trade, technology and investment patterns that have an impact on the development prospects of developing countries and that to this end the international community should take all necessary and appropriate measures, including ensuring support for structural and macroeconomic reform, a comprehensive solution to the external debt problem and increasing the market access of developing countries |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.