What does 更年期 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 更年期 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 更年期 in Chinese.

The word 更年期 in Chinese means menopause, climacteric, change of life. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 更年期


noun (The ending of menstruation)

我 在 更年期 的 時候 有 整整 四年 他 靠 著 一本 雜誌 哄 我 開心
He fanned me with a magazine for four years when I was going through menopause.



Three months for women having reached the climacteric

change of life


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What are some things that all of us should know about a woman’s “changing years”?
In societies in which emphasis is placed on youthfulness and youthful appearance, the onset of menopausal symptoms may herald a misconception: an abrupt end of youth and the beginning of old age.
That said, “it’s highly unlikely that any one woman will get hit with everything,” says The Menopause Book.
“I keep my mind active.
One 51- year- old mother going through menopause said: “I honestly believe that it’s your general outlook on life that will guide how you go through menopause. . . .
因此,尤其需要制定预防老年病(心血管病、糖尿病、骨质疏松症......)的计划。 在生殖健康方面,有关如何照顾更年期妇女的问题被列入了对医生和助产士的继续培训中。
The care of older persons has therefore been included among Algeria's health and population objectives; in particular, prevention programmes for age-related ailments (cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis) will be developed
I decided that this [menopause] is not a disease.
In this regard, the Women’s Institute, which is part of the National Commission on Assisted Reproduction established by Royal Decree No. 415/97 of 25 March 1997 of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, participates in discussions and the drafting of legislation, stressing the need to consider the consequences, at all levels, of infertility treatments and supporting programmes that improve and enhance the prevention of gynaecological and breast cancer and the treatment of menopause and osteoporosis, always emphasizing women’s need for psychological support.
In Japan too where elderly women are highly respected, hormone treatment for menopause is virtually unknown.
With reference to the India country programme outline (DP/FPA/CPO/IND/6), delegations made the following main points: UNFPA should take a leadership role at the national level in coordinating United Nations support for India’s family welfare programme; the Fund should clarify how its programme fits in with the plans of other United Nations agencies; concerning HIV/AIDS, it would be better to target scarce resources on high-risk groups, including adolescents, rather than on the two relatively low-risk groups mentioned in the programme outline, namely, pregnant women and post-menopausal women.
Menopause in women results in a reduction of estrogens that protect bone mass.
Referring to a recent media report where the Governor of Tokyo had been quoted as saying that it was both wasteful and sinful for women to continue living beyond menopause, she requested verification of that report and added that if the report was indeed accurate, action by non-governmental organizations and official apologies were not enough; the authorities must take serious measures to eliminate such sexist attitudes among public officials
Following the removal of the uterus, symptoms typically occur earlier, at an average of 45 years of age.
During the “changing years” the opposite happens.
Exercise can also be a big help in reducing menopausal symptoms.
20 年 后 我 才 更年期
I'm not gonna go through menopause for like 20 years.
According to Gail Sheehy, these women usually “experience great relief when they reach the postmenopausal period” and hormone levels stabilize.
She goes on to say: “You may . . . be eating more now out of sheer nervousness.
Were the women suffering from depression, and had the depression been linked with menopause in any of the cases?
The time of menopause often coincides with other stressful circumstances in a woman’s life, such as caring for aged parents, entering the work force, seeing children grow up and leave home, and other mid- life adjustments.
· 3本小册子,分别关于:经期、更年期、子宫切除(1995年,马耳他文版)
These are available free of charge to the general public.
Similarly, The Silent Passage —Menopause says: “Indian women of the Rajput caste do not complain of depression or psychological symptoms” during menopause.
The SPS began operating in # with # affiliated families, and by June # the number had risen to # f these families # or # per cent are headed by women
Does menopause alter a woman’s personality?
At the same time, the fears associated with menopause should not be lightly dismissed.

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.