What does 关税当量 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 关税当量 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 关税当量 in Chinese.
The word 关税当量 in Chinese means tariff equivalent. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 关税当量
tariff equivalent
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2001年,海湾合作委员会国家商定自2003年1月1日起确立5%的统一关税。 In 2001, GCC countries agreed to establish a unified customs tariff of five per cent as of 1 January 2003. |
流入南非的货币(现金)如果是通过合法边防站携入,由关税和消费税局管制。 Money (in cash) that enters South Africa is controlled by Customs and Excise, if this occurs through a legal border post. |
为使全球化对可持续发展产生作用,欧洲经委会区域决心消除扭曲贸易的做法,提供无关税和无配额的市场准入,鼓励在最不发达国家进行投资,以此把最贫穷国家纳入全球经济。 To make globalization work for sustainable development, the ECE region is determined to integrate the poorest countries into the global economy by removing trade distortions, giving duty-free and quota-free market access and encouraging investments in the least developed countries |
《突尼斯与埃及关于为防止、调查和阻遏关税罪犯相互进行行政协调的协定》(1999年3月6日,突尼斯); Agreement between Tunisia and Egypt on mutual administrative coordination for the prevention, investigation and deterrence of customs offences (Tunis, 6 March 1999); |
去年,世界银行估计印度和巴基斯坦年贸易额可以从今天的10亿美元增加到100亿美元——如果关税和其他壁垒降低到世界贸易组织所建议的水平的话。 Last year, the World Bank estimated that annual trade between India and Pakistan could jump from $1 billion today to $10 billion – if tariffs and other barriers were slashed to levels recommended by the World Trade Organization. |
a 不包括免关税产品。 a Excluding duty-free supplies |
他要求扩大美国制造业规模、建立高关税、全球供应链回流。 He has called for increasing the size of the American manufacturing sector, setting high tariffs, and repatriating global supply chains. |
如果不是这样,那么我们将日益看到欧盟不过是一个贴着金字招牌的关税同盟而已,虽然其政治上雄心勃勃,但结果是头重脚轻,没有根基。 If not, then many of us will find it increasingly difficult to see Europe as anything more than a glorified customs union with political ambitions that are far too big for its boots. |
在(b)中,将“合计的锂当量含量不超过8克”,改为“瓦特――小时的额定值不超过100Wh。 In (b), replace "aggregate lithium-equivalent content is not more than 8 g;" with "Watt-hour rating is not more than 100 Wh. |
委员会在上一份报告2 第39段中报告,两个税务当局要求近东救济工程处缴纳直接税和关税。 In paragraph 39 of its previous report,2 the Board reported that two tax authorities had subjected UNRWA to direct taxes and customs duties. |
今天,我要扩大上述挑战,作出以下承诺:美国准备与其他国家一起取消一切关税、补贴及阻碍商品和服务自由流通的其他各种障碍。 Today, I am broadening the challenge by making this pledge: the United States is ready to eliminate all tariffs, subsidies and other barriers to the free flow of goods and services as other nations do the same. |
保加利亚同样认为,在给予财政援助的同时,可能还需要制订推动贸易等非财政措施的辅助,其中包括给予特别贸易优惠,调整关税,制订配额,签订特别商品采购协定和寻求新市场(第44段),以及放宽受影响的第三国的物资进入工业发达国家市场的机遇。 Bulgaria shares the view that financial assistance may need to be supplemented by non-financial measures of trade promotion, including the granting of special trade preferences, adjustment of tariffs, allocation of quotas, special commodity purchase agreements and finding new markets (para.44), as well as easing the access of goods from the affected third States to the markets of the industrially developed countries. |
此外,在刚果民主共和国边检站设置了所谓的“一站式柜台”,方便银行人员收缴关税和税款,目的是中央集中管理税收工作,减少欺诈,方便跨界流动。 In addition, so-called “one-stop counters” are being established at border posts for payment of duties and taxes to bank personnel with the aim of centralizing tax payments, reducing fraud and easing cross-border movement. |
环境产品最终可能被列入进一步降低关税的部门。 Environmental goods may eventually be included among sectors identified for further tariff liberalization |
(二) 发布必要规章并视需要采取其他措施; (三) 确立阿拉伯国和犹太国以及耶路撒冷城的边界; (四) 在每个国家各组建一个由委员会总体指导的临时政务会; (五) 指示临时政务会设立行政机关; (六) 对武装民兵实施总体政治和军事控制; (七) 起草一份关于经济联盟和过境的承诺(处理关税同盟、共同货币、交通和电信营运等事项); (八) 逐步将全部职责移交给临时政务会。 After the First World War, Palestine was placed under the administration (not sovereignty) of the United Kingdom pursuant to a mandate conferred on it by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922 and article 22 of the Covenant of the League. |
宣言》还载有减少或取消抗疟疾药物、驱虫蚊帐和其他必要的抗疟商品进口税和关税的一项承诺。 The Declaration also contained a commitment to reducing or waiving taxes and tariffs on imported antimalarial medicines, insecticide-treated bednets and other essential malaria commodities. |
(c) 第三类项目活动,即所谓其他项目活动,应限定为每年所形成排减量低于或等于60千吨CO2当量(ktCO2e)的其他项目活动。 (c) Type III project activities, otherwise known as other project activities, shall be limited to those that result in emission reduction of less than or equal to 60 kt CO2 equivalent (ktCO2e) annually. |
但是布什没有答应,因为关税是国会决定的,而这大大削弱了两国签订的生物燃料合作协议的重要性。 Bush said no, since the tariff is congressionally mandated, and thus greatly diluted the importance of the bio-fuel cooperation agreement the two governments signed. |
我们敦促发达国家在向最不发达国家提供官方发展援助方面达到既定目标,向最不发达国家的产品提供免关税、免配额畅通无阻的市场准入,并扩大债务减免范围以惠及所有最不发达国家。 We urge the developed countries to meet the targeted official development assistance to the LDCs, give products of the LDCs duty-free, quota-free and unhindered market access and extend debt relief measures to cover all LDCs |
主要是发达国家之间在实行双边执法协定、多边法律援助条约(限于对卡特尔的刑事诉讼)、自由贸易、关税同盟或共同市场协定和有关的经合组织文书时遇到困难。 It takes place primarily between developed countries in the application of bilateral enforcement agreements, mutual legal assistance treaties (limited to criminal action against cartels), free trade, customs union or common market agreements, and the relevant OECD instruments |
(a) “排减量单位”或“ERU”是指按照第-/CMP.1号决定(配量的核算模式)附件的有关规定发放的单位,等于一公吨二氧化碳当量,该当量使用第2/CP.3号决定所确定或随后根据第五条修订的全球升温潜能值计算; (a) An “emission reduction unit” or “ERU” is a unit issued pursuant to the relevant provisions in the annex to decision -/CMP.1 (Modalities for the accounting of assigned amounts) and is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, calculated using global warming potentials defined by decision 2/CP.3 or as subsequently revised in accordance with Article 5; |
在他的讲话中,约翰奥斯丁提出了大会需要讨论的四个主要问题:“德克萨斯敌人”歪曲事实,即居民渴望德克萨斯州从墨西哥独立出来;美国移民限制的申诉;省内某些地区批土地给居民的方法;以及降低进口货物的关税。 In his remarks, John Austin laid out four key points that the convention needed to address: the "misrepresentations" made by "enemies of Texas" that the settlers desired independence from Mexico, an appeal of the restrictions on immigration from the United States, a method to grant land titles to residents in certain areas of the province, and reduction of tariffs on many imported items. |
(a) 表明了附件一缔约方在第一个承诺期所要实现的附件A中所列温室气体的人为二氧化碳当量排放削减规模。 (a) Indicates the scale of reductions in CO2 eq emissions of the greenhouse gases listed in Annex A to be achieved by Annex I Parties in the first commitment period. |
可以通过降低非洲境内对这些蚊帐的高额征税和关税来降低费用。 Those costs could be lowered by a reduction in the high tariffs and taxes levied on them within Africa |
根据印度、巴西和南非三方机制第三届部长级会议( # 年 # 月,南非开普敦)的精神,南美洲共同市场和南部非洲关税同盟之间以及南美洲共同市场和印度之间均已缔结优惠贸易协定。 By the third IBSA Ministerial Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa, March # ), preferential trade agreements had been concluded between Mercosur and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and between Mercosur and India |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.