What does 记载 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 记载 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 记载 in Chinese.
The word 记载 in Chinese means record, mention, entry. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 记载
recordnoun 不过,正如约翰在异象里获得启示(记载在启示录第7章),还有其他的工作接踵而来。 But there was more to follow, as revealed to John in his vision recorded in Revelation chapter 7. |
mentionverb 马太福音记载,有一个犹太会堂的主管求耶稣医治他的女儿,因为他女儿快要死了。 In that instance, flutes were the only instruments mentioned. |
entrynoun 庭上, 这 笔记本 包含 了 命案 发生 前 的 记载 事项 Your Honor, this notebook contains entries made just before the murders. |
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强调导致产前胎儿性别选择和杀害女婴的重男轻女现象,是一种没有充分记载的歧视女童的形式,对整个社会有重大影响,体现为女婴死亡率高和男女两性比例扭曲,并关切地注意到这种做法的不良社会影响包括贩卖人口,并强调这些有害做法中的一些做法与贫穷和欠发达有关,在农村地区尤为如此 Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopment |
12 我们从福音书的这两个记载得到宝贵的教益,得以深入了解“基督的思想”。 12 These two Gospel accounts give us precious insight into “the mind of Christ.” |
一、除非已在交货前或交货时,或在灭失或损坏不明显的情况下,在交货后交货地的七个工作日内向承运人或向实际交付货物的履约方提交了表明此种灭失或损坏一般性质的货物灭失或损坏通知,否则,在无相反证据的情况下,推定承运人已按照合同事项中有关货物的记载交付了货物。 The carrier is presumed, in absence of proof to the contrary, to have delivered the goods according to their description in the contract particulars unless notice of loss of or damage to the goods, indicating the general nature of such loss or damage, was given to the carrier or the performing party that delivered the goods before or at the time of the delivery, or, if the loss or damage is not apparent, within seven working days at the place of delivery after the delivery of the goods |
圣经记载说:“耶稣又对他们说:‘愿你们享有和平。 The account says: “Jesus, therefore, said to them again: ‘May you have peace. |
对于父亲在家庭以外的工作时间的变化没有记载。 Nothing was registered about changes in the fathers’ work input outside the home. |
根据《无色金属行业年鉴》记载,中国2004年的汞产量为1,140吨,是继1990年来的最高水平。 According to the Non-Ferrous Industry Yearbook, China’s mercury mine production was 1140 tons in 2004, the highest since 1990. |
它的记载和描述不但反映出所发生的历史事件,同时也反映出当时的地理环境。 Its narratives and descriptions reflect their geographical environment as well as the historical events that took place. |
由负责暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代表提出的秘书长2006年关于暴力侵害儿童问题的报告的详尽地记载了各种形式的暴力(例如人口贩运、性剥削、强迫劳动、债役工、奴役、强迫征召和有害劳作方式)以及暴力发生的背景,这种暴力及暴力背景也同样侵害土著儿童。 The various forms of violence (for example, human trafficking, sexual abuse, forced labour, bonded labour, slavery, forced recruitment and harmful practices) and the settings in which they take place, as fully documented in the Secretary-General’s 2006 report on violence against children and pursued by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children, apply equally to indigenous children. |
此外,福音书记载有些人把耶稣称为“马利亚的儿子”,而不是约瑟的儿子。( Thereafter, Jesus’ mother and her other children appear but not Joseph. |
士3:12-30)许多世纪以后,列王纪下3:4,5记载,“亚哈一死”,摩押王米沙就起来反抗以色列国。 (Jg 3:12-30) Mesha, king of Moab, revolted against Israelite domination many centuries later, “as soon as Ahab died,” according to the Bible account at 2 Kings 3:4, 5. |
路加的记载接着指出,马利亚随即起程前往犹太山区,探视身怀六甲的亲戚伊利莎白。 Luke’s account goes on to relate that Mary thereupon traveled to Judah to visit her pregnant relative Elizabeth. |
启示录20:12,13)使徒约翰在启示录21章所记载的另一个异象,虽然也会在耶稣基督的千年统治期间应验,但完全应验的时间,是在这个共长一千年的审判日完结之后。 (Revelation 20:12, 13) The apostle John records another vision, found in Revelation chapter 21, which will be fulfilled during the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus. |
乙)我们从使徒行传4:18-20和5:29的记载学到什么? (b) What do we learn from the words of Acts 4:18-20 and Acts 5:29? |
我们以前给你的信清楚地记载了以色列自最近这次停火宣布以来的这几周内正在进行的战争罪行、国家恐怖主义和其他暴力行为的细节。 This has been clearly documented in our previous letters to you detailing the ongoing Israeli war crimes, State terrorism and other violations in the weeks since the declaration of this most recent ceasefire |
我今年44岁,但每当我阅读这些记载时,我仍感到兴奋不已。 I am 44, and I am thrilled when I read these accounts. |
我们兄弟姐妹几人每当沉思《年鉴》这部分的记载,就会想起我们亲爱的爸爸。 As my sister, my brother, and I pondered that Yearbook account, our minds turned to our dear father. |
许多人声称,圣经中关于创造过程的记载不符合科学事实。 MANY people claim that science disproves the Bible’s account of creation. |
圣经记载说:“米利暗和亚伦因为摩西娶了古实女人做妻子,就诋毁他。 The Bible record reads: “Now Miriam and Aaron began to speak against Moses on account of the Cushite wife whom he had taken . . . |
鉴于《宪章》对此点没有记载,所以工作文件为此分析了这两个主要机关之间的关系,并就这样的一种关系作出精确的定义。 Since the Charter was silent on the matter, the working paper aimed at analysing the relationship between these two principal organs and offering a precise definition of such a relationship. |
因此,一个学者说:“看了关于保罗在雅典的记载之后,我觉得那写的就是保罗的亲身经历。” For good reason, one scholar concluded: “The account of Paul’s visit in Athens seems to me to have the flavor of an eye-witness account.” |
马太福音4:4,7,10,《和合本》;路加福音19:46)耶稣谈及人的婚姻状况时,他的论据并不是来自希腊哲学的臆测,而是来自圣经的创造记载。( (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10; Luke 19:46) Indeed, when Jesus spoke about man’s marital situation, he drew, not upon Greek philosophical conjecture, but upon the Genesis account of creation. |
不过,任用过程在特别服务协定的文档中并没有足够的记载,足以使审计委员会能核证决定委派的最佳人选是否通过了竞争性、客观和透明的过程。 However, the appointment process was not documented sufficiently in the special service agreement file for the Board to be able to verify whether a competitive, objective and transparent appointment process had been undertaken in deciding on the most suitable candidate for the appointment. |
鉴于上帝对手下的子民定有明确的旨意,以色列的历史记载精确具体,自是意料中事。 In reality we should not expect it to be otherwise, in view of God’s purpose toward his people. |
他鼓励听众仔细阅读圣经,拨出时间想象其中记载的内容,把读到的资料跟已知的事连系起来,找出新旧知识之间的关系。 Listeners were encouraged to read the Bible carefully, taking the time to visualize Scriptural accounts and to associate new points with things already learned. |
非洲集团提议,委员会就下列建议达成一致意见:(一) 在国家一级,提高对传统知识作用和价值的意识;促进关于传统知识的研究;酌情使传统知识商业化;并协调记载传统知识的努力;(二) 在国际一级,促进从事传统知识方面工作的各国际组织之间的协调;鼓励利益分享;探讨保护传统知识的国际特有社区权利制度的最低标准;促进经验交流;以及对发展中国家和最不发达国家在传统知识方面的能力建设作出贡献。 The African Group proposed that the Commission reach agreement on the following recommendations: (i) at the national level, to raise awareness of the role and value of TK; and to promote research on TK; to promote, where appropriate, the commercialization of TK; and to coordinate efforts to document TK; (ii) at the international level, to promote cooperation between international organizations working on TK; to encourage benefit sharing; to explore minimum standards for an international sui generis system of community rights for the protection of TK; to promote the sharing of experiences; and to contribute to capacity building in developing countries and LDCs in the area of TK. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.