What does 集中火力 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 集中火力 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 集中火力 in Chinese.
The word 集中火力 in Chinese means concentrated fire. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 集中火力
concentrated firenoun |
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尽管有本附件第 # 条的规定,若科索沃非多数族裔在至少有 # 名居民的集中住区的总人口中占至少 # %,则科索沃应与该族裔协商,以期另设新市。 otwithstanding the provisions of Article # of this Annex, Kosovo shall engage in consultations with a non-majority Community where that Community makes up at least # % of the population of a concentrated settlement with a minimum total population of # inhabitants, with a view to establishing other new municipalities |
半年审查会议将有以下目的:(a) 审查在实现《框架》目标和承诺方面取得的进展以及建设和平委员会在几内亚比绍的参与的整体情况;(b) 使国际社会集中关注需要采取进一步行动的建设和平差距;(c) 评估几内亚比绍政府、建设和平委员会以及其他相关的利益攸关者是否履行了根据本框架所作的各项承诺;(d) 总结经验教训和确定最佳做法;以及(e) 酌情更新本《框架》和确认正在出现的对于建设和平而言至关重要的问题。 The semi-annual review meetings will have the following objectives: (a) to review progress in achieving the objectives and commitments of the Framework and the overall engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission with Guinea-Bissau; (b) to focus the attention of the international community on key peacebuilding gaps requiring additional action; (c) to assess whether the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Peacebuilding Commission and all other relevant stakeholders are honouring their commitments under the present Framework; (d) to draw lessons and establish good practices; and (e) to update the present Framework and identify emerging issues that are critical for peacebuilding, as appropriate |
最后阶段应该是集中谈判,以达成议定结果,主席指出,第十四届缔约方会议将提供机会评估所取得的进展,为下一步工作准备要点。 The Chair noted that # would provide an opportunity for assessing the progress achieved and preparing elements for further work |
因此,政党领导人决定于 # 月 # 日在希罗基布里耶格开会,集中讨论警务改革,把关于宪政改革程序或范围的讨论推迟到《稳定与结盟协定》签署之后。 The party leaders therefore decided at a meeting in Siroki Brijeg on # ebruary to concentrate on police reform and to postpone any discussions on the process or scope of constitutional reform until after the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement |
世界需要把注意力集中于使农业生产让非洲妇女更容易承担。 The world needs to focus on making agricultural production easier for women in Africa |
我们必须改善非支助性和没有效率的政府机构和机构框架;加强地方管理结构的合法性;解决管辖权冲突以及政府条块分割的问题;加强农村与城市的联系;解决经济权力集中的问题;使地方政府获得更多的资源;加强对资源的管理;建立对可持续性的承诺和领导;更有效地传播全球可持续性的必要性;更重要的是,要解决我们的生产、销售和消费方式中固有的造成不可持续的根本原因。 They must ameliorate non-supportive and inefficient government structures and institutional frameworks; enhance the legitimacy of local governance structures; resolve jurisdictional conflicts and the compartmentalization of government; reinforce rural-urban linkages; address the concentration of economic power; increase local government access to resources; improve the management of resources; build commitment and leadership for sustainability; communicate more effectively the necessity of global sustainability; and, most importantly, deal with the underlying causes of unsustainability inherent in the way we produce, market and consume. |
普遍批准六项主要的人权条约必须继续成为首要任务,但是也应该集中精力执行和发展令人印象深刻的整套人权法律文书。 Universal ratification of all six core human rights treaties had to remain a priority, but the focus should also be on implementation and development of the impressive set of legal instruments in the realm of human rights |
在长达20多年的内战取得谈判解决后,苏丹南部人民现在能够集中精力实现复原和发展。 With a negotiated settlement to the more than 20 years of civil war, the people of southern Sudan are now able to focus on recovery and development. |
在私营部门,妇女在服务部门的经营活动越来越扩大,但主要是集中在纺织和农产品工业,这些领域内的劳动条件较差、报酬偏低。 In the private sector, while women are coming to occupy an increasingly prominent place in service firms, they are still concentrated mainly in the textile and agri-food industries, which are characterized by relatively unfavourable working conditions and low pay. |
带家属的工作地点区域服务中心集中了业务职能,也在休息和娱乐周期上提高了生产力。 The centralization of transactional functions in the Regional Service Centre as a family duty station also affords an increase in productivity associated with the rest and recreation cycles. |
有一个国家代表团提到需要一种国际的民主和均等秩序,并需要集中注意能形成这一秩序的条件。 One delegation referred to the need for an international democratic and equitable order and the need to focus on conditions to make this possible. |
但是,这些资本流入集中在约 # 个大的中等收入国家。 However, they remain concentrated in some # large middle-income countries |
其犯罪活动集中包括劫持西方侨民为人质,要求支付赎金以资助其恐怖活动。 Their criminal activities are focused primarily on taking Western nationals as hostages and demanding ransom payments to finance their terrorist activities. |
社区复兴和复原活动集中在恢复基本社会服务和提供可持续生计机会,目的是加强社区提供基本社会服务的能力,增强地方自我组织和参与的能力,减少人们对人道主义援助的依赖。 Community revival and restoration focus on the rehabilitation of basic social services and the provision of sustainable livelihood opportunities, with the objective to of increaseing community capacity for the delivery of basic social services, increaseing local capacity for self- organization and participation and reduceing the dependence of the population on humanitarian assistance |
免疫方案,包括集中购买疫苗和其他为儿童接种的白喉、破伤风、百日咳、小儿麻痹症、麻疹、肺结核和流行性腮腺炎的免疫生物制剂; An immunization programme, including centralized procurement of vaccines and other immunobiological drugs for the vaccination of children in the Republic against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, measles, tuberculosis, and mumps; |
为此目的,人居署正在东非同 # 个基层妇女组织协同执行赋予妇女权力的方案。 这一方案集中注意于住房的开发及土地权和于 # 年 # 月 # 日至 # 月 # 日在西班牙在巴塞罗那举办的世界文化论坛上宣传和销售东非的工艺品。 To this end, UN-Habitat is working with # grass-roots women's organizations in East Africa to implement the women's empowerment programme, which focuses on housing development, land rights and the promotion and sale of East African handicrafts at the Universal Forum of Cultures, held in Barcelona, Spain, from # ay to # eptember |
又鼓励各条约机构通过简短、集中和具体的结论性意见,为此,进一步鼓励它们制定编写这样的结论性意见的共同准则,同时铭记各委员会的特殊性及其具体任务规定,以及缔约国的意见; Also encourages the treaty bodies to adopt short, focused and concrete concluding observations, and, to this end, further encourages them to develop common guidelines for the elaboration of such concluding observations, bearing in mind the specificity of the respective committees and their specific mandates as well as the views of States parties; |
有关内容可包括: 监测、分析并评估世贸组织谈判的成果;以及评估谈判走向,以使各成员能心中有数地处理相关问题; 推进亚太经济一体化,将其作为多边贸易体制和全球经济的一大构件; 加强投资促进和企业发展方面的区域合作,包括就基础设施建设和提倡企业的社会责任方面建立公私营伙伴关系; 促进贸易与运输便利化; 支持区域内和区域间多式联运基础设施的建设与升级改造;随后将各种运输方式整合为一套多式联运网; 增强政府、私营部门和民间社团的能力并筹措其资源,设计并贯彻可持续的全球化政策和举措; 将道路安全活动的重点集中于搞一份区域宣言; 分析贸易、投资、运输、旅游、信通技术部门与减贫之间的联系。 c) Promoting regional cooperation in investment promotion and enterprise development, including public-private partnerships in infrastructure development and the promotion of corporate social responsibility |
例如,对某些国家的投资,尤其是对非洲的投资 # 年主要集中在采矿业。 For instance, investments in some countries, especially in Africa, remained concentrated in extractive industries in |
在北达尔富尔和南达尔富尔扎格哈瓦人和富尔人集中的地区注意到类似模式,他们的村庄成为袭击目标。 Similar patterns have been noted in Northern and Southern Darfur in areas where there is a concentration of Zaghawa and Fur populations, whose villages had been targeted |
还有,HBO的电视剧《火线 》第五季的“Clarifications”集中,两名警探到了位于匡提科的行为分析小组咨询了他们正在调查的一个假扮的连环杀手的侧写。 Also, in season 5 of the HBO show The Wire, two detectives visit the BAU team in Quantico for a profile of the "fake" serial killer they are investigating. |
• 通过包括积极提供安保,在非军事区和缓冲区巡逻,在境内流离失所者集中地区及沿关键移徙路线,以及其他重要地点部署警察(包括建制警察部队)等方式,协助监测和核查《达尔富尔和平协议》中有关重新部署和脱离接触条款的实施情况 • To assist in monitoring and verifying the implementation of the redeployment and disengagement provisions of the Darfur Peace Agreement, including by actively providing security and patrolling the demilitarized and buffer zones and through the deployment of police, including formed police units, in areas where internally displaced persons are concentrated, along key routes of migration, and other vital points |
他们的努力和关注都集中在自己身上。 They are very egocentric in their efforts and concerns. |
出于金融和地缘政治考虑,许多国家花了几十年时间摆脱财富过度集中于美元的情况。 Many countries have spent decades diversifying their wealth away from dollars, for both financial and geopolitical reasons. |
接着情节集中于两个场景:半裸的杰克逊与他当时的妻子Lisa Marie Presley 在一庙宇中亲热,杰克逊在一空剧院中演唱这首歌。 The plot then centers around two locations: a temple where Jackson appears in an affectionate semi-nude scene with his then-wife, Lisa Marie Presley, and a theater where Jackson performs the song to an empty hall. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.