What does 駕駛艙 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 駕駛艙 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 駕駛艙 in Chinese.
The word 駕駛艙 in Chinese means cockpit, control cabin, flight deck. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 駕駛艙
cockpitnoun (the space for pilot and crew in an aircraft) 凱爾 , 從 我 上次 跟 機長 說 話 他 有 離開 駕駛艙 嗎 ? Kyle, did the captain leave the cockpit since I last spoke with him? |
control cabinnoun |
flight decknoun 我 和 凱西 一直 待 在 駕駛 艙裡 Cassie and I were on the Flight Deck. |
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旋轉 不停 的 情況 下, 他們 到 達 指揮艙 之前 都 會 處于 全 重力 的 狀況 Without rotation, they'll be in full gravity before they get to the command module. |
巴登会议标志着“三驾马车”发起的面对面谈判的终结。 The Baden Conference marks the end of Troika-sponsored face-to-face negotiations |
一位二等舱乘客说道: 那一晚发生了许多勇敢无畏的事情,但没有人比那些随着船只缓缓沉没仍在继续演奏的人们更勇敢。 One second-class passenger said: Many brave things were done that night, but none were more brave than those done by men playing minute after minute as the ship settled quietly lower and lower in the sea. |
我们驶离主要公路后,就沿着一条双车道直驶往发电厂。 After we leave the main highway, a two-lane road leads us to a geothermal field. |
2013年5月29日,拉美及加勒比国家共同体(拉加共同体)扩大的“三驾马车”外交部长对俄罗斯联邦进行了首次访问。 The first visit of the ministers for foreign affairs of the extended troika of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to the Russian Federation was held on 29 May 2013. |
13时30分,观察到一辆装有“喀秋药”火箭发射架的桑塔纳牌伊朗军用汽车和一辆装有106毫米口径大炮和120毫米迫击炮的越野小卡车从伊朗后方驶来,停在位于座标790015的伊朗坟地前面。 At 1330 hours a Santana-type Iranian military vehicle mounting a Katyusha rocket launcher and a Land Cruiser pick-up truck with a 106-mm gun and a 120-mm mortar were seen arriving from the Iranian rear and coming to a halt at the Iranian burial ground at coordinates 790015. |
請 立刻 前往 氣密過 渡艙 b Are you ok? |
正在开展的关于建造运输供能舱的工作充分遵循《安全框架》规定的如下根本目标:“根本安全目标是保护地球生物圈中的人员与环境,使其免受空间核动力源应用相关发射、运行和寿终阶段随带的潜在危害。” Work on the construction of the transport energy module is being carried out in full compliance with the fundamental safety objective set out in the Safety Framework as follows: “The fundamental safety objective is to protect people and the environment in Earth’s biosphere from potential hazards associated with relevant launch, operation and end-of-service phases of space nuclear power source applications.” |
但那給了他們一個目的: 去駕馭自我。 But it gave them a purpose: to rein in the ego. |
下層甲板客艙是「典型的現代遊輪」,而上層甲板客艙和公共空間將「如同原船一樣」。 The lower deck cabins were to be "typical for a modern cruise vessel" while cabins and public rooms from D deck upwards would be "as in the original ship". |
拉加共同体各国国家元首和政府首脑对三驾马车所做的努力表示感谢。 The Heads of State and Government of CELAC thank the Troika for its efforts. |
这种情况甚至有可能在空间站舱体是飞行任务主要有效载荷时发生。 This may occur even when the modules are the primary payloads for the mission. |
其他诸如吸入石油和燃料中危险化合物和食用被污染的鱼和水等遭危害途径,也会对生活在拆船场附近周边的社区造成威胁; 舱底水。 Other exposure routes for the hazardous components in oils and fuels are inhalation and consumption of contaminated fish and water, which also threatens communities living in proximity of the yards |
在过去一年中,很多国际领导人,包括国家元首、联合国代表和大多数安全理事会成员都明确表示,反对这类船队驶往加沙,强调必须只通过既定渠道向该地区转运人道主义物资。 Many international leaders — including heads of State, United Nations representatives and a majority of Security Council members — have spoken out clearly against these kinds of flotillas to Gaza over the past year, emphasizing the need for humanitarian supplies to be transferred to the area only through established channels. |
其他一些代表团建议必须明确阐明,根据“(船方)不负担装卸及理舱费用(即“FIOS”)”条款的规定,如果委托承运人或承运人方面的履约方履约,则托运人不承担赔偿责任。 Other delegations have suggested that it is necessary to explicitly state that the shipper is not liable in cases where the performance is delegated to the carrier or a performing party on the carrier's side, for example, under a “free in and out (stowed)”, or “FIOS”, clause |
然而塔台回答沒有,並聯絡了侦察机的駕駛柯南博士(Dr. A.D. Cannon)。 The tower answered that it did not, and it contacted the Piper Cub pilot, Dr. A.D. Cannon. |
摩托车驶到我前面之后,坐在后面的人转过头来,举起头盔使我能够看清楚他的面孔。 With the motorcycle now in front of me, the man on the back turned his head and raised his helmet so that I could recognize him. |
行预咨委会还注意到,对培训旅行采用了公务舱旅费标准,而根据大会第67/254 A号决议,此类旅行应为经济舱旅行。 The Committee also notes that business class fares have been applied to travel for training, which should be undertaken as economy class travel pursuant to General Assembly resolution 67/254 A. |
这些船只十分钟后返回,并驶近到50米距离范围内。 Ten minutes later the boats returned, coming within 50 metres. |
与气专委指南相一致,备忘项,如来自国际海运和航空舱载燃料的排放量估计数、生物质 # 排放量和多边作业排放量应在适当的表格中填报,不列入国别的总数。 Consistent with the IPCC Guidelines, memo items, such as emissions estimates from international marine and aviation bunker fuels # emissions from biomass and emissions from multilateral operations, should be reported in the appropriate tables, but not included in the national totals |
飛行員只能通過一個位於駕駛艙上方的暗門進出飛機——這使得飛行員在飛機被掛到Ar 234C上之前必須先進入飛機,也使得飛行員在飛機處於上述狀態時即使遇險也無法棄機逃生。 As pilots could access the plane only from a hatch above the cockpit, the pilot would have to enter the E.381 before it could be attached to the carrier Ar 234C and had no way to escape in case of an emergency, while attached to the carrier. |
不过,秘书处及其附属实体获准例外乘坐公务舱旅行的总次数却从2010年-2012年的392次增加到2012年-2014年的660次,增幅68.4%,相应的额外差旅费从约652 000美元增加到170万美元。 For business class travel, however, the total number of exceptions for the Secretariat and its affiliated agencies rose from 392 exceptions authorized in the period 2010-2012 to 660 in the period 2012-2014, reflecting an increase of 68.4 per cent, while the additional travel costs increased from approximately $652,000 to $1.7 million, respectively; |
2月2日,与阿拉伯叙利亚高级代表协调之后正在开展夜间行动的观察员部队车辆遭到轻重机枪射击,当时车辆正驶近距离福瓦尔营地西南大约3公里的一个叙利亚武装部队检查站。 On 2 February, UNDOF vehicles carrying out a night movement that had been coordinated with the Senior Syrian Arab Delegate were fired upon by light and heavy machine gun fire as the vehicles approached a Syrian armed forces checkpoint approximately 3 kilometres south-west of Camp Faouar. |
在2016年1月27日,他曾因交通事故後用木質托盤攻擊一名摩托車駕駛員而被予监外察看。 On 27 January 2016 he was put on probation for attacking a motorist with a wooden pallet after a traffic accident. |
空间原子钟组将安装在国际空间站哥伦布舱的外部平台上。 ACES will be installed on the external platform of the Columbus module of the International Space Station |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.