What does 駕馭 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 駕馭 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 駕馭 in Chinese.

The word 駕馭 in Chinese means control, rein, to dominate. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 駕馭




verb noun

to dominate


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The Baden Conference marks the end of Troika-sponsored face-to-face negotiations
The first visit of the ministers for foreign affairs of the extended troika of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to the Russian Federation was held on 29 May 2013.
但那給了他們一個目的: 去駕馭自我。
But it gave them a purpose: to rein in the ego.
The Heads of State and Government of CELAC thank the Troika for its efforts.
然而塔台回答沒有,並聯絡了侦察机的駛柯南博士(Dr. A.D. Cannon)。
The tower answered that it did not, and it contacted the Piper Cub pilot, Dr. A.D. Cannon.
飛行員只能通過一個位於駛艙上方的暗門進出飛機——這使得飛行員在飛機被掛到Ar 234C上之前必須先進入飛機,也使得飛行員在飛機處於上述狀態時即使遇險也無法棄機逃生。
As pilots could access the plane only from a hatch above the cockpit, the pilot would have to enter the E.381 before it could be attached to the carrier Ar 234C and had no way to escape in case of an emergency, while attached to the carrier.
On 27 January 2016 he was put on probation for attacking a motorist with a wooden pallet after a traffic accident.
你 以为 你 在 干什么
And just what do you think you're doing?
22 October: Sixth meeting of the Troika with the parties — third face-to-face meeting (Vienna)
我 16 歲 生日 那天 他 對 我 的 第一次 駛 考試 作弊
He rigged my first driving test, the day I turned 16.
People were seen in small boats, and even on the logs, endeavoring to retrieve them.
Upon beginning his new job in "The Tunnel", an underground World War II bunker that has been re-purposed for massive electronic surveillance and SIGINT operations, Snowden learns that Epic Shelter is actually providing real-time data that assists U.S. drone pilots in launching lethal strikes against terror suspects in Pakistan.
韦恩着一辆细小的360cc破旧汽车,在杂乱无章的嘉手纳空军基地向人传道。 由于他自己也是军人出身,所以特别擅长于在士兵当中工作。
Wayne, driving a tiny, dilapidated 360cc car around the sprawling Kadena Air Base, was particularly effective in working among the draftees because of his own military background.
這個遊戲不應加入「特技駛」等標籤 (事實上,雖然您能夠使用特技,但這並非特技駛遊戲) 或用作吸引類似玩家的相關遊戲類型的標籤 (例如「電單車比賽」或「卡車比賽」)。
This game should not have tags like “Stunt driving” (the fact that you could do stunts does not make it a stunt driving game) or tags for related game genres that might attract similar players (such as "Motorcycle racing" or “Truck racing”).
我們 要 看 下 你 的
We just need to see your driver's license.
The Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil organized a training seminar for members of the national commission on, inter alia, fundamental issues for the Human Rights Council, its universal periodic review mechanism, Brazil’s most relevant experiences, working with the troika and the adoption of some of the recommendations coming out of the universal periodic review process.
Capable of reaching 100km/h, the Doha Metro will be one of the fastest driverless trains in the world.
In this connection, I wish to inform you that the Follow-Up Committee on the Goldstone Report, which includes the current Troika of the Arab Group, Palestine, Oman and Qatar; Egypt in its capacity as Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement; Syria in its capacity as Chair of the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Morocco in its capacity as Chair of the Al-Quds Committee; Senegal in its capacity as Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People; and the Permanent Observer of the League of Arab States to the United Nations, conveyed to the Secretary-General our position that Israel’s “paper” does not constitute compliance with paragraph 3 of resolution 64/10.
On 4 May 2008, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation circulated a piece of misinformation which claims that two Georgian unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicles (UAVs) were allegedly shot down by “air defence systems” of the separatist regime in the security zone.
什么 他 这 是 要 醉
What, is he drinking and driving?
大家 好像 都 意识 到 坦斯
Everybody seems to be aware that Tanz is coming here.
她 實在 沒有 馬車 的 天份
She never did have the touch for driving.
He repeats for emphasis and uses striking similes.
When Roman Emperor Nero dies, Vespasian departs for Rome to secure the throne, leaving Titus to finish the Judean campaign.
另外,GamesRadar指出里昂在《惡靈古堡4》的構思就像「大衛·鮑伊在駛孟菲斯美人(英语:Memphis Belle (aircraft))」一樣,他們也表示里昂的髮型雖然很有吸引力,但在遭遇戰時仍然需要調整。
GamesRadar described Leon's Resident Evil 4 design as "David Bowie piloting the Memphis Belle", stating that, while it was appealing, the hairstyle required modifications for encounters in the games.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.