What does 姦夫淫婦 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 姦夫淫婦 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 姦夫淫婦 in Chinese.
The word 姦夫淫婦 in Chinese means adulterous couple. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 姦夫淫婦
adulterous couple
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所以 我 不 確定 強奸 是不是 有 笑點 So I'm not sure how rape is funny. |
从2006年起,妇女普及教育网一直是妇发基金拉丁美洲和加勒比区域方案“安全城市:针对妇女的暴力行为和公共政策”的组成部分之一。 From 2006 onwards, REPEM has been part of UNIFEM Latin America and Caribbean Regional Programme “Safe Cities: Violence Against Women and Public Policies”. |
妇发基金多年筹资框架确认必须继续提高效力,同时要有一个人数不多但重点突出的小组在基金拥有相对优势的领域中提供技术专长和具有推动作用的支助。 The UNIFEM MYFF recognizes the importance of continuing to improve effectiveness while maintaining a small and focused team that can provide technical expertise and catalytic support in areas of the Fund’s comparative advantage. |
1939年8月,苏联和纳粹德国缔结了所谓《莫洛托夫-里宾特洛浦公约》,该公约载有秘密议定书,将东欧分割成苏联和德国的势力范围,爱沙尼亚被归入苏联的范围。 In August 1939, the USSR and Nazi Germany concluded the so-called Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which contained secret protocols dividing Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and German spheres of influence, whereby Estonia was included in the Soviet Union’s sphere. |
今天的发言名单上有尊敬的乌克兰代表梅海罗·斯库拉托夫斯基先生,但在请他发言之前,并且在你们同意的情况下,我认为有必要向会议报告一下我作为会议主席在闭会期间举行的磋商的情况。 Today we have on our list of speakers the distinguished representative of Ukraine, Mr. |
但因双方有很多未受训练、装备低劣的士兵,德罗兹多夫斯基的部队未遭俄军攻击,诺维茨基完全丧失对他的军队的控制力。 Although much inferior in numbers, training and equipment, Drozdowski's unit was not attacked by the Russian force, as Novitskiy lost control over his troops. |
新任奥地利公爵将他的居所定于维也纳,即后来的霍夫堡皇宫。 The new Austrian duke took his residence at Vienna at the site of the later Hofburg Palace. |
政府打算研究一夫多妻制对儿童的影响。 The Government intended to study the impact of polygamy on children |
快 滾 出去 你們 兩個 蕩 婦! Well, get out, both of you sluts! |
月 # 日,他会见总理贝尔纳·马库扎、外交部长罗斯玛丽·穆塞米纳利、当时大湖区问题卢旺达特使约瑟夫·穆塔博巴、加卡卡法院执行秘书多米提拉·穆坎塔甘追、全国反对灭绝种族委员会执行秘书让·德迪厄·穆西奥,以及联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的代表。 On # ovember, he met with the Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rosemary Museminali, the then Special Envoy of Rwanda for the Great Lakes region, Joseph Mutaboba, the Executive Secretary of the Gacaca Court, Domitilla Mukantaganwa, the Executive Secretary of the Commission nationale de lutte contre le genocide, Jean de Dieu Mucyo, and representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR |
2014年1月28日,总理米克拉·阿扎罗夫递交辞呈,12个反示威法案有9个被废除,并发布法令特赦被捕或被检控的示威者。 On 28 January 2014, 9 of the 12 anti-protest laws were repealed and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov tendered his resignation and a bill offering amnesty to arrested and charged protesters was issued. |
a) 巴尼奥协会创始会长(阿尔比娜·杜布瓦鲁夫莱)与联合国秘书长(科菲·安南)和艾滋病方案总干事(彼得·皮奥)之间进行了若干次会晤 a) Numerous meetings between AFXB Founding President (Albina du Boisrouvray) and United Nations Secretary-General (Kofi Annan) and UNAIDS General Director (Peter Piot |
报告内总结了妇发基金为加强业绩、伙伴关系和资源所采取的步骤,包括达成综合资源框架所定指标方面的进展,以及开展阿特拉斯系统方面进展的审查。 It summarizes steps UNIFEM has taken to enhance its performance, partnerships and resources, including updated information on progress toward achieving the targets established in the integrated resources framework, as well as a review of progress in rolling out the Atlas system |
关于 # 年穆因加省鲁夫布公园的即决处决案件,军事法庭在 # 月 # 日缺席判处主要被告死刑,其他 # 名被告则被判处有期徒刑。 Regarding the summary executions committed at Ruvubu national park, Muyinga Province, in # on # ctober a military court sentenced the main defendant to death in absentia, while # other defendants received prison sentences |
会议中,德莫夫斯基称他对将乌克兰和立陶宛划归波兰不感兴趣,因为这两个地方虽然过去为波兰所统治,但波兰人已不再占多数民族地位了。 At the meeting, Dmowski stated that he had little interest in laying claim to areas of Ukraine and Lithuania that were formerly part of Poland, but no longer had a Polish majority. |
妇发基金在该基金在约旦的移徙女工项目下开展并支助了若干举措,包括为家政工人出版有关移徙女工权利和支助渠道的多语小册子。 UNIFEM carried out and supported a number of initiatives within the context of its women migrant workers project in Jordan, including the publication of booklets for domestic workers in multiple languages on the rights of women migrant workers and channels of support. |
性感拉丁女人的刻板形象有三種典型的例子:酒吧女郎、忠誠且犧牲自我的女性、誘人蕩婦。 Within the hot Latina stereotype lies three categories of representation: the Cantina Girl, the Faithful, self-sacrificing señorita, and the vamp. |
就像这样 “马纳尔谢里夫面临扰乱社会秩序 并教唆妇女开车的指控 It was more like this: "Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order and inciting women to drive." |
如果局势有可能如此发展,那么了解梅德韦杰夫自身的立场就显得很有必要。 Should that turn out to be the case, it will be useful to know what, if anything, Medvedev stands for. |
关于海夫吉工地的SGE临时结构和其中设备所受的损坏,小组认为,出于以上第351段所述的理由,索赔人没有遭受损失,因此建议对这部分索赔额不予赔偿。 With respect to damage to SGE’s temporary structures at the Al Khafji site and equipment that was located therein, the Panel finds that for the reasons stated at paragraph 351 above the Claimant has suffered no loss and therefore recommends no award of compensation for this part of the amount claimed. |
不过后来伊萨贝尔取消了和选民以及政治团体之间的会面,国民对她的丧夫之痛也渐渐消退。 However she cancelled meetings with various constituent and political groups, and the sympathy resulting from her husband's death soon dissipated. |
這部聲称是根據著一份嚴重損壞的手稿此(書的問世)乃需要藉由沃爾夫的一位饱学的朋友進行無數推測(之工作而完成),其人寧可情願採取維持匿名的方式而不願為了面對“在涉足這類文學”而遭受斥責。 This claimed to be based on a heavily corrupted manuscript which required numerous conjectures by a scholarly friend of Wolf, who preferred to remain anonymous rather than face reproaches for "dabbling in this sort of literature". |
《法案》第282条和第283条废止并取代了《民法典》第315条至第319条关于禁止一夫多妻制的内容,丈夫有权选择一夫一妻制、有限制的一夫多妻制或不超过4个妻子的一夫多妻制。 Articles 315 to 319 of the Civil Code, relating to the prohibition of polygamy, have been repealed and replaced by Articles 282 and 283 of the draft Code, which introduce the husband’s option: either monogamy or limited polygamy, consisting of marriage with not more than 4 wives. |
非洲妇发通讯网在非洲 # 个国家设有国家协调中心。 FEMNET has national focal points in the # frican States. FEMNET is also affiliated with the following international organizations |
第一项文件是 # 年 # 月 # 日联邦政治部部长国际法办公室的照会,其中证实“ # 年 # 月 # 日Petitpierre先生对特里格夫·赖伊发表的声明具有约束力”。 The first is the note dated # pril # from the International Law Directorate of the Federal Political Department, in which it confirmed “the binding nature of the statement made by Mr. Petitpierre on # ugust # to Mr. Trygve Lie |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.