What does 奸屍 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 奸屍 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 奸屍 in Chinese.

The word 奸屍 in Chinese means Necrophilia. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 奸屍


他 拥有 这个 秘密 奸尸 室 建在 Atomm ü llbeseitungsanlage 。
He created this secret Necrophilia room inside a nuclear waste disposal facility.

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所以 我 不 確定 強 是不是 有 笑點
So I'm not sure how rape is funny.
他 也 許曾經 擴大過 棄 地點 但並 沒有 這麼 做
He could have spread out the dump sites but chose not to.
The corpse rotted quickly; the surgeons of the hospital refused to dissect it.
In a response to the criticism from the Swedish government, Pia Kjærsgaard said: "If they want to turn Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö into a Scandinavian Beirut, with clan wars, honour killings and gang rapes, let them do it.
我刚 给 他验 完
I just examined the body.
Then the Swiss attacked, stepped over the corpses, seized the cannon, recovered possession of the royal entrance, crossed the Place du Carrousel, and even carried off the guns drawn up there.
(Isaiah 21:2a) Babylon will indeed despoil and deal treacherously with the nations she conquers, including Judah.
各位 來賓 , 歡迎 來 到 世界 知名 的 『 喪 渡假村 』
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world-famous Rezort.
多數的研究表示,強的犯罪者大多為男性,且遠遠高於女性;然而、美國聯邦調查局在2012年將強的定義擴大後,有越來越多的研究把焦點放在被強的男性(英语:Rape of males)與強男性的女性。
Most research indicates that rape affects women disproportionately, with the majority of people convicted being men; however, since the broadening of the definition of rape in 2012 by the FBI, more attention is being given to male rape, including females raping males.
Showing us how to avoid a common pitfall, the king of Israel says: “The heart of the righteous one meditates so as to answer, but the mouth of the wicked ones bubbles forth with bad things.”
其他人 都 不肯 這是 棄 地點
Looks like a body dump.
在 动物 身上 验体 解剖
An autopsy on an animal is called a necropsy.
A more subtle refinement of that teaching is the temporary suffering in the fires of purgatory.
在 五鈴 酒店 外發現 一具 體 毆 打 致死
Here's one for you.
地點 又 發現 一具
Found another body at the disposal site.
他 比 其他 喪 聰明
He's smarter than the others.
旁遮普邦警察总监在其后的信中,重申了市警察局长Saud Aziz信中对事件的误导性概述,反映出他的行政上司希望推动这一推卸责任,掩盖未进行检背后的真正原因。
The subsequent letter by the Inspector General of Punjab reiterating the misleading summary of events set out in CPO Saud Aziz’s letter reflects the willingness of his administrative superior to further this shift of responsibility and perpetrate a cover-up of the true reason behind the lack of a post-mortem examination.
10 假冒为善的犹太教士找寻机会捉拿耶稣,但耶稣巧妙地回答了他们所提出的几个狡问题,使他们在群众面前不知所措。
10 The hypocritical Jewish clergy seek an occasion to seize Jesus, but he answers a number of their catch questions and confounds them before the people.
活动。 挖掘群埋坑,然后在现场以及在化验室(陈所)对遗体进行法医检查;
Exhumation activities: exhume mass graves and conduct forensic examination of remains, both in situ and in laboratory (morgue) conditions;
來 呀 , 你 這 殭
Come on you zombie.
Resolving the fate of the missing is an important factor in reconciliation and the necessary exhumations should be completed as soon as possible
An autopsy found no trace of food in her stomach.
� The forensic report described the surgical operation that was performed as a “laminectomy of lumbar vertebrae one with right paravertebral removal of a rubber projectile and a foreign body”.
1945年,帕森斯與他妻子Helen Northrup的妹妹莎拉通而分居,當莎拉為L·羅恩·賀伯特(未來的山達基教〔科學教〕創始人)而離開他時,他便指導進行「巴巴倫儀式」,這是設計來喚起泰勒瑪女神巴巴倫(英语:Babalon)到地球的一系列儀式。
In 1945 Parsons separated from Helen after having an affair with her sister Sara; when Sara left him for L. Ron Hubbard, he conducted the Babalon Working, a series of rituals designed to invoke the Thelemic goddess Babalon to Earth.
房裡 的 那堆 東西
That thing in the morgue.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.