What does 酒店業 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 酒店業 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 酒店業 in Chinese.
The word 酒店業 in Chinese means the catering industry, the hotel and restaurant business. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 酒店業
the catering industrynoun |
the hotel and restaurant businessnoun |
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我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。 And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community. |
请人权事务高级专员办事处与特别代表合作,每年与某一部门、如制药业、矿业或化学工业的公司的高级执行人员和专家举行会议,以根据上文第1段所述的特别代表的任务,审议这些部门所面对的具体人权问题,提高对最佳做法的认识及分享最佳做法,并在同一议程项目下,向人权委员会第六十二届会议汇报第一次会议的结果; Requests the High Commissioner to convene annually, in cooperation with the Special Representative, a meeting with senior executives from companies and experts from a particular sector, such as the pharmaceutical, extractive or chemical industries, to consider, within the mandate of the Special Representative as set out in paragraph 1 above, the specific human rights issues faced by those sectors, to raise awareness and share best practice, and to report on the outcome of the first meeting to the Commission at its sixty‐second session, under the same agenda item; |
企業的實際工作, 如果在進行時能有所創新, 就能真的為公司創造出商業利益, 且能解決現今世界上有意義的問題。 The real work of business, when done with innovation, can actually create core business benefits for the company and it can solve the meaningful problems in our world today. |
另一类似事例是,几家美国最具影响力的科技公司,包括一向极力反对美国政府窃听活动的一些业者,即将派他们的首席执行官到西雅图会见鲁炜,即中国主管互联网、负责网络审查及“防火长城”的最高官员。 Similarly, some of the most powerful technology companies in the US, including those who have been vigorous opponents of American surveillance practices, are dispatching their CEOs to a Seattle meeting with Lu Wei, China’s senior Internet czar, who who oversees the “Great Firewall” of censorship inside China. |
高档酒店或饭店常常会收10%到15%的服务费,但此费用会被包含在账单中;顾客不应从账单中把这一部分钱分离出来留给侍者作为小费。 High-end hotels and restaurants often include service charge between 10% to 15%, but it is always included in the bill and customers are not expected to leave separate gratuity for servers beyond what is included in the bill. |
电机业训练中心 3,614 Most of the programmes were funded by DCs. |
1993至1998年期間阿爾及利亞有60名新聞從業員被殺。 Sixty journalists were killed between 1993 and 1998 in Algeria. |
对于那些导致非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团加勒比成员香蕉业几近衰亡的策划者来说,在他们启动世贸组织机制,以便为自己攫取好处的时候,这一事实毫无意义。 That fact meant nothing to those who engineered the near-demise of the industry in the Caribbean members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States as they put the WTO mechanisms to work to their benefit. |
与半导体业、铝业和其他行业签订的协议已经大幅度减少了某些最有害温室气体的排放量。 Already, agreements with the semiconductor and aluminum industries and others have dramatically cut emissions of some of the most potent greenhouse gases |
在这方面,各国鼓励投资于自然资源增值和加工以及生产多样化,并承诺解决与这种投资、特别是与采掘业投资相关的税收激励措施过度问题。《 In this respect, countries encouraged investment in value addition and processing of natural resources and productive diversification, and committed themselves to addressing excessive tax incentives in the extractive industries. |
在非洲,南非长期以来一直有一个临时工人计划,用来为采矿业提供劳动力。 In Africa, South Africa has long had a temporary worker programme to provide labour for the mining sector. |
四年级之后,继续学业的儿童人数稍有下降,主要在农村地区。 After the fourth grade, the number of children who continue their education decreases somewhat, primarily in rural areas |
這本書描述了他在電影行業的生活和經歷,於2011年10月1日發售。 The book is about his life and experience in the film industry and was released on October 1, 2011. |
但在1970年代及1980年代,當滯漲出現時,明顯地通漲與就業水平的關係並不平穩,也就是說菲利普斯關係可以位移。 However, in the 1970s and 1980s, when stagflation occurred, it became obvious that the relationship between inflation and employment levels was not necessarily stable: that is, the Phillips relationship could shift. |
例如,对某些国家的投资,尤其是对非洲的投资 # 年主要集中在采矿业。 For instance, investments in some countries, especially in Africa, remained concentrated in extractive industries in |
你 要 去 爱 这个 酒店 , 对 了 , 朋友 。 You're gonna love this hotel, by the way, pal. |
他举出了三个具体事例,论述了这些事例的区别与类似之点:在尼泊尔和印度的奴隶进口业;将处女和女童从缅甸跨国贩卖到泰国从事色情业;以及菲律宾的奴隶进口和移民出口“混合案例”。 He presented three specific cases, examining the differences and similarities: slave importing operations in Nepal and India; the transnational importation of virgin women and girls from Myanmar to work in sex industries in Thailand; and the “mixed case” of slave importing and migrant exporting schemes in the Philippines |
第三,根据在2001年9月11日的恐怖主义袭击之后取得的危机管理经验,世界旅游组织成立了一个紧急情况工作队,由旅游业高级人员、业界领袖、高级旅游业专家以及区域和国际机构的代表组成。 Third, based on its experience in crisis management acquired following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, the World Tourism Organization constituted an Emergency Task Force composed of senior tourism officials, industry leaders, high-level tourism experts, and representatives of regional and international institutions. |
考虑对那些从事涉及枪支进出口或过境交易经纪业的人的活动建立有效的管理制度。 Considering the establishment of an effective regulatory framework for the activities of those engaged in the brokering of transactions involving the import, export or transit of firearms. |
空运业相对规模较小,由于飞行员/飞行员-机主在有需要或有机会时经常转包业务,因此空运公司常常可被视为彼此相互依存。 The air transport industry is relatively small and companies operating within it can often be seen as interdependent, in the sense that a pilot/pilot-owner will often sub-contract work if the need or opportunity arises. |
雖然外表較原始皇宮酒店來的樸素,但在新的「博南紮小酒店」內部許多方面就如同1875年建築般優雅、豪華及雅致。 While externally much plainer than the original Palace, the new "Bonanza Inn" is in many ways as elegant, sumptuous, and gracious on the inside as the 1875 building. |
如上所述,美国经济分析局在2014年8月发布了美属维尔京群岛的国内总产值估计数。 根据该局的数据,出口货物的减少反映了由于多年来主导其经济的炼油业的衰退。 According to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis, which, as indicated above, released GDP estimates for the United States Virgin Islands in August 2014, the decrease in exports of goods reflected the decline of the petroleum-refining industry that for many years had played a dominant role in the economy. |
在晚年,拉格斐意識到其中一個自己少年時代的志向—成為一名專業的漫畫家,從2013年起,他的政治漫畫定期會於德國報章《法蘭克福匯報》上定期發表 。 Late in life, Lagerfeld realized one of his boyhood ambitions by becoming a professional caricaturist – from 2013, his political cartoons were regularly published in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. |
书中被描述两个渔民的父亲能为自己的捕鱼业雇用劳动者,而税吏则被视为剥削者。 The father of two of the fishermen is represented as having the means to hire labourers for his fishing business, and tax collectors were seen as exploiters. |
Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac有3個版本:基本版,專業版及教師及學生版。 Microsoft Office for Mac 2004 is available in three editions: Standard, Professional, and Student and Teacher. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.