What does 旅游景点 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 旅游景点 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 旅游景点 in Chinese.
The word 旅游景点 in Chinese means tourist attraction, travel sight. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 旅游景点
tourist attractionnoun 他们以往的崇拜场所,有些已成为主要的旅游景点。 Some of their ancient places of worship have now become principal tourist attractions. |
travel sightnoun |
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呼吁各国政府与国家和区域执法机构加强合作,以便对付日益严重的贩卖妇女和儿童并使其卖淫、这一行业的全球化、滥用互联网推销和进行色情贩卖、性旅游、性暴力和性剥削等行为。 Calls for new levels of cooperation among Governments and national and regional law enforcement bodies in order to combat the escalating trafficking for the purpose of prostitution of women and children, the globalization of this industry and the misuse of the Internet to promote and carry out acts of sex trafficking, sex tourism, sexual violence and sexual exploitation. |
旅游大臣宣布,一个新的航空终端站将于两年后竣工。 As announced by the Tourism Minister, a new air terminal will be completed within the next two years. |
因此,对我国代表团来说,通过加勒比海运输放射性废料就是对我们安全、旅游、海洋生物和整个地区环境的威胁。 Accordingly, for my country’s delegation, the transport of radioactive waste through the Caribbean Sea constitutes a serious threat to security, to tourism, to marine life and to the environment of the whole region. |
(b) 西班牙与世界旅游组织签署的总部协定,1976年1月1日起暂时适用,1977年6月2日生效;[footnoteRef:133] [133: 《关于世界旅游组织在西班牙的法律地位的协定》。 (b) Headquarters agreement signed between Spain and the World Tourism Organization, which was applied provisionally from 1 January 1976 and entered into force on 2 June 1977;[footnoteRef:131] [131: Agreement concerning the legal status of the World Tourism Organisation in Spain. |
该索赔是由在塞浦路斯的公寓房房主提出的,该公寓房租给了一家旅游公司,以便转租给第三方。 The claim was by the owner of apartments located in Cyprus, which had been rented to a travel company for sub-lease to third parties |
有关内容可包括: 监测、分析并评估世贸组织谈判的成果;以及评估谈判走向,以使各成员能心中有数地处理相关问题; 推进亚太经济一体化,将其作为多边贸易体制和全球经济的一大构件; 加强投资促进和企业发展方面的区域合作,包括就基础设施建设和提倡企业的社会责任方面建立公私营伙伴关系; 促进贸易与运输便利化; 支持区域内和区域间多式联运基础设施的建设与升级改造;随后将各种运输方式整合为一套多式联运网; 增强政府、私营部门和民间社团的能力并筹措其资源,设计并贯彻可持续的全球化政策和举措; 将道路安全活动的重点集中于搞一份区域宣言; 分析贸易、投资、运输、旅游、信通技术部门与减贫之间的联系。 c) Promoting regional cooperation in investment promotion and enterprise development, including public-private partnerships in infrastructure development and the promotion of corporate social responsibility |
新闻部将把重点放在每年举办的世界环境日( # 月 # 日)、国际生态旅游年( # 年)以及将于 # 年举行的、对联合国环境与发展会议《 # 世纪议程》执行进度的十年审查会议。 The Department of Public Information will focus on the annual observance of World Environment Day ( # une), the International Year of Ecotourism and the # year review of progress achieved in the implementation of Agenda # of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, which is to take place in |
第三,根据在2001年9月11日的恐怖主义袭击之后取得的危机管理经验,世界旅游组织成立了一个紧急情况工作队,由旅游业高级人员、业界领袖、高级旅游业专家以及区域和国际机构的代表组成。 Third, based on its experience in crisis management acquired following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, the World Tourism Organization constituted an Emergency Task Force composed of senior tourism officials, industry leaders, high-level tourism experts, and representatives of regional and international institutions. |
c 包括海事组织、万国邮联、知识产权组织、气象组织和世界旅游组织的支出。 c Includes expenditures by IMO, UPU, WIPO, WMO and the World Tourism Organization |
在这一方案的框架内,联合国世界旅游组织和西印度群岛大学在巴哈马举行了2006年小岛屿发展中国家旅游业大会,而环境署对于这一会议做出了积极的贡献。 In the framework of this programme, the United Nations World Tourism Organization and the University of the West Indies held the 2006 Small Island Developing States Tourism Conference in the Bahamas, to which UNEP contributed actively. |
注意到在脆弱的山区生态系统按照千年发展目标实现山区可持续发展和消除贫穷时,面临的一些关键挑战包括:对水等自然资源的需求越来越大;侵蚀、毁林及其他形式流域退化的后果;自然灾害日益频繁且规模不断扩大;向外移民日增;工业、运输、旅游、采矿和农业造成的压力;气候变化和生物多样性丧失的后果; Notes that the growing demand for natural resources, including water, the consequences of erosion, deforestation and watershed degradation, the frequency and scale of natural disasters, as well as increasing out-migration, the pressures of industry, transport, tourism, mining and agriculture and the consequences of climate change and loss of biodiversity are some of the key challenges in fragile mountain ecosystems to implementing sustainable development and eradicating poverty in mountain regions, consistent with the Millennium Development Goals; |
由于旅游人士需要调整自己的身体去适应旅游地方的空气、食物和食水中不同类型的细菌,所以最初数天尤其要保重身体,留意食物卫生。 Since a traveler’s body needs to adjust to different strains of bacteria in the atmosphere, food, and water, it is especially important during the first few days that you be careful about what you eat. |
K. 南极旅游和其他非政府作业 Antarctic tourism and other non-governmental operations |
经济和基础设施的发展能够鼓励人们来岛旅游或定居。 The development of the economy and infrastructure would encourage people to visit and settle on the island |
石油收入和旅游收入高企继续拉高了北非的经济增长。 High oil revenues and tourism receipts continued to boost growth in North Africa |
各位部长和代表团团长讨论了确定和实施旨在改进各社区的灾害防范措施的必要性,特别是在那些易于发生灾害的沿海旅游景点。 Ministers and heads of delegation discussed the need to define and implement measures to improve disaster preparedness in communities, especially those in disaster-prone coastal tourism destinations |
蒙特塞拉特旅游局建立了一个国家主题林间小路系统,它打算开辟六条以上可以步行的林间小路,同时提供机会,在发展旅游业的基础上,使自然环境、遗产和社区状况都能得到进一步改善,并促进当地经济活动的展开。 The Montserrat Tourist Board is establishing a thematic national trail system and intends to develop six more hiking trails to provide opportunities for increased nature, heritage and community-based tourism and to provide opportunities for local economic activity |
作为一种发展催化剂,旅游事业的发展可对其他部门产生积极的溢出效应并分担发展成本。 As a development catalyst, tourism development can generate a positive spillover effect on other sectors, as well as sharing the development cost. |
作为世界范围内的一个出口类别,旅游位居第四,列在燃料、化学品和食品之后;在许多发展中国家还位居第一。 As a worldwide export category, tourism ranks fourth after fuels, chemicals and food, and in many developing countries it ranks first. |
政策文件对“创作艺术人员”和“表演艺术人员”两个类别作了明确规定; 发放临时居留证和就业许可证的程序:雇用第三国国民作为艺术人员的申请由雇主提交劳动局,劳动局、民事登记局和移民局、塞浦路斯旅游组织以及警察局的外国人和移民事务股的代表组成的委员会负责审理。 b) Procedures for the issuing of temporary residence and employment permits: The applications for employment of third country nationals as artists will be submitted to the Department of Labour by the employer and will be examined by a committee consisting of representatives from the Department of Labour, the Department of Civil Registry and Migration Department, the Cyprus Tourism Organization and the Aliens and Immigration Unit of the Police |
纳米比亚环境和旅游部长强调,必须抓住时机,推动建立一个不再出现土地退化的世界,并强调必须包括根据公约和2015年后发展进程监测不再出现土地退化情况。《 The Minister of Environment and Tourism of Namibia emphasized the importance of seizing the moment to promote a land-degradation-neutral world and stressed the importance of monitoring land-degradation neutrality, both under the Convention and the post-2015 development process. |
切实可行地管理好高风险(探险)旅游及其在搜救无助的探险旅游者方面对国家方案和旅游经营者的潜在影响,是越来越令人关心的问题。 The practical management of high-risk (adventure) tourism and its potential impact on national programmes and tour operators in terms of search and rescue operations for unsupported adventure tourists is a growing concern |
2013年8月,世界旅游组织采纳了关于“所有人无障碍旅游”的建议。 In August 2013, the World Tourism Organization adopted a recommendation on “Accessible Tourism for All”. |
所需经费为226 800美元,增加了12 300美元,用于支付(a) 印制分发给游客、旅游局、旅行社和有关机构的新闻册、小册子和活页(5 800美元);(b) 进行宣传和吸引人们参观联合国的费用,包括印刷和分发宣传小册子和其他材料,在旅游和旅游业出版物刊登广告和更新联合国展品的费用(221 000美元)。 The requirements of $226,800, reflecting an increase of $12,300, provide for: (a) the cost of printing information booklets, brochures and pamphlets for distribution to visitors, tourist boards, travel agencies and other relevant institutions ($5,800); and (b) costs relating to publicizing and promoting visits to the United Nations, including the printing and distribution of promotional brochures and other materials advertising in travel and tourism industry publications and updating United Nations exhibits ($221,000). |
欧巴马总统宣布,美国将正常化与古巴之间的外交关系,并解除与该岛之间的旅游和贸易限制。 Obama announced that the US would normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba and ease restrictions on travel and commerce with the island. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.