What does penerima surat in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word penerima surat in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use penerima surat in Indonesian.

The word penerima surat in Indonesian means addressee, mail recipient. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word penerima surat



mail recipient

noun (The individual, or account, to whom an e-mail message is sent.)

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Tidak ada manusia lain—selain lelaki itu sendiri dan penerima surat, seorang teman—yang pernah melihatnya.
No other human being—besides the man himself and the recipient, a friend—had ever laid eyes on it.
" Penerimaan Surat "
" Acceptance Letter "
Kalau isinya bertele-tele, penerima surat akan merasa bosan. —Lihat contoh surat di halaman 8
Conclude your letter before the recipient might tire of reading it. —See the sample letter
Penerima Surat-Surat Petrus
Recipients of Peter’s Letters
Hampir sejak awal sidang jemaat penerima surat Satu Tesalonika mengalami penindasan.
Practically from the beginning the congregation to which First Thessalonians was addressed experienced persecution.
Dua minggu yang lalu diterima surat tobat dari Stepan Arkadyich kepada Dolly.
Two weeks earlier a penitent letter from Stepan Arkadyich had arrived for Dolly.
Beberapa penerima surat bervolume besar memiliki kodeposnya sendiri.
Some recipients of large volumes of mail have their own postal codes.
Sewaktu menulis surat, bagaimana saudara dapat menunjukkan perhatian kepada penerima surat?
When writing letters, how can you show interest in the one to whom you are writing?
Dengan kutipan langsung dari buku Satu Korintus, penulis mendesak agar si penerima surat ”memahami surat dari rasul Paulus yang diberkati.”
With apparent reference to First Corinthians, the writer urged the recipients of this letter to “take up the epistle of the blessed Paul the apostle.”
Jika perangkonya tidak cukup, mungkin si penerima surat harus membayarnya, dan ini dapat menghambat usaha saudara untuk memberi kesaksian yang baik.
If the postage is not adequate, the householder may be charged for the amount due, and this may detract from your effort to give a good witness.
Dalam surat-suratnya Paulus menangani problem-problem yang spesifik dan membahas hal-hal yang ia anggap paling penting bagi para penerima suratnya.
In Paul’s letters he attacked specific problems and dealt with matters he considered most vital to those to whom he wrote.
12 Juga sehubungan dengan bahan cerita untuk surat saudara, apakah ada sesuatu yang lebih penting selain menganjurkan si penerima surat dalam jalan kebenaran?
12 Also in connection with what to write, could you think of anything of more value than encouraging the one receiving the letter in the way of the truth?
Asahi Evening News menjelaskan bahwa jasa ini disediakan ”bagi penerima surat yang lebih percaya takhayul dan takut mengabaikan atau menghancurkan sendiri surat-surat itu”.
Asahi Evening News explained that this service has been provided “for the more superstitious recipients who were afraid to ignore or destroy the letter themselves.”
Selain Primum quaeritur, banyak manuskrip memuat catatan-catatan singkat untuk tiap surat yang berisi keterangan mengenai dimana surat itu ditulis, serta di mana penerima surat tersebut tinggal.
In addition to Primum quaeritur, many manuscripts contain brief notes to each of the epistles indicating where they were written, with notes about where the recipients dwelt.
Lebih lagi, Stanley Porter menunjuk kepada fakta bahwa penerimaan Surat 2 Petrus sebagai kanon oleh orang-orang Kristen mula-mula menegaskan bahwa mereka yakin Petrus yang menulisnya.
Likewise, Stanley Porter points to the fact that 2 Peter's acceptance to the canon by early Christians presumes that they were sure that Peter wrote it.
Bahwa surat tersebut ditujukan kepada sidang-sidang di kota Ikonium, Listra, Derbe, dan Antiokhia Pisidia cocok dengan caranya surat ini menyebutkan Barnabas, sebagai orang yang tampaknya dikenal oleh si penerima surat Paulus.
That the congregations in the cities of Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, and Pisidian Antioch were addressed agrees with the way the letter mentions Barnabas, as one apparently known by those to whom Paul was writing.
Surat-suratnya diterima sambil berlutut, sama seperti surat-surat dari paus dan raja.
His letters were received kneeling, as were those of the pope and the king.
Sama digunakan pada nama penerima dalam surat dan paket pos dan dalam e-mail bisnis.
Sama customarily follows the addressee's name on postal packages and letters and in business email.
Tunjukkan perhatian kepada si penerima surat dengan menanyakan kesehatannya, rencananya, bagaimana kelanjutan dari hal-hal yang ia tulis sebelumnya, teman-teman yang saudara sama-sama kenal, dan kemajuan dari orang-orang yang belajar Alkitab dengan dia.
Show interest in the one to whom you are writing by including questions about his well-being, his plans, how matters turned out about which he wrote earlier, friends that you have in common, and the progress of those with whom he is studying the Bible.
Dokumen-dokumen ini diterima oleh surat kabar Jerman Süddeutsche Zeitung, kantor berita yang pernah menerima Panama Papers pada tahun 2016.
The documents were acquired by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which had also obtained the Panama Papers in 2016.
Sebelum menjadi orang Kristen, beberapa penerima surat Petrus, penduduk di provinsi-provinsi di Asia Kecil yang mendapat pengaruh Yunani (1Ptr 1:1), ”bertindak dengan hawa nafsu, minum anggur dengan berlebihan, berpesta pora, melakukan perlombaan minum dan penyembahan berhala yang menyalahi hukum”.
Before they became Christians, some of those to whom Peter wrote his letter, residents in Greek-influenced provinces in Asia Minor (1Pe 1:1), “proceeded in deeds of loose conduct, lusts, excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches, and illegal idolatries.”
(Ul 31:12; Neh 8:1-8) Demikian pula, pertemuan untuk beribadat kepada Yehuwa dan mempelajari Alkitab adalah bagian yang sangat penting bagi sidang jemaat Kristen Allah, sehingga penulis surat kepada orang-orang Ibrani menasihati penerima suratnya untuk tidak mengabaikan pertemuan demikian.
(De 31:12; Ne 8:1-8) Similarly, meetings for the worship of Jehovah and a study of the Scriptures are an essential feature of the Christian congregation of God, the writer to the Hebrews admonishing the recipients of his letter not to be forsaking such gathering of themselves together.
Kata ”Amin” sering kali digunakan dalam surat, khususnya surat-surat Paulus, sewaktu sang penulis menyatakan suatu bentuk pujian kepada Allah (Rm 1:25; 16:27; Ef 3:21; 1Ptr 4:11) atau menyatakan harapan agar perkenan Allah dinyatakan melalui cara tertentu kepada penerima surat tersebut.
The expression “Amen” is used many times in letters, especially those of Paul, when the writer has expressed some form of praise to God (Ro 1:25; 16:27; Eph 3:21; 1Pe 4:11) or expresses the wish that God’s favor be manifested in some manner toward the recipients of the letter.
5 Kedua surat kepada Timotius diterima sejak semula sebagai surat-surat yang ditulis Paulus dan sebagai bagian dari Kitab-Kitab terilham.
5 The two letters to Timothy have been accepted from the earliest times as written by Paul and as being part of the inspired Scriptures.
Surat penerimaan dikirim pada 24 Mei pukul 03.13 PDT, tetapi surat itu juga dikirim kepada 1,600 pelamar yang pada kenyataannya, tidak diterima oleh panitia Google SoC.
The acceptance letters were sent out on May 24, at 3:13 AM PDT, but the letters were also sent out to some 1,600 applicants who had in fact, not been accepted by Google's SoC committee.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.