What does 起价 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 起价 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 起价 in Chinese.
The word 起价 in Chinese means prices starting from. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 起价
prices starting from
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不过,对于最贫穷的家庭,最低的起价也可能很昂贵,因此可能仍然需要为这类家庭提供补贴。 For the poorest households, however, even the lowest block tariffs may be expensive, and targeted subsidies for that group may continue to be needed. |
使用和租赁土地权的价格根据市场价直接在出售时由双方协议确定,在通过拍卖销售的情况下,起价由所有者和销售的组织者协议达成。 The price of the right to use and lease land is set in the light of market rates by mutual agreement directly at the time of sale or, in the case of sale at auction, as a starting price agreed between the owners and the organizers of the sale |
催眠保温器在印度每套售价3000美元,这与通用电器在美国销售的宝宝保温器相比便宜不少。 在美国的价格以12000美元起价,它除了基本的保温功能之外,还具有其它方面的功能,比如监测婴儿的脉搏和体重。 At US$ 3000 per unit in India, the Lullaby warmer is cheap compared to the baby warmer GE sells in the USA, that starts at US$ 12 000 and which, on top of the basic warming function, performs other functions such as monitoring a baby’s pulse and weight. |
缺乏付得起价钱的可持续产品,尤其是占穷人很大部分支出的食品(拉美经委会区域) Lack of sustainable products available at affordable prices, especially food items that represent a large share of the poor’s expenditures (the ECLAC region) |
使用和租赁土地权的价格根据市场价直接在出售时由双方协议确定,在通过拍卖销售的情况下,起价由所有者和销售的组织者协议达成。 The price of the right to use and lease land is set in the light of market rates by mutual agreement directly at the time of sale or, in the case of sale at auction, as a starting price agreed between the owners and the organizers of the sale. |
起价 20 块 , 快 竞价 吧 , 这是 最美 的 女人 20 pieces of eight. |
1998年5月15日《建筑法》,1999年6月11日《城镇规划原则法》、以及内阁部长的两项决定――1995年9月4日关于在建筑业中采用基准系数法计算合同价格的决定和1996年9月18日使被封存、延期或未完成的建筑项目的起价采用的系数生效的决定,规定了建筑规则和标准。 Building rules and standards are laid down in the Architecture Act of 15 May 1998, the Principles of Town Planning Act of 11 June 1999, and two decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, namely, the decision of 4 September 1995 on applying the base coefficient method in calculating contract prices in the construction industry and the decision of 18 September 1996 validating the coefficients applied to the starting prices of construction projects that were either mothballed, behind schedule or incomplete. |
该条还规定,“信息系统应确保开标日期和时间确定无疑,应允许投标人至少了解其余投标的下述条件:(a)投标人的身份;(b)投标货物或服务的基本说明;(c)投标的起价和全球价位;(d)确定任何可能存在的投标担保”。 It provides further that “the Information System shall ensure certainty as to the date and time of opening and shall allow the tenderers to know at least the following conditions of the remaining tenders: (a) identity of tenderer; (b) basic description of good or service tendered; (c) initial and global price of tender; (d) identification of tender security, if any”. |
一名 未 署名 的 少年 肖像 , 起价 200 Bidding starts at 200. |
10000 块 起价 竞拍, 是 的 The bidding starts at $ 10,000, yes. |
购买SIM卡后可购买充值卡,起价为3个雷亚尔(各运营商不同)。 After buying the SIM card, recharge cards may be purchased starting at three reais (depending on the carrier). |
不过,对于最贫穷的家庭,最低的起价也可能很昂贵,因此可能仍然需要为这类家庭提供补贴。 For the poorest households, however, even the lowest block tariffs may be expensive, and targeted subsidies for that group may continue to be needed |
专家小组注意到,该广告称,所有原木将按5美元/立方米的设定价格起价拍卖。 The Panel noted that the advertisement stated that all logs would be auctioned at a set price of $5 per cubic metre. |
通常还将提供其他信息,例如电子逆向拍卖的起价或有关电子逆向拍卖第三方服务供应商的信息。 Other information, such as the starting price in the ERA or information about a third-party ERA service provider, is also usually provided |
通常还将提供其他信息,例如电子逆向拍卖的起价 Other information, such as the starting price in the ERA |
一些得克萨斯州居民找到了部分残骸,并无视警告、企图在网上拍卖網站eBay上以10000美元起价拍卖这些残骸。 Some Texas residents recovered some of the debris, ignoring the warnings, and attempted to sell it on the online auction site eBay, starting at $10,000. |
那小 一点 的 是 多少 起价 啊'? What do you got on the small scale? |
这一制度使得创新有利可图,从而确实为某些类型的研究提供了激励;但制药公司也因此得以坐地起价,它们获得的激励与社会回报不一定相容。 While this system does provide incentives for certain kinds of research by making innovation profitable, it allows drug companies to drive up prices, and the incentives do not necessarily correspond to social returns. |
Care Expatriate 保险费是根据被保险人的年龄来确定的。 例如一位28周岁的人在非北美洲自由贸易区国家逗留他可买每个月的保险费起价为53欧元的保险。 The monthly premium for Care Expatriate international insurance depends on age. For a 28 year-old person, for example, the health insurance costs €58.00 per month for a stay worldwide excepting the NAFTA countries. |
起价$AU 170 Harringtons102 from$AU 170 Harringtons102 |
课程取决于你的窗台水平,并可以通过我们或直接与潜水中心预订。 起价为$ 215 每人 Courses depend on your sill level and can be booked through us or directly with the dive centre. starting at US$ 215 per Person |
该项目除一家酒店外,还有两个住宅部分:海滩西部已经建成13套公寓,第二期14套公寓(起价250万美元)正在建造中。 In addition to a hotel, there are two residential sections: On West Beach, 13 condos have been built, and a second phase of 14 additional condos, priced from $2.5 million, is in progress. |
起价 US$ 29,17 格拉纳达:文化和Sacromonte遗产 From US$ 29.17 Granada: The Culture and Heritage of Sacromonte |
成本: 通过分销商订购100个的起价为每个23.51美元 Cost: Starting at $23.51 per unit for 100 pieces through distribution |
您可以选择从各种摩洛哥,日本,泰国或西班牙语水疗护理的起价为45欧元,半小时一个价。 You may choose from a variety of Moroccan , Japanese , Thai or Spanish spa treatments starting at a price of 45 euros for 1/2 hour. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.