What does 轻松使用设置中心 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 轻松使用设置中心 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 轻松使用设置中心 in Chinese.
The word 轻松使用设置中心 in Chinese means Ease of Access Center. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 轻松使用设置中心
Ease of Access Center(An area within the Control Panel that provides accessibility options and settings to help users interact more easily with the computer.) |
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斯里兰卡政府重申其对招募和使用儿童的零容忍政策,并重申其对工作组的承诺,为此设立了一个由政府高级官员组成的委员会,对一些安全部队怂恿卡鲁纳派招募和使用儿童的指控进行独立和可信的调查。 The Government of Sri Lanka reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy for the recruitment and use of children and reiterated its commitment to the Working Group by establishing a committee comprising high-level Government officials to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations that some security forces are abetting the Karuna faction in the recruitment and use of children |
在有关自然资源管理方面,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处非法作物监督方案结合使用地基技术和以遥感为基础的技术协助各国监测其境内非法麻醉品作物的规模和演变过程。 In the areas relating to the management of natural resources, the Illicit Crop Monitoring Programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime combines ground- and remote-sensing-based techniques to assist Member States in their monitoring of the extent and evolution of illicit narcotic crops in their territories |
其中只有一部归还了原主,一些车主知道他们的车辆仍在被交战各方使用,包括苏丹解放军团结派和苏丹政府在朱奈纳的国家边境卫队。 Of these, only one vehicle was returned to its proper owner, and a number of the owners are aware that their vehicles are still in use with belligerents, ranging from SLA Unity to the Government of the Sudan National Border Guard in El Geneina. |
· 在各受援机构设置该方案 · Installation of the programme at various beneficiary institutions |
为在下列培训方案中使用咨询人编列了经费:保护平民、妇女在州一级机构任职、妇女的社区领导技能、宣传解决性暴力和基于性别的暴力行为问题的主要法律、防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及提高客户本位、冲突谈判、解决冲突、人力资源/人员管理等实务技能(综合管理培训中心)。 Provision is made for the use of consultants in the following training programmes: protection of civilians, women’s representation in State institutions, women’s community leadership skills, advocacy for priority legislations addressing sexual and gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS, and the upgrading of substantive skills (Integrated Management Training Centre) such as client orientation, conflict negotiation, conflict resolution and human resources/personnel management. |
在国家管辖范围以外区域使用基于区域的管理工具的程度; Extent of use of area-based management tools in areas beyond national jurisdiction; |
在这方面,我要强调为生境提供充足和可预测的资金的问题,是振兴改革和加强该中心的紧迫问题之一。 In this regard, I would like to underline that the question of providing adequate and predictable funding for Habitat is one of the pressing issues of revitalizing, reforming and strengthening the Centre |
试点活动(区域中心) Pilot activities (regional centres) |
最近设立的、由全球环境基金使用清洁发展机制在适应方面的收益管理的气候变化特别基金和最不发达国家基金将为今后继续工作提供一个坚实的财政基础。 The recently established Special Climate Change Fund and Least Developed Countries Fund, managed by the GEF with proceeds from the clean development mechanism for adaptation, will provide a solid financial basis for continuing work in the future. |
i) 一个国际工业联合会汇报说,该组织已在若干发展中国家内组织了讲习班以便就氯代--碱工业内使用汞晶胞的问题提高认识并交流有关最佳技术和最佳做法的信息 i) One international industry association reported that it had held workshops in several developing countries to raise awareness and exchange information on best available techniques and best practices with regard to the use of mercury cells in the chlor-alkali industry |
每个受理的项目都制作一份一览表,要说明:收到的日期(以便董事会核查是否符合期限);使用情况报告是否令人满意;秘书处要求的一切补充报告;新的补助金的申请数额;申请资金项目的总预算;相当于预算三分之一的数额(因为实施项目不能全部依靠基金的支持;指导方针,第25段)。 For every admissible project, a summary table is prepared, indicating: the date it was received (in order to allow the Board to verify if the deadlines were met); whether the reports are satisfactory; any additional report requested by the secretariat; the amount requested for a new grant; the total budget of the project; what one third of the budget amounts to (because the implementation of a project must not depend totally on the Fund’s support; para. 25 of the guidelines). |
他强调秘书处工作人员之间语文平衡的重要性,并鼓励在整个秘书处中主要语文为法语或愿意以法语工作的工作人员在所有正式交流中使用法语。 He emphasized the importance of a linguistic balance among staff members of the Secretariat and encouraged those staff members throughout the Secretariat whose principal language is French, or who prefer to work in that language, to use French in all official communications |
召集人认为该文件认真研究了历史,并指出无法禁止人们使用或创造外来地名。 The Convenor recognized the careful historical content of the paper and noted that countries could not be prohibited from using or creating exonyms |
此外,鼓励流动的大多数组织使用的一个主要的论点是,人员流动有助于提高工作人员的经验和技能,既然如此,那么一方面鼓励通过流动来获得经验,而另一方面有关工作人员回到本单位时又不承认这种经验,这似乎是矛盾的。 Furthermore, one of the major arguments used by most of the organizations encouraging mobility is that mobility contributes to enhancing the experience and skills of staff, thus it would seem inconsistent to encourage on one side the acquisition of experience through mobility, and on the other not to recognize it when concerned staff return to the releasing organization. |
就关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约执行情况的决议草案举行的非正式协商(由奥地利常驻代表团安排 Informal consultations on the draft resolution on the implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (organized by the Permanent Mission of Austria |
经合组织财税事务委员会指出,虽然某一企业操作自动化设备的所在地“可能构成在其所在国中的一个永久营业所”,但有必要区分“为了在某些特定环境下构成永久营业所而可能在某一地点安装的计算机设备与这种设备所使用或储存的数据和软件”。 The OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs points out that, while a location where automated equipment is operated by an enterprise “may constitute a permanent establishment in the country where it is situated”, a distinction needs to be made “between computer equipment, which may be set up at a location so as to constitute a permanent establishment under certain circumstances, and the data and software which is used by, or stored on, that equipment” |
医院/健康中心 Hospital/health center |
3月27日,特别报告员与奥地利司法部的代表在维也纳举行了一次有关使用泰瑟枪的会议。 On 27 March, the Special Rapporteur held a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Austria in Vienna on the use of tasers. |
区域中心的运作和任务规定 Functioning and mandate of the Regional Centre |
其中指出区域中心收到非洲区域会员国的请求的数目日益增多,要求对区域内的若干和平倡议和解决冲突的活动提供实质性支助, in which it was stated that the Regional Centre received an increasing number of requests from Member States in the African region for substantive support for several peace initiatives and conflict resolution activities in the region, |
e) 权利持有人、许可权人和被许可使用人在使用了知识产权的有形资产上的权利。 e) The rights holder's, licensor's and licensee's rights in tangible assets with respect to which intellectual property is used |
修订后具有性别敏感性的学校课程最近已投入使用。《 A gender-sensitive revised school curriculum had recently been put into use. |
马德望省戒毒康复中心(由宪兵管理) Battambang drug rehabilitation centre (under the Military police) |
A/C.1/56/L.50 — 2001年10月19日题为“联合国和平与裁军亚洲及太平洋区域中心”的决议草案 A/C.1/56/L.50 — Draft resolution entitled “United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific” dated 19 October 2001 |
此外,两类与能源相关的安全问题也越来越引起人们的担忧:即由能源应用特点所引发的暴力危险与日俱增,以及能源使用的成本居高不下。 Moreover, there is deepening concern about two types of energy-related security problems: the increasing risk of violence stemming from the nature of our energy use, and the high cost of that energy. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.