What does 人山人海 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 人山人海 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 人山人海 in Chinese.

The word 人山人海 in Chinese means People Mountain People Sea, multitude, crowded. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 人山人海

People Mountain People Sea






是 的, 但是 警察局 人山人海
Yes, but the police stations were crowded.

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“The hall was packed,” recalls Lembit.
尽管如此,被解雇的同时几乎立即开始参加竞选的惠特拉姆,所到之处均人山人海;11月24日,三万多人涌入悉尼禁苑(The Domain)参加其官方竞选发起活动。
Nonetheless, Whitlam, who began campaigning almost immediately after the dismissal, was met with huge crowds wherever he went; 30,000 people overspilled the Sydney Domain for the official campaign launch on 24 November.
Again the stands were filled with people, but what a different atmosphere!
现在 回忆 起来 就 像 电影 里面 那种 人山人海 非常 难上
It was very hard to get on board
人山人海,车水马龙, 交通运输在这里十分关键。
Lots of people, lots of moving, so transportation is the key here.
It was such a long distance to the back that I could hardly see the last row.
The night of the debate saw the Town Hall packed to the doors.
当地近六千名居民正准备迎接五万个访客。 镇上到处人山人海,挤得水泄不通。
The town is crammed to bursting as some 6,000 local inhabitants play host to upwards of 50,000 visitors.
Sometimes tents had to be erected to accommodate the huge crowds of pilgrims.
Huge crowds formed at every immunization site, standing in line in the hot sun, eager to receive protection against the deadly disease.
是 的, 但是 警察局 人山人海
Yes, but the police stations were crowded.
“The sight of mass campaign rallies is a positive sign, but they don’t make up for an electoral system that systematically favors one party over others,” Adams said.
这 地方 一会 将 人山人海 , 充满 震耳欲聋 的 音乐
This place is about to become a sea of sweat, ear-shattering music and puke.
There were lots of people in the stadium.
Well, when I got there, it was packed.
不 没有 关闭 我 说 你 没 看见 周围 人山人海 吗?
No it's not all closed, I tell you.
The hall in Brugg was so full that the police closed the doors and turned away further arrivals.
Weeks earlier, Jews and proselytes from at least 15 regions of the far-flung Roman Empire and beyond had packed Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover.
What crowds!
想象晴空万里的一天,人山人海, 到处都是电视直播设备, 孩子们仰头望着天空, 盯着一个会改变他们未来的东西。
So imagine a blue-sky day, crowds of people, television cameras, kids staring up toward the sky at a thing that will change their future.
As Steiner later recalled: “Everyone was delighted, and the ticket offices were stormed.”
A sea of people fills the beautiful, late nineteenth-century Habib Bourguiba Avenue.
槟城 正月初 八拜 天公 最 出名 人山人海
A lot of visitors during this period of time
你 看见 这 四周 人山人海 的 学生 了 吗
You see all these students here?
There's a huge number of people there.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.