What does 生儿育女 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 生儿育女 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 生儿育女 in Chinese.

The word 生儿育女 in Chinese means to bear and raise children. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 生儿育女

to bear and raise children

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“Young girls grow up with the idea of raising many children, but at this time there are no young men in our congregations whom they can marry.
As the primary duty-bearers of care and reproductive activities, women are especially affected by limited access to basic services, essential infrastructure, water, sanitation, inadequate shelter and restricted mobility.
They want to be part of a society in which individuals have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy their sexuality, to choose when or if to have children and to keep themselves safe from harm
Rather than populate the earth through the direct creation of individual humans, God purposed to fill the earth by means of procreation by humans.
The programmes promote the broadening of skills and development choices, so that young people will have alternatives to early marriage, motherhood and fatherhood.
Safe and effective contraception not only makes responsible procreation more possible, it also allows for a satisfying, pleasurable sexual life with diminished fear of unintended pregnancy
While women are used as child producers, their reproductive cycle is not given much attention
This is attributable to structural problems in female employment: sharp disadvantages in career opportunities due to pregnancy and childcare and worsened working conditions in the case of re-entry into the labor market
(Proverbs 5:15; 1 Corinthians 7:39) Nor is it wrong for a young woman to want to get married and have a family.
10 令人惊奇的一项发展是,人类尚未开始生儿育女,在耶和华上帝的宇宙组织里便爆发了一场反叛。
10 Amazingly, before the first human child was conceived, rebellion broke out in the universal organization of Jehovah God.
(b) During what periods was childbearing a God-given assignment?
(Genesis 2:25) God told them to have children, saying: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.”
委员会敦促各缔约国:(a) 制订和落实提供性卫生和生殖健康服务的方案,包括计划生育、避孕器具和在堕胎不违反法律的情况下,提供安全堕胎服务,以及充分和全面的妇科保健和咨询;(b) 鼓励青少年的父母对青少年已经生儿育女采取积极和支助的态度;(c) 制定可使少年母亲继续接受教育的政策。
The Committee urges States parties (a) to develop and implement programmes that provide access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, contraception and safe abortion services where abortion is not against the law, adequate and comprehensive obstetric care and counselling; (b) to foster positive and supportive attitudes towards adolescent parenthood for their mothers and fathers; and (c) to develop policies that will allow adolescent mothers to continue their education.
Additionally, He permitted Adam, though a sinner, to have a family and have children “in his likeness, in his image.”
However, those who have children soon realize that along with the joy, parenthood brings responsibilities.
Other preventable health casualties related to child-bearing, such as maternal mortality, had for too long not received the attention deserved.
Many Christian couples, on the other hand, do not have children.
The right of [all men and women with disabilities — China] ((all — South Africa) persons with disabilities — China) (to establish and fully develop intimate relations, including marriage — Costa Rica) [who are of marriageable age to marry — Costa Rica] (under appropriate laws — India) [on the basis of free and [full — Canada] (informed — Canada) consent of the intending spouses — China], and to [found a family — India, Qatar] (on an equal basis with other persons — China) (to establish family relations and practice parenthood — Qatar) (bring up a family, and be provided with information and counselling wherever necessary on full dimension and responsibilities of marriage — India); (in accordance with the precepts of religion, convictions and various customs — Yemen) (and experience their sexuality and parenthood — Islamic Republic of Iran)
While these provisions are required for women’s health and rights, and for stabilizing rapid population growth, the world recognizes that many other factors contribute to decisions about childbearing.
It was his purpose for them to have children and to expand the boundaries of that original Paradise until it encompassed the whole earth.
In such a scenario, the woman would perhaps have generally remained indoors, fulfilling her biological role of child bearing and child rearing.
The Committee requests the Government to ensure that women's reproductive function does not lead to discrimination against them in employment, job security and social benefits
10 Some young couples have decided to remain childless.
Women and families are persistently denied the opportunity to plan when and if to expand their families.
除了负责农业生产和牲畜以外,我们发现农村妇女还要全面负责满足家庭的所有家务需要。 同时妇女生儿育女的作用仍然是社会和妇女本身在很大程度上关注的一个焦点。
Besides growing food for her family and looking after the animals, a rural woman takes care of all the household's needs, and moreover her reproductive function continues to be central, not only in the eyes of society but in the woman's own eyes

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.