What does 世代交替 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 世代交替 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 世代交替 in Chinese.
The word 世代交替 in Chinese means alternation of generations, heterogenesis, digenesis. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 世代交替
alternation of generationsnoun (metagenesis) |
heterogenesisnoun |
digenesisnoun |
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促请各国在各自国家法律范围内找到一种解决非洲人后裔世代居住的土地的所有权问题的办法,并采取措施促进居住在这种土地上的非洲人后裔的全面发展; Urges States to find a solution to problems of ownership in respect of land inhabited since ancestral times by people of African descent, according to their respective domestic legal framework, and to take steps to promote the comprehensive development of the people of African descent who occupy that land; |
这些车辆三三两两的在游客面前驶过,它们是属于未来世代的,以天然气为燃料,比传统燃料干净得多。 Speeding along in two’s or three’s, these futuristic vehicles used natural gas, which is cleaner than regular fuels. |
但是,他1889年的文章《关于交替语音》("On Alternating Sounds")为语言学与文化人类学两科的方法论,提供了非凡贡献。 His 1889 article "On Alternating Sounds", however, made a singular contribution to the methodology of both linguistics and cultural anthropology. |
如果三次此种无限制投票均无决定性结果,后三次投票应只限于在第三次此种无限制投票中得票最多的候选人,其人数不应当超过余下的待填补职位数的两倍。 此后三次投票又应为无限制投票,依此交替进行,直至所有职位得到填补。 If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the largest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots, the number of whom should not exceed twice the number of places remaining to be filled, and the following three ballots thereafter shall be unrestricted, and so on until all the places are filled. |
这个世代已看见‘天上的征象’吗? Has This Generation Seen ‘Signs From Heaven’? |
在考虑恢复大会活力的问题时,特别是在就大会常会的结构改变提出了类似建议的情况下,应对在两年中交替召开业务活动部分会议和人道主义事务部分高级别会议和把实质性会议分成两部分的建议一并加以考虑。 The proposals to hold high-level meetings of the operational activities and humanitarian affairs segments biennially in alternate years and to split the substantive session into two parts should be considered in conjunction with the question of the revitalization of the General Assembly, especially as similar proposals had been made with regard to structural changes in the Assembly’s regular sessions. |
确实,千年交替给了我们一个机会,以改组联合国并使它达到一个能够应付面前挑战的水平。 Indeed, the turn of the millennium has given us the opportunity to revamp the United Nations and to bring it to a level that could meet the challenges that lie ahead. |
该法规定,50%的候选人应当是妇女,男性和女性候选人应当交替占有名单的头两位;此外,该法不包括任何过渡规定。 It would require that 50 per cent of candidates should be women and that men and women candidates should alternate in the first and second places at the top of each list; furthermore, that legislation did not include any transitional provisions. |
这是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是我们记得苏丹的现代和最近的历史目睹了国家附属和独立不断交替,各省、宗教和种族之间的冲突不断,以及几乎从未间断的内战。 This is a difficult task, especially when we recall that the modern and most recent history of the Sudan has seen an alternation between dependence and independence, conflicts among provinces, religions and ethnic groups, and almost continuous civil war. |
最后,我们希望本次会议有助于我们依照过去的经验规划今后行动,以便使我们可以更好地履行历史责任--给今后世代、即今天的儿童留下一个和平、安全、公正、进步与和谐的世界。 Finally, we hope that this meeting will help us plan future action on the basis of past experience, so that we can better discharge the historic duty of bequeathing to future generations, the children of today, a world of peace, security, justice, progress and concord |
对色情业涉嫌贩卖人口的怀疑得到以下事实的证实:妓女们经常在各俱乐部交替出现。 The suspicion that the sex industry is involved in human trafficking is supported by the fact that prostitutes often alternate in clubs |
他們 世代 以來 都 引導著 這地區 的 人們 他 應該 統治諾伐尼亞 He should be ruling Norvania. |
如果此种无限制的投票进行了三次仍然无结果,以后三次的投票应只限于第三次无限制投票中得票最多的两个候选人;此后三次的投票又应为无限制投票,依此交替进行,直至某一个或缔约国当选为止。 If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the two candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots, and the following three ballots thereafter shall be unrestricted, and so on until a person or State Party is elected |
这个世界的邪恶制度若存留到本世纪的末了——鉴于世界的趋势和圣经预言的应验,这是很少可能的事——世上仍然会有些属于第一次世界大战那个世代的人活着。 And if the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century, which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation. |
远离贫困和疾病,实现每个人的充分发展是人类世代追求的理想。 To keep poverty and disease at bay and develop the full potential of all has, for generations, been humanity’s pursuit. |
世代——“在同一时代出生的全部人数,扩大到包括所有生活在同一特定时代的人。”——《新约希-英词典》 Generation —“The sum total of those born at the same time, expanded to include all those living at a given time.” —“A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament” |
在这方面,必须通过广泛而有效的对话,培养、强调和鼓励世代之间的互惠关系。) In this, the reciprocal relationship between and among generations must be nurtured, emphasized and encouraged through a comprehensive and effective dialogue.) |
马太福音24:34,36)因此,“征象”的各项特色以及“大灾难”都必须在一代人——1914年的世代——的一生之内发生。 (Matthew 24:34, 36) Thus all the various features of “the sign,” as well as the “great tribulation,” must take place within the lifetime of one generation —the generation of 1914. |
可是我们从未在历史上见过所有这些事以如此巨大的规模在同一个世代之内发生。 Yet, no other time in history has seen all these things come on one generation in such overwhelming measure. |
海洋的健康和管理至关重要;可持续和负责任地利用其资源,包括国家管辖范围之内和之外的资源,对于确保世代享受海洋的许多好处非常重要。 The health and stewardship of the ocean are of critical importance; the sustainable and responsible utilization of its resources, both within and outside national jurisdiction, is crucial in insuring the intergenerational enjoyment of its many benefits |
2 在过去几个世代,讨论性的问题已变得越来越公开。 2 Discussion of sex has become more open than in past generations. |
(José Miguel Gamboa 跟 Pedro Calvo, Guía libre del flamenco, 2001) "她的世代最棒的佛朗明哥女聲,技巧最完整的女歌手。 (José Miguel Gamboa and Pedro Calvo, Guía libre del flamenco, 2001) "The best female flamenco voice of her generation, undoubtedly; the most complete 'cantaora'. |
受教育的妇女是打破世代贫穷循环的关键。” “Educated women are key to breaking the cycle of inter-generational poverty.” |
一种三维液晶显示装置(200)及快门眼镜(300)和快门眼镜的控制方法,三维液晶显示装置包括:控制背光源(BL)开启并在面板交替输出左眼影像和右眼影像期间保持常亮的背光控制器(CB);输出具有固定频率的画面刷新信号(STV)并于背光源开启时输出背光启动信号(En)的发送模块(220)。 A three-dimensional liquid crystal display device (200), shutter glasses (300), and a shutter glasses control method. |
推举政党候选人名单上的候选人时,要求在名单上对男女候选人进行交替排列。 When selecting candidates to the party list, members are required to alternate men and women on the list |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.