What does 手工藝 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 手工藝 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 手工藝 in Chinese.
The word 手工藝 in Chinese means handicraft, handcrafted, craft. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 手工藝
handicraftnoun (trade requiring skill of hand) 我爸 也 是 做 手工 藝貿易 的 Really my dad was working in Handicraft Emporium. |
handcraftedadjective (made by hand) |
craftnoun |
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但是,一项2003年完成的研究报告,在超过2000万手工和小规模采金和小型活跃采矿者中,女性的比例预计为30%(Hinton等人,2003年)。 However, a study completed in 2003 reported that among the more than 20 million ASGM and small-scale active miners, the proportion of women was estimated at 30 percent (Hinton et al., 2003). |
你 太美 了 你 的 裁縫 簡直 就是 藝術家 Your dressmaker is an artist! |
全体会议决定,美国地质调查局和欧洲联盟委员会联合研究中心将继续监测中非共和国的情况,并向监测工作组提供有关手工开采钻石的矿址和生产情况的卫星监测服务,并请行政支助机制将钻石专家工作组编制的中非共和国西部足迹资料上传到金伯利进程网站。 The plenary decided that the United States Geological Survey and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission would continue to monitor the Central African Republic and provide the Working Group on Monitoring with satellite monitoring services with regard to artisanal diamond sites and production and invited the Administrative Support Mechanism to upload the footprint for the western part of the Central African Republic, as prepared by the Working Group of Diamond Experts, to the Process website. |
各方商定,手工采矿者在特许矿区的运作具有法律、社会和经济影响,在目前修订采矿法时,需要致力于缓解这些影响,以找到长期解决方案。 All parties agreed that the operation of artisanal miners in concessions has legal, social and economic implications that need to be addressed during the current revision of the Mining Code in order to find long-term solutions. |
1867年,他被推選爲皇家院士,在當時是作爲藝術家最高的榮譽,就算他很快對於皇家藝術研究院的文化感到徹底失望。 In 1867 he was elected a Royal Academician, at the time the highest honour available to an artist, although he rapidly became disillusioned with the culture of the Royal Academy. |
所以,現今, 我在《紐約時報》工作, 我是《紐約時報》的 常駐數據藝術家。 So today, I work at the New York Times. |
Bea Watson 藝術 專欄 記者 Bea Watson, art journalist. |
不久之後,她結束了短暫的模特兒生涯並全職進入演藝圈。 Shortly afterwards, she ended her brief modeling career and entered acting full time. |
农业; 林业和伐木业; 建筑业; 关系健康的手工加工、造船、肉类加工、焊接和家居保洁; 采矿业、采石业、隧道开凿业和石油开采业; 使用有害物料的工作场所;以及 小型企业。 d) Health encompassing manual handling, boat building, meat processing, welding and homecare |
1906年 — 在紐約市開辦了塔克的獨特書店 — 提倡「哲學上的利己主義、政治上的無政府主義、藝術上的破除迷信」。 In 1906, he opened Tucker's Unique Book Shop in New York City promoting "Egoism in Philosophy, Anarchism in Politics, Iconoclasm in Art". |
未成年犯管教所根据需要,设立适合未成年犯特点的习艺劳动场所及设施。 Juvenile correctional facilities must establish educational, work and recreational facilities suitable for minors as necessary |
根据工发组织/开发署/全球环境基金的全球汞项目文件,至少有 # 个国家的 # 亿人口直接或间接依靠手工作业和小规模金矿维持生计,这些人口主要分布在非洲、亚洲、南美洲。 According to the UNIDO/UNDP/GEF Global Mercury Project, at least # million people in over # countries depend on ASM- directly or indirectly- for their livelihood, mainly in Africa, Asia and South America |
手工操作排雷组已从13个增加到15个。 Manual teams have been increased from 13 to 15. |
其中:压縮气体为空气,压縮气体的压力为0.5~1.0MPa,压縮气体的流量为5~10L/min;焊接接头为手工电弧焊、埋弧焊、气体保护焊、钨极氩弧焊的焊接方法所形成的焊接接头中的一种。 本发明具有工艺简单、操作方便、不需增设专用设备和成本低的特点,该工艺能减少或消除焊接热影响区裂纹,显著提高焊接热影响区性能。 The present invention has the features of having a simple process and convenient operation, without the need of additional special equipment, and low cost; by using the process, cracks in the zone affected by the heat from welding can be reduced or eliminated so as to notably enhance the performance of a zone affected by the heat from welding. |
后来,她开始参加各种才艺表演并获得称赞。 Later, she started to take part in various talent shows and received laudable recognition. |
每个地方当局负责文化工作的内阁和执行机关成员,都是威尔士艺委有关区域委员会的成员,得到了其委员会主要干事的支持。 Cabinet and Executive members with responsibility for culture in each Local Authority are members of the relevant ACW Regional Committee, supported by their Chief Officer |
,這批照片亦在涉事的藝廊Roslyn Oxley9的網頁上移除。 The seized images were also removed from the Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery website, where remainder of the series could be viewed online. |
� Banro公司在建造Twangiza矿区期间迁移和并重新安置了几百个手工采矿者,但该矿区自2011年3月以来被其他几百个手工采矿者占据,据说包括一些前战斗人员。 � Banro relocated and rehoused several hundred artisanal miners while constructing Twangiza, but since March 2011 the mine site has been invaded by several hundred more artisanal miners, who reportedly include a number of ex-combatants. |
据估计,手工和小型金矿开采活动(手工小金矿或手工小矿)占世界黄金产量的13%,是全球对汞的需求最大部门。 Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM or ASM), supplying an estimated 13 per cent of the world gold production, is the largest demand sector for mercury globally. |
我們 有 個 鄰居 , 他 是 藝 朮 家 We just have neighbor |
它內建在我們 藝術形式的 DNA 當中。 It's in the DNA of our art form. |
应该迅速用专用手工工具以及适用于路外条件的机械化设备,来替代这些不合适、过时的工具,特别用于纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫陡峭的山区。 These inappropriate and outdated materials should urgently be replaced by specialized hand tools and mechanized equipment for off-road conditions, especially for the use in steep mountain terrain of Nagorno-Karabakh. |
实际上,传统的陶器就是使用了具有可塑性的混合物手工制作,与这种方法类似。 Indeed, traditional pottery is done with this type of method, using a plastic mixture worked with the hands. |
采用另一种做法,保留或升级传统系统,可能造成只能部分遵守国际公共部门会计准则,严重依赖手工操作,从而增加由于产生的、用于编制财务报表的数据不准确和不完整的风险。 The alternative, namely maintaining or upgrading legacy systems might result in only partially IPSAS compliant systems, heavily dependent on manual intervention, increasing thereby the risks of inaccuracy and incompleteness of the data obtained, used for the preparation of financial statements. |
我 愛 你 , 傑 西卡 , 因為 你 讓 潑 婦藝術化 了 I love you, Jessica, because you make being a bitch an art form. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.