What does 收留 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 收留 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 收留 in Chinese.
The word 收留 in Chinese means raise, receive, shelter. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 收留
raiseverb noun (to bring up, to grow) |
receiveverb noun |
shelterverb noun 大多数利比亚境内流离失所者在公共或被遗弃的建筑物安身,或被亲属和当地社区收留。 Most Libyan internally displaced persons are sheltered in public or abandoned buildings, or hosted by relatives and local communities. |
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另外,《刑法典》第 # 节规定任何人以欺骗手段拐骗、诱骗、监禁儿童,或者收留、窝藏被拐儿童则被认为犯有重罪,可处以七年监禁。 Further, Section # of the Penal Code stipulates that any person who fraudulently takes, entices away, detains, receives or harbours a child enticed away is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for seven years |
敦促所有国家和相关非政府组织及其他组织与高级专员公署一起,本着国际团结、分担重负的精神,相互合作并调动资源,包括为此向收容国、难民群体和收容社区提供资金和实物援助以及直接援助,以增强收容国和收容社区特别是已收留大量难民和寻求庇护者的收容国和收容社区的能力并减轻这些国家的沉重负担,这些国家和社区的慷慨精神非常可嘉; Urges all States and relevant non-governmental and other organizations, in conjunction with the Office of the High Commissioner, in a spirit of international solidarity and burden-sharing, to cooperate and to mobilize resources, including through financial and in-kind assistance as well as direct aid to host countries, refugee populations and communities hosting them, with a view to enhancing the capacity of and reducing the heavy burden borne by countries and communities hosting refugees, in particular those that have received large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers, and whose generosity is appreciated; |
援助方式包括提供建筑材料以及为离开收留中心的难民修建住房。 Assistance varied from the provision of building materials to the construction of housing for refugees leaving collective centres |
提交人说,所称受害人有一定程度的精神残疾,在没有持续有效的法律授权的情况下,被拘留在一个收留精神残疾者的机构。 he author contends that the alleged victim, who suffers from a measure of mental disability, has been detained in an institution for the mentally disabled without legal authorization on an ongoing basis |
后来H的叔父不再愿意冒险收留没有正式移民身份的提交人,于是帮提交人离开了白俄罗斯。 When H’s uncle was no longer willing to risk having the author live with him as a migrant with irregular status, he helped the author to leave Belarus. |
在黎巴嫩和约旦,特别报告员拜访了各宗教社区开办的私立学校,这些学校自费收留来自所有宗派的难民儿童。 In Lebanon and in Jordan, the Special Rapporteur visited private schools run by various religious communities, which accommodate refugee children across all denominational boundaries at their own expense. |
· 没有父母照看的儿童和家庭状况妨碍其成长的儿童。 寄宿直至儿童能够独立生活、返回自己的家庭或被其他家庭收养或收留;或直到其完成正规教育,但必须在完成正规教育之后六个月内离开; · A child without parental care and a child whose development has been impeded by family circumstances, until rendered capable of independent life, returned to his or her own family or accommodated in the family of the adopter or another family, or until his/her regular education has been completed, but no longer than six months after completion of regular education; |
请提供资料,说明长期或永久收留残疾人的机构和医院的情况,以及这类收留行为是否征得当事人的自由知情同意。 Please provide information on the existence of homes and hospitals where persons with disabilities are institutionalized for long periods of time or permanently, and whether such institutionalization is done with the free and informed consent of the person concerned. |
妈妈说:“你知道哪里会有人收留你。” My mother said, “You know where you can live.” |
许多最不发达国家收留了境内流离失所者和来自邻国的难民,却没有养活他们的足够能力和基础设施。 Many of the least developed countries host IDPs and refugees from neighbouring countries without sufficient capacity and infrastructure to support them |
然而,在我逗留费拉德尔菲亚期间,姊姊写信给我,她在信中表明她不愿再收留我,并且告诉我应当继续住在费拉德尔菲亚。 While I was staying in Philadelphia, my sister wrote and told me that she did not want me anymore and that I should stay where I was. |
古时的诗篇执笔者写道:“我父母离弃我,耶和华必收留我。”( The psalmist of old said: “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up.” |
例如,2003年9月24日,大约40名以色列国防军士兵、以色列边境警察和以色列警察闯入工程处Qalqila医院,搜寻一个受伤的巴勒斯坦人,虽然医院工作人员在当天上午早些时候向以方人员保证该医院没有收留这样一位伤员。 For example, on 24 September 2003, approximately 40 IDF soldiers, Israeli Border Police and Israeli police forced their way into the Agency’s Qalqilia Hospital searching for a wounded Palestinian even though they had been assured by the hospital staff earlier that morning that there was no such wounded patient in the hospital. |
法院应根据《民事诉讼规则》第191a条第1款之规定,启动关于确定是否可以收留的程序,或根据《民事诉讼规则》第191a条第2款之规定,启动关于确定是否可以限制以及继续在保健机构内继续扣留当事人的程序,但收留和扣留由法院在其他诉讼程序中命令的除外。 The court shall initiate proceedings regarding the determination of admissibility of the admission in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 191a of the Rules of Civil Procedure, or the restriction according to paragraph 2 of article 191a of the Rules of Civil Procedure and the further holding in the facility, unless the admission and holding were ordered by the court in other proceedings. |
例如,在西达尔富尔的利雅得难民营,联合国机构和非政府组织设立了无人照料的儿童的临时收容所,收留那些同没有收入的年长亲戚一起生活或曾受虐待、包括参与卖淫的儿童。 In Riyad camp in Western Darfur, for example, United Nations agencies and non‐governmental organizations have created a temporary shelter for children without caretakers, who are living with elderly relatives without any income or who have been subjected to abuse, including involvement in prostitution. |
约旦的公立学校不仅接收难民入学,也开始接收其约旦兄弟收留的伊拉克儿童。 Refugees attended public schools, which had also begun to absorb the children of Iraqis hosted by their Jordanian brothers |
中心也收留寡妇和其他无法单独生活的妇女,以促进其恢复和重新融入社会。 The centres also housed widows and other women unable to live alone, with a view to their rehabilitation and reintegration into society |
与会者注意到联刚稳定团出于人道主义和安全考虑,收留了一些未经批准进入刚果民主共和国的苏丹人民解放运动/解放军成员,随后将他们解除武装并送出边界,以免对南苏丹构成威胁。 The participants took note of the extraction by MONUSCO, on humanitarian and security grounds, of a number of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army in Opposition elements that had crossed into the Democratic Republic of the Congo without authorization, and their subsequent disarmament and relocation from the border so as not to present a threat to South Sudan. |
作为一个收留了大量外国人和避难者的国家,瑞士必须改善对外国人的形象认识并尊重外国人的文化特性,而不只是解决针对外国人的暴力问题。 As a country hosting large numbers of foreigners and asylum-seekers, Switzerland must also remedy the poor image and lack of respect for the cultural specificities of foreigners, in addition to addressing violence targeting them. |
关于巴基斯坦收留了世界上最多难民的事实,科威特询问在目前情况下面临的主要挑战是什么。 Regarding the fact that Pakistan is home to the largest number of refugees in the world, Kuwait asked what the major challenges are faced in this context. |
缔约国指出,该非政府组织特别为贩运活动受害者提供援助和收容所,但却未收留提交人,反而要求她根据悲惨的个人处境提供符合收容条件的资料。 The State party notes that that non-governmental organization specializes in providing assistance and shelter, in particular to victims of trafficking, yet instead of accommodating the author it requested information about the possibility of obtaining shelter on the grounds of distressing individual circumstances. |
父母有权索回被他人非法或未经法院判决收留的子女(《塔吉克斯坦共和国家庭法》第 # 条)。 Parents are entitled to seek the return of children from any individual who is keeping them with no basis in the law or a court decision (art # of the Family Code |
在过去二十年里,巴基斯坦在没有得到国际社会可观援助的情况下收留了数百万阿富汗难民。 Over the last two decades Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghan refugees without much appreciable assistance from the international community. |
特别报告员听说,中心过去收留过一个女孩实际上来自卡萨布兰卡的一个有钱家庭,但不愿告人她的身份。 The Special Rapporteur was told of the case of a girl who had previously lived in the centre who was actually from a wealthy family living in Casablanca, but who chose not to reveal her name. |
圣经说:要分粮给饥饿的人,收留无家可归的凄凉人,见赤身的就给他衣服蔽体。( 以赛亚书58:7) WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: ‘Share your bread with the hungry, bring the poor and homeless into your house, clothe someone naked when you see him.’ —Isaiah 58:7. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.