What does 說服 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 說服 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 說服 in Chinese.
The word 說服 in Chinese means convince, persuade, persuasion. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 說服
convinceverb (to make someone believe, or feel sure about something) John 這人不容易說服。 It is hard to convince John. |
persuadeverb (convince) 經過長久的爭論,我終於說服了她去露營。 After a long argument, I finally persuaded her to go camping. |
persuasionnoun (the act of persuading) 我天生具有希伯來人的說服才能,但當我年紀大了的時候,我把它轉換成了自戀。 I was born into the Hebrew persuasion, but when I got older I converted to narcissism. |
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她强调说,委员会应跟踪发展中国家之间投资不断增长的趋势,了解哪些政策措施和体制因素可在促进南南合作方面发挥关键性作用。 She stressed that the Commission should monitor the growing investment among developing countries in order to understand which policy measures and institutional factors could play a key role in promoting greater South-South cooperation |
ollmann先生(丹麦观察员)说,丹麦代表团认为,第 # 条草案不应包含新公约取代现有内陆单一方式公约,因为那会破坏公约草案的适用性。 Mr. Mollmann (Observer for Denmark) said that his delegation did not think that draft article # should encompass new conventions replacing existing inland unimodal conventions, for that would undermine the application of the draft convention |
我该 怎么 说 呢 should i even ask? |
为此,该国政府提请特别代表注意,他的信中说所有有价值的设备都完好无损并非属实,因为办公室的下列物件也不见了:六台计算机处理器、一台计算机屏幕、一台电视机、一台录像机和一台录音器。 In that respect, the Government drew the Special Representative's attention to the fact that, unlike what is mentioned in his letter stating that all valuable equipment was left untouched, the following objects were missing from the office: six computer processors, one computer monitor, one television, a video recorder and a dictaphone |
i) 一个国际工业联合会汇报说,该组织已在若干发展中国家内组织了讲习班以便就氯代--碱工业内使用汞晶胞的问题提高认识并交流有关最佳技术和最佳做法的信息 i) One international industry association reported that it had held workshops in several developing countries to raise awareness and exchange information on best available techniques and best practices with regard to the use of mercury cells in the chlor-alkali industry |
他们一向都说真话吗? Do they speak the truth? |
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。 And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community. |
他 说 他 是 你 的 新 音乐 老师 。 He says he's your new music teacher. |
你也会愉快地记起这节经文:「王要回答说:『我实在告诉你们,这些事你们既做在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了』(马太福音25:40)。 You will also smile as you remember this verse: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). |
但這只種說法只是部分正確,因為那些人們可能會起身對抗其他非民主國家,投票要求政府發動戰爭,例如美西戰爭。 But this is only partly correct, for the people can get aroused against nondemocracies and push their leaders toward war, as in the Spanish–American War. |
谁知第二天早上,他就打电话给我们说:“我找到你们想要的地皮了。” But the next morning he called back and said: “I’ve found your property.” |
因此,對許多阿塞拜疆人來說,伊斯蘭教傾向於民族主義認同的身份而非信仰的實踐。 Thus, for many Azerbaijanis, Islam tended toward a more ethnic/nationalistic identity than a purely religious one. |
有的说它也包括 # 年初之后发生的神秘死亡和蹊跷事件,例如被称为伊朗伊斯兰共和国输精管结扎术之父的名医最近遇害身亡。 Some suggest that it also covers mysterious deaths and incidents that have occurred since early # including most recently the murder of the doctor known as the father of vasectomy in the Islamic Republic of Iran |
我敢说,包括妇女和种族层面上的贫困仍然是我们的最大挑战之一。 I dare to say that poverty, including its female and racial dimensions, remains one of our biggest challenges |
1979年加拿大肺科协会的坦白声明对许多人说来有如当头棒喝一般:“每年有50,000个加拿大人由于吸烟的影响而早死。 In 1979, the Canadian Lung Association sobered many when it flatly stated: “Each year 50,000 Canadians die prematurely from the effects of smoking. |
如果 按照 你 说 的 , 是 我 杀 了 迪米 屈斯 Just suppose i had, as you suggest, killed dimitrios. |
虽然实现秘书处预期成绩不能完全归因于秘书处,因为其他利益攸关方亦对预期成绩有所贡献,但可以说秘书处开展的活动和交付的产出和服务(如果设计适当并切实执行)有助于取得上述成果。 While the attainment of expected accomplishments of the Secretariat cannot be attributed exclusively to the Secretariat, as other stakeholders also contribute to the expected accomplishments, it is nevertheless plausible to claim that the activities undertaken and the outputs and services delivered by the Secretariat — when properly designed and effectively implemented — contribute to those results. |
民11:35;12:1-16)学者大都认为,哈洗录即现今的艾因海德拉绿洲,这个地方在传统所说的西奈山东北约60公里(37英里)。 (Nu 11:35; 12:1-16) Most scholars connect Biblical Hazeroth with the oasis ʽAin Khadra, about 60 km (37 mi) NE of the traditional site of Mount Sinai. |
有的委员还说,报告虽然处理了一些有启发性的问题,但也使委员会远离了其最后目标,即确定承认在多大程度上产生法律效力。 It was also stated that, although addressing stimulating issues, the report drew the Commission away from its final objective, which was to determine to what extent recognition produced legal effects. |
这包括儿基会作为人道主义教育小组共同牵头机构的作用,一些代表团说,这可以作为联合国与非政府组织在其他小组的伙伴关系的模式。 This included the role of UNICEF as a co-lead of the humanitarian education cluster, which some said could serve as a model for United Nations partnerships with non-governmental organizations in other clusters. |
马尔加良弟兄辩护时说,出席耶和华见证人聚会的儿童,都已获得家长许可, 又说,军事服务是个人的决定。 He also explained that military service is a personal decision. |
贫困常被说成是“对人类的诅咒”,所以总是将个人或人口当作被动目标来研究。 Poverty is often described as a “curse on humanity” as a result of which individuals or populations are studied as passive objects |
日本报告说,虽然日本没有提供技术援助,但是亚洲及远东预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所在该领域开展了各种技术合作项目,包括每年举办国际培训课程,派遣该机构工作人员去肯尼亚并在肯尼亚提供培训。 Japan reported that while it did not provide technical assistance, the Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders had carried out various technical cooperation projects in that area, including international training courses held every year, the dispatch of Institute staff to Kenya and the provision of training in Kenya. |
最后,他说,哈萨克斯坦在实现可持续发展方面取得了巨大进展,国际社会为帮助哈萨克斯坦解决发展问题而提供的技术援助意义重大。 Finally, he said that Kazakhstan had made significant progress towards sustainable development and that technical assistance from the international community to help solve development problems was of great importance to it. |
当我说,“如果市长们可以统治这个世界”, 当我第一次想到这个说法的时候, 我突然认识到,他们其实已经这样做了。 When I say if mayors ruled the world, when I first came up with that phrase, it occurred to me that actually, they already do. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.