What does terkunci in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word terkunci in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use terkunci in Indonesian.

The word terkunci in Indonesian means closed, locked. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word terkunci


adjective verb

Dan peta ini, bersama kunci Blood dan liontin ialah satu - satunya cara untuk masuk.
And this map, along with Blood's key and locket, is the only way to get close to them.


participle (The condition of a field, record, recordset, or database that makes it read-only to all users except the user currently modifying it.)

Kembali sebelum tengah malam atau kau akan terkunci di luar.
Get back before midnight, or you will be locked out.

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Dan semakin panjang khotbah saudara, seharusnya itu dibuat semakin sederhana dan pokok-pokok kunci harus dibuat lebih tegas dan lebih menonjol.
And the longer your talk, the simpler it must be made and the stronger and more sharply defined your key points must be.
Aku sangat ragu kalau kuncinya ada dibawah keset, tapi kau menjatuhkan dirimu sendiri.
I highly doubt they're under the welcome that, but... you knock yourself out.
PBD menetapkan nilai untuk setiap klik dan kata kunci yang telah berkontribusi pada proses konversi dan membantu mendorong konversi tambahan dengan CPA yang sama.
DDA assigns a value to each click and keyword that has contributed to the conversion process and helps drive additional conversions at the same CPA.
Perhatikan bahwa daftar mencakup kata kunci positif dan negatif.
Notice that the list includes both positive and negative keywords.
Oleh karena itu, ’kunci-kunci’ tersebut mencakup wewenang untuk membangkitkan orang-orang secara harfiah, membebaskan mereka dari penjara kuburan, juga untuk melepaskan orang-orang dari keadaan mati secara kiasan.
Thekeys” therefore include authority to resurrect persons literally, freeing them from the confines of the grave, as well as to release persons from a figurative death state.
Kuncinya di apartemen Yuri.
Key's in Yuri's apartment.
Sejak tahun 1992, bangunan telah dilindungi sebagai warisan budaya kunci tingkat provinsi .
Since 1992, it has been protected as a provincial-level key cultural heritage site.
Joseph dilindungi dan nyawanya diselamatkan dalam beberapa kasus penganiayaan sampai pekerjaannya selesai dan dia telah melakukan bagiannya dalam pemulihan Injil dan kuasa Imamat serta semua kunci lainnya untuk masa kelegaan, dan sampai pengorganisasian kerajaan telah dilaksanakan.
Joseph was protected and his life saved in every instance of persecution until his work was finished and he had done his part in the restoration of the gospel and the priesthood and all other keys of the dispensation, and until the organization of the kingdom was effected.
Setiap tindakan atau tata cara yang dilaksanakan di Gereja dilakukan di bawah wewenang langsung atau tidak langsung dari seseorang yang memegang kunci-kunci untuk pelaksanaan tersebut.” (“Kunci-Kunci dan Wewenang Keimamatan,” Ensign atau Liahona, Mei 2014, 49).
Every act or ordinance performed in the Church is done under the direct or indirect authorization of one holding the keys for that function” (“The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 49).
Semua senjata besi terkunci di sana.
All iron-forged weapons are held there... under lock and key.
"3:16" dipilih karena ayat kunci dalam Injil Yohanes ini.
3:16 was chosen because of this key passage in John.
Mengapa kau tidak masuk ke dalam dan mengambil kunci nya?
You go inside and get the keys.
Tepat setelahnya, aku menyadari bahwa kunciku hilang.
Right after, I noticed my keys were gone.
Kunci khusus?
A special key?
Mereka yang memegang kunci-kunci wewenang dan tanggung jawab imamat menolong kita bersiap dengan mengadakan wawancara rekomendasi bait suci.
Those who hold keys of priesthood authority and responsibility help us prepare by conducting temple recommend interviews.
Anda dapat memfilter daftar jenis berdasarkan kombinasi jenis apa pun, seperti kata kunci, topik, dan ekstensi.
You can filter the type list by any combination of types, such as keywords, topics and extensions.
Altaïr menggambarkan memorinya di dalam kunci tersebut dan meminta temannya Niccolò Polo untuk menyembunyikannya.
Altaïr inscribes his memories in the keys and asks his friend Niccolò Polo to hide them.
Apa kau terkunci lagi...?
Lock yourself out again?
Tong sampahnya dikunci.
The Dumpster had a padlock.
Kalian harus dikunci di sebuah ruangan agar berlatih.
All of you should be locked somewhere to practice.
Sepertinya kunci terttinggal di mobil.
I guess I left the keys in the car.
Anda dapat menggunakan sebagian besar opsi penargetan display yang sudah Anda ketahui, seperti kata kunci audiens, kelompok minat, audiens dalam pasar, dan demografi.
You can use most of the display targeting options you’re already familiar with—like audience keywords, affinity audiences, in-market audiences, and demographics.
Setelah kita memiliki kode kunci untuk comm satelit mereka... kita akan dapat menggunakan sistem senjata mereka sendiri terhadap mereka.
Once we have the key codes to their satellite comm... we'll be able to use their own weapon systems against them.
Diam di sini dan kunci pintu.
Stay here and lock the door.
Namun, tiara dan kunci tetap menjadi simbol kepausan, dan muncul pada lambang Tahta Suci dan juga pada Bendera Vatikan secara terbalik.
However, the tiara and keys remain the symbol of the papacy, and appear on the coat of arms of the Holy See and (reversed) on the flag of Vatican City.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of terkunci in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.