What does 跳板 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 跳板 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 跳板 in Chinese.
The word 跳板 in Chinese means springboard, gangplank, diving board. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 跳板
springboardnoun (flexible diving board) 此外,马达加斯加还可以成为一个国际恐怖分子的跳板和藏身之地。 Thus, Madagascar could become a springboard and a refuge for international terrorists. |
gangplanknoun (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside) 使 那 紳士 免受 懲罰 跳板 , 它 是 一艘 工作 的 船 ! Get that gentlemen off the gangplank, it's a working ship! |
diving boardnoun 我 在 跳板 下面 发现 的 I found it under the diving board. |
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与会人员指明了这次危机产生的挑战带来的机遇,它可作为一个跳板,用以发展促进经济适用住房的创新机制。 Participants identified opportunities arising from the challenges posed by the crisis that could serve as a springboard for the development of innovative mechanisms to promote affordable housing. |
难民署还有一个较小的方案,对象是以塞尔维亚和黑山作为跳板前往其他西欧国家的难民和寻求庇护者。 UNHCR also has a smaller programme targeting mandate refugees and asylum-seekers who use Serbia and Montenegro as a staging point for reaching other Western European countries |
虽然目前的政治局势使很少捐助者对这些供资提议作出回应,但是该圆桌会议构成海地及其贸易伙伴之间进行政策对话的跳板,把与贸易有关的支助纳入国际社会未来的任何支助方案。 Although the prevailing political situation resulted in relatively timid donor response to the funding proposals, the round table constituted a launch pad for policy dialogue between Haiti and its trading partners, and for integrating trade-related support into any future programme of support by the international community |
然而,他们提醒说,《卢萨卡议定书》不应被纯粹用来作为迫使安盟投降的跳板。 However, they cautioned that the Lusaka Protocol should not be used simply as a platform to obtain UNITA's surrender |
会议为在发展与教育、卫生、科学和学术研究、国家行政管理和改革以及文化交流有关的联合活动方面取得进一步进展提供了跳板。 The meeting provided a springboard for further progress in the development of joint activities related to education, health, scientific and academic research, state administration and reform, as well as cultural exchange. |
我们需要一块跳板,使所有各方开始认真的、面向行动的会谈,一次国际会议仍然是实现这一目标的唯一可行方法。 We are in need of a springboard that will thrust all the interested parties into serious and result-oriented talks, and an international conference remains the only plausible way to achieve that |
大战结束后,曾经无畏地从事地下工作的700多个王国宣扬者再次恢复公开的活动;他们成为有如后来空前的扩展的‘跳板’一般。 When the war ended, more than 700 courageous Kingdom publishers emerged from underground activity, and these served as a springboard for unprecedented expansion. |
本发明公开了跳板处理方法及装置,其中,该方法包括配置跳板,其中,网管与网元之间存在多级跳板,在多级跳板之间逐级登录,直至登录到网元。 Disclosed are a springboard processing method and apparatus. |
自从1980年代起,共青团就成为中国政治菁英的跳板。 Since the 1980s, the Communist Youth League served as a launching pad for China’s political elite. |
在阿萨德的帮助下,叙利亚已成为伊拉克境内恐怖行动的跳板,正如伊拉克曾经是基地组织进入叙利亚的跳板。 With Assad’s help, Syria has become the launching pad for terrorist actions in Iraq, just as Iraq once served as the launching pad for Al‐Qaida incursions into Syria. |
大多数发展中国家的中小企业部门是进入强大的工业部门的跳板。 然而,这一部门的特点是市场准入差,中间供应少且国内竞争激烈。 In most developing countries, the SME sector can be considered the springboard to a strong industrial sector, yet the sector is characterized by poor market access, scarcity of intermediate suppliers and fierce domestic competition. |
第二,刚果政府极为重视边界不可侵犯和不干涉他国内政的原则,因此在任何情况下均不会容许本国领土被用为颠覆本国愿保持友好关系的那些邻国的行动的跳板。 Second, the Government is so attached to the principles of inviolability of borders and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries that it will not under any circumstances tolerate the use of its territory as a launching ground for operations aimed at destabilizing neighbouring countries, with which it wishes to remain on good terms. |
他们还特别决心尽一切努力,阻止招聘雇佣军和儿童战斗人员,任何国家不得利用其领土作为培训基地和扰乱邻国的跳板。 They also resolved, inter alia, that every effort should be made to discourage the enlistment of mercenaries and the recruitment of child combatants, and that no State should use its territory as a training ground or launching pad to destabilize a neighbouring State |
社会保护制度如果运作得当,不仅可以像跳板一样激发努力,增强人们在这种挑战中恢复积极生活的权能,而且有助于建设行事有效的国家,因为这些制度能够加深公民与国家之间的社会契约,而这种契约正是治理问题的核心所在。 At their best, social protection systems not only act as springboards to incentivize work and empower people to resume productive lives amid such challenges, but also can help to build effective States — by deepening the social contract between citizens and States that lies at the heart of governance issues. |
国家对边界管制不力,加上以弱国作为跳板,从而助长了非国家行为者偷运核材料和核技术的能力。 The ability of non‐State actors to traffic in nuclear materiel and technology is aided by ineffective State control of borders and transit through weak States. |
不要 拿掉 跳板 Sidney 你 可能 还要 回到 船上 You may wanna get back on board. |
然而,他们提醒说,《卢萨卡议定书》不应被纯粹用来作为迫使安盟投降的跳板。 However, they cautioned that the Lusaka Protocol should not be used simply as a platform to obtain UNITA’s surrender. |
我们请双方竭尽全力确保以色列即将从加沙和西岸北部某些地区的撤出成为更广泛进程中的一步,并被当作振兴路线图的跳板。 We are asking the parties to do everything possible to ensure that the upcoming Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the northern West Bank becomes a step in a broader process and is used as a springboard to revitalize the road map. |
香港繼續成為前往中國市場的跳板。 Hong Kong remains the springboard to the Greater China market. |
从南非和纳米比亚引进的潜水小队有系统地从河上的跳板采掘宽果河床的钻石。 Teams of divers brought in from South Africa and Namibia systematically stripped the Cuango river bed of diamonds from diving platforms on the river |
权力的基础服务于以下几个关键的功能: 它作为一个新的中心招募成员,并且促进成员的同质性,这种同质性是维护派别团结的关键 它可以作为派别活动的组织中心 它发挥跳板的作用, 促进挑选出来的派别成员工作并且允许他们获得那些会提高他们影响力和效率的能力。 A power base serves several key functions: It acts as a recruitment centre for new members, and promotes homogeneity within the membership (crucial for maintaining factional cohesion); It can be used as an organising centre for factional events and activities; It functions as a springboard, advancing the career of selected factional members and allowing them to gain skills that will increase their effectiveness and clout. |
在这次会议失败之后,我们怎能不关注这种情况:就在两个星期前举行的促进《全面禁止核试验条约(全面禁试条约)》生效会议证实,这方面的国际条约基本上只是某些国家的跳板,只是为了实现其控制的野心和愿望。 How can we fail to be concerned when, after the failure of that Conference, the Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), held only two weeks ago, has confirmed that the international treaties in this area are basically only springboards for certain States, serving to fulfil their ambitions and desires for domination? |
实际上,这离不开美国的战略目的,并正是为了推动这一战略目的,即打着“反恐战争”的幌子,利用吉布提作为实现美国在本地区的战略目标的跳板。 Indeed, this is intertwined with, and designed to advance, the purposes of the United States strategy of using Djibouti as a springboard for its military objectives in the region under the rubric of the “war on terrorism”. |
我 在 跳板 下面 发现 的 I found it under the diving board. |
地理位置之便,加上适用于各个国家的自由的签证政策,亚非国家的公民和东欧国家的公民都把塞黑当作非法进入西欧国家的跳板。 The geographic location and a liberal visa regime applied to individual countries resulted in that citizens from Afro-Asian countries, as well as citizens from Eastern-European countries, have used the territory of S&M as a transit point for illegal transfer to Western European countries. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.