What does 外国人居住证明 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 外国人居住证明 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 外国人居住证明 in Chinese.
The word 外国人居住证明 in Chinese means foreigner's certificate of residence. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 外国人居住证明
foreigner's certificate of residence
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在菲律宾,耶和华的仆人有很多机会证明自己对上帝忠贞不二。 There have been numerous opportunities for Jehovah’s servants in the Philippines to demonstrate this. |
政府表示《移民法》(第8487号法律)规定保护具有合法身份的外国人的人权,并规定了促进其融入社会的各项措施。 The Government indicated that the provisions of the Migration Law (Law No. 8487) provided for the protection of the human rights of foreigners with a legal status and for measures to promote their social integration. |
2006年6月6日第362号法加强了《外国人法》中关于不驱回难民的规定的范围,从而使其与丹麦的国际义务一致。 By Act No. 362 of 6 June 2002 the scope of the provision concerning non-refoulement in the Aliens Act was tightened and thus brought into compliance with Denmark’s international obligations. |
7,8.( 甲)有什么证据证明上帝的子民已‘放长他们的绳子’?( 7, 8. (a) What evidence is there that God’s people have ‘lengthened their tent cords’? |
他们遭到所居住国,大多数情况下居住在巴基斯坦,但还有些人居住在阿拉伯联合酋长国、泰国和伊拉克(通常为情报部门)当局的逮捕,并在未按任何法律程序加以审议的情况下,交给了中央情报局。 They were arrested by the authorities (generally the intelligence services) of their country of residence, in most cases Pakistan, but also the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and Iraq, and handed over to the CIA without any procedure contemplated by law. |
为了证明索赔,ABB原驻伊拉克分支机构经理2001年5月11日的宣誓证词证实1990年8月2日共有8名意大利籍雇员、4名菲律宾籍雇员和80名泰国籍雇员。 In support of its claim, ABB provided an affidavit dated 11 May 2001 sworn by ABB’s former branch manager in Iraq confirming that there were eight Italian, four Filipino and 80 Thai employees present in Iraq on 2 August 1990. |
提交了每个特派团的月度报告,证明收到的所有投诉已被记录在不当行为跟踪系统中。 A monthly report for each mission was submitted, certifying that all complaints received had been recorded in the misconduct tracking system. |
促请各国在各自国家法律范围内找到一种解决非洲人后裔世代居住的土地的所有权问题的办法,并采取措施促进居住在这种土地上的非洲人后裔的全面发展; Urges States to find a solution to problems of ownership in respect of land inhabited since ancestral times by people of African descent, according to their respective domestic legal framework, and to take steps to promote the comprehensive development of the people of African descent who occupy that land; |
如果贩运活动的受害者愿意配合共和国当局起诉贩运者,民事登记和移民司将与警方配合,立即为这些人提供居住许可以及在目前所在部门或者其他就业部门工作的许可证。 In cases where the victims of trafficking are willing to cooperate with the authorities of the Republic for the prosecution of the traffickers, the Civil Registry and Migration Department, in cooperation with the police, immediately provides them with a residence permit as well as a work permit in the same or other employment sector. |
正如海地灾害证明的那样,在压力管理、做出重返工作的决定、休整要求、某些情况下的长期病假等标准化做法方面,辅导员和医疗服务之间的协调至关重要。 Exemplified by the disaster in Haiti, coordination between counsellors and medical services was particularly relevant with regard to standardizing an approach to management of stress and making decisions regarding return to work, recuperation requirements and, in some cases, extended sick leave. |
在此之后她回顾说,美国政府已向难民事务高级专员办事处提供了近 # 亿美元,这证明美国坚持多边主义,并重视联合国这个惟一担负保护难民职责的机构,尽管保护难民的首要责任落在各收容国肩上。 That testified to its commitment to multilateralism as well as to the sole United Nations agency whose mandate was the protection of refugees, although host nations bore the primary responsibility |
在他当选瑙鲁共和国最高政治职务之前,他长期担任内阁职务——担任卫生部长、司法部长和岛屿发展和工业部长,这证明了他的杰出才能和专门知识。 The fact that, before his election to the highest political post in the Republic of Nauru, he was a long-term member of cabinet as Minister of Health, Minister of Justice and Minister for Island Development and Industry is evidence of his outstandingly high competence and expertise. |
在Johnson的调查里,明确地证明了二手烟是很有害的。 It is clearly shown in Johnson's investigation that passive smoking is very harmful. |
从道德、法律和战略的观点来看,没有任何理由可以证明有必要研制这种大规模毁灭性武器。 From an ethical, juridical and strategic point of view, there is no justification whatsoever that would legitimize developing this kind of weapons of mass destruction. |
原则上,维持和平部队的行为应归于联合国,但若受害国证明维持和平部队的违规行为是对联合国任务规定的违反,有关行为应归于派遣国。 In principle, the conduct of peacekeeping forces was attributable to the United Nations, but if the injured State demonstrated to the extent that it was able that a violation by peacekeeping troops was an infringement of their United Nations mandate, the conduct in question should be attributed to the contributing country |
认识到缺乏足够的住房,特别是在发展中国家的城市地区,仍然是消除赤贫斗争中的一项紧迫挑战,对尤其是非洲发展中国家城市地区贫民窟居住者人数的迅速增加表示关切,着重指出除非在国家和国际各级采取紧急有效的措施和行动,现占世界城市人口三分之一的贫民窟居住者人数将继续增加,并强调需要加倍努力,以期到2020年大大改善至少一亿贫民窟居住者的生活; Recognizes that the lack of adequate housing remains a pressing challenge in the fight to eradicate extreme poverty, particularly in the urban areas in developing countries, expresses its concern at the rapid growth in the number of slum-dwellers in the urban areas of developing countries, particularly in Africa, stresses that, unless urgent and effective measures and actions are taken at the national and international levels, the number of slum-dwellers, who constitute one third of the world’s urban population, will continue to increase, and emphasizes the need for increased efforts with a view to significantly improving the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwellers by 2020; |
该奖项由独立咨询机构评选,是证明我们所取得成就的一个令人振奋的指标。 It was an exciting indicator of our success given by an independent consultancy. |
贝琉群岛(旧称帛琉群岛)包括200多个热带岛屿,其中大多数无人居住。 它们看来具备乐园的不少要素:气温保持华氏80°(摄氏27°)左右,土地肥沃,海洋鱼产丰富,居民勤恳友善——并且远离国际紧张中心,华盛顿和莫斯科。 Belau (formerly Palau), a group of more than 200 mostly uninhabited tropical islands seems to have many of the ingredients of Paradise: a temperature that rarely strays far from 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27° C.), fertile land, an abundantly stocked ocean, industrious, friendly inhabitants —and situated far, far away from those centers of international tension, Washington and Moscow. |
如果索赔人证明,尽管做了合理地努力,但仍然无法将货物转售给另一个买主,建议赔偿相当于合同价减去残余价值和节省的费用的数额。 Where the claimant has established that, despite reasonable efforts, the goods could not be resold to an alternative buyer, compensation is recommended in an amount equal to the contract price less the salvage value and any costs avoided |
此外,有关法律援助的法律使得遭受暴力的外国人,即使是在非法情况下,也能获得司法帮助,向刑事法庭提起诉讼。 In addition, the Act on legal aid allows foreign women- even those in an irregular situation- who are victims of violence to benefit from legal aid to bring charges before criminal courts |
它还可以简化预算的制定过程并证明联合国活动的正当性。 It would also simplify the process of formulating the budget and would justify the activities of the United Nations |
参加公开征集的提案的数量之巨(共有 # 件)以及在提案的提交过程中的技术援助和跟进活动都证明了这一点。 This was demonstrated by the large number of projects submitted and the back-up and technical assistance provided in the proposal-formulation stage |
感到鼓舞的是一些接纳国为缓解在其管辖地区居住的移徙女工的困境采取了一些措施 Encouraged by some measures adopted by some receiving States to alleviate the plight of women migrant workers residing within their areas of jurisdiction |
提交人宣称,最高法院的判决也扭曲了审判时已证明的事实,认定提交人对代理人隐瞒了当初确定其律师费额的条款,因而代理人向他支付了 # 万比索。 The author claims that this judgement, too, distorted the facts proved at trial by finding that the author had concealed from the attorney the terms on which his fee had been set so that the attorney would pay him the # million pesetas |
全国所有居住者,不论性别或居住地点,均可享受此项服务。 They are provided to all inhabitants of the country irrespective of their sex or place of residence |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.