What does 辛苦 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 辛苦 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 辛苦 in Chinese.
The word 辛苦 in Chinese means hard, good job, difficult. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 辛苦
hardadjective (Requiring a lot of effort to do or understand.) 約翰,你工作太辛苦了。坐下來休息一會兒。 John, you've been working too hard. Have a seat and rest awhile. |
good jobinterjection noun (a phrase used to praise for a good job or efforts) 今天 多亏 您 实在 是 辛苦 了 You did a really good job today. |
difficultadjective (Requiring a lot of effort to do or understand.) 就算你跟爸妈关系很好,搬回去跟他们一起住也可能会很辛苦。 Even if you love your dad and mom, moving back home can be difficult. |
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委员会成员感谢石油监督员的辛苦工作,并将继续根据委员会程序(S/1995/636)第1段规定的监督队编制,努力补缺。 The hard work of the overseer is appreciated by the members of the Committee, which will continue to work towards filling the vacancies in the overseer team as provided for in paragraph 1 of the Committee’s procedures (S/1995/636). |
16是的,他们心力交瘁,他们白天英勇作战,夜间辛苦地守住他们的城市;他们就这样忍受各种极大的苦难。 16 Yea, and they were depressed in body as well as in spirit, for they had fought valiantly by day and toiled by night to maintain their cities; and thus they had suffered great afflictions of every kind. |
你 工作 这么 辛苦 , 休息 一下 。 You work so hard, take a break. |
这一失败是错失机会,也使四年的辛苦工作和艰难妥协付之东流。 The failure to do so was a missed opportunity and a waste of four years of hard work and difficult compromises. |
因为我们在你们中间,未尝不按规矩而行,也未尝白吃人的饭,倒是辛苦劳碌,昼夜做工,免得叫你们一人受累。 To the contrary, by labor and toil night and day we were working so as not to impose an expensive burden upon any one of you. |
你们 总是 不分昼夜 地 管理 治安 真是 辛苦 了 Hmm... raspberry blend. |
我们还感谢各位协调员所做的重要的辛苦工作,他们为讨论各项议题提供了有益和必要的机会。 We also acknowledge the important and painstaking work done by the coordinators, who provided a helpful and necessary opportunity for discussion of the issues. |
当地的水源虽然说不上源源不绝,但是在雨季,水流沿着沟谷的山坡滚滚而下,侵蚀了萨西居民辛苦挖成的梯田。 Though not overabundant, in the rainy season surface water eroded the agricultural land of the terraces—conquered with such great labor—as it ran down the sides of the ravine. |
耶稣曾经发出一个感人的邀请:“你们所有辛苦劳碌、担子沉重的人啊,到我这里来吧,我要叫你们安舒。 Included was Jesus’ warm invitation: “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. |
到森林采摘浆果,值得这么辛苦吗? Is picking berries in the woods worth the effort? |
他喜欢见到所有农产品整齐排列着,就算大部份的售价对他而言都太高了,不过,他知道这些美丽陈列背后所有的辛苦付出。 He likes to see how uniform all the produce looks, even though most of it is too expensive for him to afford. |
我们没能通过加强《生物武器公约》的执行来恰当地处理这一公约的问题,尽管我们通过多年的谈判为此做出了辛苦的集体努力。 We have not been able adequately to address the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) by strengthening its implementation, although we toiled collectively through many years of negotiation to do so |
造車 雖然 辛苦 Never drove a car so powerful. |
我 干活 太 辛苦 了 I work too hard. |
尼日利亚代表团赞赏为提出CD/1863号文件中的各种理念而付出的辛苦努力和进行的广泛协商,该文件载有一项关于确立裁谈会工作计划的决定草案。 The Nigerian delegation appreciates the painstaking efforts and wide-ranging consultations that went into the framing of the ideas in document CD/1863, which contains a draft decision for the establishment of a programme of work for the Conference. |
我们依靠我们工作人员的敬业精神和辛苦努力维持了法庭过去六个月的活动。 We have been able to maintain the work of the Tribunal for the past six months with the dedication and hard work of our staff. |
他 很 辛苦 的 跟 我 排练 了 好久 We had rehearsed many many times |
有关哥斯达黎加打击歧视黑人妇女的具体行动,全国宣传管制办公室于 # 年决定暂停由美国卫浴洁具公司为“La Negrita”产品进行的一项宣传运动,其包装和广播广告将黑人妇女描绘成是为从事辛苦工作而生的,因此她们要永远不知疲倦地工作,这体现了黑人妇女处于服从和奴役角色的陈规陋习。 Concerning specific action to combat discrimination against black women in Costa Rica, the National Office for the Control of Advertising decided in # to suspend an advertising campaign launched by the American Sanitary enterprise concerning a product called “La Negrita”, in which packaging and radio advertising sent the message that black women are untiring because they are made for hard work, promoting a stereotype that kept black women in a role of subordination and slavery |
然而,许多女性可能会陷入一种自相矛盾的处境,即在她们一辈子辛苦照料和保护其家庭后,宗法性质的社会却在她们需要非正规机构或正规制度援助时,不给她们同等的社会保护待遇。 However, many women may be caught in the paradoxical situation that, having worked hard to care for and protect their families all their lives, the patriarchal nature of their society does not give them equal treatment in social protection when they need assistance from either informal institutions or formal systems |
关于权力下放和加强地方各级政府的准则的第 # 号决议是十年辛苦劳动的成果,这是和成员国家、地方当局伙伴和专家进行广泛磋商所取得的成果。 Resolution # on guidelines on decentralization and strengthening of local authorities, was the fruit of # years' labour involving extensive consultations with member States, local authority partners and experts |
这里大多数人的职业是捕龙虾,这种工作相当辛苦。 The main work is catching lobsters, which calls for much dedication. |
我 累死 了 , 逃命 真 辛苦 I am bushed. |
创49:11;赛63:2)踩葡萄的工作虽然辛苦,但也是人们特别开心的时候;他们一边欢呼歌唱,一边合着节奏踩踏酒榨。( (Ge 49:11; Isa 63:2) Although it meant plenty of hard work, the crushing season was usually a time of rejoicing; joyful shouting and singing helped to keep rhythm in the treading. |
莉莉丝 , 你 这 把 年纪 那种 日子 可能 会 很 辛苦 it might be kind of rough. |
作家盖伊·塞奇说:“辛苦忙碌了一天,回到家中,在花园里轻轻松松地干点细活,实在令人心旷神怡。” “After a busy, stressful day it’s a great escape to come home and potter about in your garden,” says author Gay Search. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.