What does 性交 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 性交 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 性交 in Chinese.

The word 性交 in Chinese means sex, intercourse, sexual intercourse. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 性交


noun (act of sexual intercourse)


noun (sexual intercourse)

In 2001, After a debate on the use of post-intercourse birth control pills, the government decided to allow its marketing.

sexual intercourse

noun (sexual interaction)

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Fears related to illness and death; the association of HIV with sex workers, men having sex with men and injecting drug use; and beliefs that attribute moral fault to people living with HIV/AIDS all contribute to the impact of stigma and often give rise to intolerance and discrimination
One reason is that HIV and other STIs can be sexually transmitted, while HIV and other STIs encourage each other’s spread.
Qualified types of rape are also included in Article 186, in case of the occurrence of a serious physical injury, death, or other serious consequences, or the act has been committed by more than one person, or in a particularly cruel or humiliating manner, or by coercion to sexual intercourse, with a serious threat that something shall be revealed concerning the victim or someone close to the victim that shall harm the victim's honor and reputation, or that another serious evil will be caused.
此外,有 # %的应答者表示同时使用两种或两种以上的麻醉药品,而 # %的应答者确认自己在药物作用下有性交行为。
Also # per cent of respondents indicated the use of two or more kinds of narcotic drugs at the same time, while # per cent of respondents confirmed having sexual intercourse when under the effects of drugs
Using these tools, Masters and Johnson observed and measured about 700 men and women who agreed to engage in sexual activity with other participants or masturbate in Masters' laboratory.
Similarly, abstinence-only campaigns that focus only on abstaining from sexual intercourse as a means to avoid sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies provide a narrow and incomplete rather than a comprehensive perspective.
The minimum age of consent for sexual acts was raised from 14 to 15, and the provision for punishment for having sexual intercourse or other sexual relations with a child under the age of consent was expanded so that these offences qualify for the same punishment as rape, i.e. 1-16 years’ imprisonment.
She shared statistics released in the 2014 UNICEF report “Hidden in Plain Sight”: in 2012 alone, 95,000 children and adolescents under the age of 20 were killed – almost one in five of all homicide victims that year; almost one quarter of girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide (almost 70 million) had reported being victims of some form of physical violence since age 15; and around 120 million girls under the age of 20 (about one in 10) had been subjected to forced sexual intercourse or other forced sexual acts at some point in their lives.
The Center for Population Options reports that each year 1 in 6 teenagers contracts a sexually transmitted disease and that 1 of every 6 sexually active high-school girls has had at least four different partners.
与未满 # 岁的未成年人性交或肛交可处 # 至 # 年徒刑。
Sexual intercourse or anal coitus with a minor under # years of age is punishable by imprisonment of # to # years
与 # 岁以下或 # 到 # 岁之间女孩的性交或对猥亵都将被判处长期监禁。
Sexual intercourse or indecency with a girl under the age of # or a girl between # and # carries a heavy term of imprisonment
性交 起來 。
You fucked it up.
Examples: Arched back, legs spread open, or hands on covered genitalia; focus on image of covered genitalia or breasts; mimicking sex positions; drawings of sex positions
The sexual services provided in prostitution are most often violent, degrading and abusive, including sex between a buyer and several women; slashing the woman with razor blades; tying women to bedposts and lashing them until they bleed; biting women’s breasts; burning the women with cigarettes; cutting her arms, legs and genital areas; and urinating and defecating.
( 丹尼 ) 让 我们 埋葬 鼠 和 正直 的 拿 这 在 这里 性交 outta 。
Let's bury the rat and just get the fuck outta here.
Condom use at the last high-risk sex
Malaysia should repeal article 377 of its penal code, which is an anachronistic colonial era law that criminalizes “carnal intercourse against the order of nature."
In 2010, clinical trial results demonstrated that a vaginal microbicide could reduce a woman’s risk of becoming infected during sexual intercourse.
Apart from that, what was the thrust of Jesus’ admonition?
The rites of passage to adulthood, in some cultures, are concluded by sexual union with a male chosen by the elders (fisi).
从 # 年到 # 年,全球报告 # 岁以前有过性交行为的年轻人比例从 # %下降到 # %。
Between # and # the share of young people globally reporting sexual intercourse before age # fell from # per cent to # per cent
然后 我们 是 完全 地 性交 ?
Then we're all fucked?
13 2004年,与女性性工作者性交是导致艾滋病的主要原因,80%的确诊病例是由此途径感染。
In 2004, sex with female sex workers was a major cause of HIV/AIDS with 80 per cent of all cases detected being so infected.
爸爸 , 性交 的 我 杀 它 。
Dad, I fucking killed it.
If a Scout brings specific questions to his Scoutmaster, the Scoutmaster should answer within his comfort level, remembering that a "boy who appears to be asking about sexual intercourse... may really only be worried about pimples".

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.