What does 星空 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 星空 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 星空 in Chinese.
The word 星空 in Chinese means starry sky, the heavens. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 星空
starry skynoun 让我们心中的道德法则和理性取得胜利,那样就能保护我们头上的星空。 Let moral law and reason prevail so that we can preserve the starry sky. |
the heavensnoun 她 在 天空 中 游弋 在 星空 中 欢笑 在 宇宙 尘埃 中 呼吸 She swims in the heavens, laughs at stars, breathes in cosmic dust. |
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能够窥探本来肉眼无法看见的世界,从微小至极的原子、分子和活细胞,到庞大至极的星空银河,绝对是叫人叹为观止的经历! Truly it is fascinating to peer into the unseen world of both infinitesimally tiny atoms, molecules, and living cells and mammoth galaxies of stars far beyond the range of unaided vision! |
在天朗气清的夜晚,如果你在一个远离灯火的地方仰观星空,漆黑的天幕就像一块黑色丝绒,上面镶满了无数细小而闪亮的美钻。 ON A clear night and observed far away from the lights of any human presence, the heavens look like black velvet with thousands of tiny diamonds sparkling across the expanse. |
2005年1月,再次分析的数据才揭示了阋神星在背景星空下的缓慢移动。 In January 2005, the re-analysis revealed Eris's slow motion against the background stars. |
她 在 天空 中 游弋 在 星空 中 欢笑 在 宇宙 尘埃 中 呼吸 She swims in the heavens, laughs at stars, breathes in cosmic dust. |
若要解决以上种种难题,我们必须望向星空,意即我们要怀有积极的态度。 To solve these problems we must look to the stars, meaning that we must have a positive attitude. |
真正的星空消失,取而代之的是虛假的星星。 The real stars disappeared, replaced by false stars. |
它是一系列描繪不同被放大的星空部份版畫的一部份,是義大利人在各種各樣場合作為背景的場景;所有的這些都是在天文學家Eustachio Manfredi監督下創造的,具有一定的正確性。 It is a part of a series of panels in which different (magnified) heavenly bodies serve as backdrops for various Italian scenes, the creation of all of them overseen by the astronomer Eustachio Manfredi for accuracy. |
特别 喜欢 从 这 看 星空 这里 看到 的 星星 超级 漂亮 I always looked forward to it |
艾佩安星空图,1540年 Apian’s Star Chart, 1540 |
意识到每个社会都形成了关于星空的传说、神话和传统,这些都构成了各个社会文化遗产的一部分, Conscious that each society has developed legends, myths and traditions concerning the sky, the planets and the stars which form part of its cultural heritage, |
♫你是否曾经仰望星空?♫ ♫静静躺着,扪心自问♫ ♫这是为什么?♫ ♫ ♫ Lying on your back, you're asking why ♫ ♫ What's the purpose? |
1,2.( 甲)我们举目遥望星空,心里可能对造物主有什么想法?( 1, 2. (a) When looking up at the starry heavens, what question might we ask regarding the Creator? |
該計畫所賺取的里程數可以在土耳其航空航班使用,以及整個星空聯盟的航空網絡。 Earned miles can be used on Turkish Airlines flights, as well as on flights operated by the entire Star Alliance network. |
另一方面,由于早期的星空图有许多复杂的装饰图案,令版面凌乱不堪,结果越来越少人用,最后完全消失。 In addition, the elaborate decorations that cluttered earlier charts became less prominent and eventually disappeared. |
星空 實驗室 你 是 誰 Who are you? |
这个研究结果快要公之于世了 但是目前还没有 所以你们还算是第一批了解这些 关于南半球星空研究的人 This survey is just about to be published, but it hasn't been shown yet, so you are literally the first people to see this southern survey of the entire sky. |
現在 你 可以 每晚 睡 在 星空 下 Now you'll sleep under the stars. |
有人认为,圣经时代的人一定曾使用简陋的望远镜观察星空,否则他们怎么知道,从人的角度来看,星星数之不尽呢? Some think that ancients in Bible times must have used a rudimentary form of telescope. |
夜晚的草场一片寂静,大卫独自看守着羊群时,必定常常抬头凝望广大无垠的星空。 How often he must have gazed up into the vastness of the starry heavens in the stillness of the night while watching over his father’s flocks in those lonely sheep pastures! |
它被星空中数以千计的点点 和同步加速器辐射点亮 It's alight with synchrotron radiation, and thousands of dots are in the sky. |
國際天文聯會為慶祝該節目的50年慶典,命名了小行星57424(數字是該節目的首播時間,名字是拉丁文的「夜晚星空」)。 The International Astronomical Union celebrated the 50th anniversary of the show by naming an asteroid 57424 Caelumnoctu, the number referring to the first broadcast date and the name being Latin for "The Sky at Night". |
我们看到的是充满色彩的星空 五彩斑斓 We now have a color view of the sky, a technicolor view. |
此外,有一个较小而圆心不同的环,其上刻了星座的记号。 这个环把地球周围星空的可见移动显示出来。 The apparent rotation of the starry skies around the earth is shown by a smaller, eccentric ring that is marked with the signs of the constellations. |
英国星空电视台记者亚历克斯·克劳福德在伊德利卜市内发布了一段视频,视频中反对派的旗帜在市中心飘扬。 Sky news correspondent, Alex Crawford, was inside the city of Idlib posting a video with the opposition flag flying in the city centre. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.