What does 用心良苦 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 用心良苦 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 用心良苦 in Chinese.
The word 用心良苦 in Chinese means to give a lot of thought to sth, to ponder earnestly. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 用心良苦
to give a lot of thought to sth
to ponder earnestly
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马尔加良弟兄辩护时说,出席耶和华见证人聚会的儿童,都已获得家长许可, 又说,军事服务是个人的决定。 He also explained that military service is a personal decision. |
开发计划署继续在俄罗斯联邦进行一个关于受污染地区的水质评价和水源的项目,其目的是要确保受污染的勃良斯克有安全食水供应。 UNDP has continued its project in the Russian Federation on water quality evaluation and water availability in contaminated areas in order to ensure a safe water supply in the affected Bryansk region |
然后上帝说:“我的百姓在埃及的苦况,我已看见了。 God then said: ‘I have seen the suffering of my people in Egypt. |
“一个星期天,我在聚会里听到讲者解释人受苦的原因,那些资料改变了我对上帝的看法。 “However, one Sunday I heard something that changed my attitude. |
2001年1月,為紀念蘇越兩國建交50週年,俄羅斯總統普京正式訪問河內,由越南社会主义共和国主席陳德良接待。 In January 2001, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Soviet-Vietnam ties, Russian president Vladimir Putin made an official visit to Hanoi, where he was received by Vietnamese president Trần Đức Lương. |
耶稣在很早以前已帮助门徒明白,“他必须上耶路撒冷去,受长老、祭司长、文士许多的苦,并且被杀,第三日复活。”( Well in advance Jesus tried to help the disciples to realize “that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the older men and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised up.” |
吸毒和吸毒成瘾被视为健康问题,在许多国家,人们发现,向吸毒者和/或遭受吸毒成瘾之苦的人提供治疗和支持而不是施加刑事制裁或处罚将很有帮助。 Drug use and drug dependence were seen as health issues and, in many countries, providing people who used drugs and/or suffered from drug dependence with treatment and support rather than imposing criminal sanctions or punishment had been found to be helpful. |
增进发展中国家[和转型期经济体-欧盟、俄罗斯联邦、乌克兰]对国际经济决策进程的参与,即通过更多参加国际经济论坛,在国际金融机构实施关于良政、透明度和问责制的商定原则,以确保社会发展在其政策和方案拟订中占有中心地位。] Increase the involvement of developing countries [and countries with economies in transition-EU, Russian Federation, Ukraine] in the international economic decision-making process through greater participation in international economic forums, applying agreed principles of good governance, transparency and accountability to international financial institutions to ensure a central position for social development in their policies and programmes.] |
我們 的 苦難 就 快 結束 了 ! Our torment is nearing an end! |
要 受苦 的 应该 是 戴子 龙 It's Tai who should be suffering. |
那个情景相当滑稽,叫我几乎捧腹大笑,但看见伊迪丝苦着脸,我哪里笑得出来呢? I turned and saw that Edie was standing in black mud up to her knees. |
哥林多后书1:8-10)问题是,我们有没有学会从受苦的经历得益呢? (2 Corinthians 1:8-10) Do we allow suffering to have a good effect on us? |
配偶一方若滥用酒精或药物,婚姻便会遭受极大的苦困。 A marriage undergoes intense distress when a mate abuses alcohol or drugs. |
鉴于难民在残破不堪的难民营中生活的苦况,难民的遣返和重新安置就成为一项紧迫的问题。 The repatriation or relocation of refugees has become a pressing issue, given the plight of refugees in the dilapidated camps |
在1861年或1862年時,約瑟夫(Joseph Black)在錫安峽谷進行了艱苦的旅程並被其美麗所吸引。 In 1861 or 1862, Joseph Black made the arduous journey to Zion Canyon and was very impressed by its beauty. |
有的评论称小说讥讽了南方穷苦的白人,使用了形象单一的黑人,格兰维尔·希克斯(Granville Hicks)给出的标签是“耸人听闻、娇柔做作”。 Some lamented the use of poor white Southerners, and one-dimensional black victims, and Granville Hicks labeled the book "melodramatic and contrived". |
以色列定居者收到供资,而巴勒斯坦人和贝都因人却遭受资金不足和服务匮乏之苦。 Israeli settlers received funding while Palestinians and Bedouins suffered from underfunding and lack of services. |
人不再受饥寒交迫之苦,不再经历挫折绝望。 更美妙的是,上帝的和平意味着世上再也没有疾病、痛苦、悲伤、死亡。( Better still, God’s peace means a world without sickness, pain, sorrow, or death. |
我可以向它们和世界所有国家及其人民保证,我们对该对话的关心源自我们的伊斯兰信仰和价值观、我们对人类状况的同情和关心,目的是要使人类免遭苦痛。 I can assure them and all the States of the world and their peoples that our concern for this dialogue stems from our Islamic faith and values, our compassion and care for the human condition, in order to save humanity from its miseries. |
纳戈尔内卡拉巴赫共和国总理阿努沙万·达尼埃良几次指出,到 # 年,纳戈尔内卡拉巴赫共和国人口将达 # 。 The NKR prime minister, Anushavan Danielyan, said several times that in # the NKR population would reach |
虽然农村妇女可以利用逆境以使社会前进,但是她们深受贫穷、疾病(特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病)和文化惯例之苦。 However, rural women, with their ability to overcome adversity and contribute to the development of society, were particularly exposed to poverty, disease (particularly HIV/AIDS), and cultural practices |
相反的,透过既苦又甜的牺牲,我们确实获得一些有永恒价值的事,也就是祂的慈悲和宽恕,最后是「父所有的」(教约84:38)。 On the other hand, through the sweet irony of sacrifice, we actually gain something of eternal worth—His mercy and forgiveness and eventually “all that [the] Father hath” (D&C 84:38). |
1998年5月的评价认为“方案战略健全”;“项目的总体设计很好”以及“这些项目切合国家需求并受到赞赏”;“这些项目从各咨询小组和各国参与者和主要专家的咨询意见中获益良多”;“特别是转型国家对这些项目颇感兴趣”;“这些项目是为了尽可能地受惠于欧洲经委会在该区域的独特地位”。 The latter evaluation found that the “programme strategy was sound”; “the projects are on the whole well designed” and “address country needs in a pertinent manner and are well appreciated”; “projects benefited greatly from advisory groups and the advice of country participants and leading specialists”; “country interest in the projects is strong, particularly in countries in transition”; and projects “are conceived to benefit in the best possible way from the ECE’s unique position in the region”. |
予人良助逾一百年的高台 A Tower of Help for Over 100 Years |
列侬此时并不喜欢麦卡特尼对于乐队的指导,除了《Strawberry Fields Forever》外,他觉得自己是在“应约写歌”而不是像在《左轮手枪》中那样“用心写歌”。 According to Barry Miles, Lennon resented McCartney's direction of the band as well as how, aside from "Strawberry Fields Forever", he himself was now supplying "songs to order" rather than "writing from the heart" as he had on Revolver. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.