What does 有潛力 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 有潛力 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 有潛力 in Chinese.
The word 有潛力 in Chinese means promising, showing potential. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 有潛力
promisingadjective noun verb 陛下 , 我 認為 這是 多年 來 我 聽過 最有 潛力 的 作品 Majesty it was the most promising work I've heard in years. |
showing potentialadjective noun verb |
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所以 我 不 確定 強奸 是不是 有 笑點 So I'm not sure how rape is funny. |
它对美国政府不断地且越来越经常地侵犯人权这点有何看法,有何行动? What are the organization's views and what action has it taken with respect to the continuing and increasingly frequent violations of human rights in the United States, which have been denounced even by well known non-governmental organizations, thematic mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights and treaty bodies, such as |
强调导致产前胎儿性别选择和杀害女婴的重男轻女现象,是一种没有充分记载的歧视女童的形式,对整个社会有重大影响,体现为女婴死亡率高和男女两性比例扭曲,并关切地注意到这种做法的不良社会影响包括贩卖人口,并强调这些有害做法中的一些做法与贫穷和欠发达有关,在农村地区尤为如此 Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopment |
尽管有本附件第 # 条的规定,若科索沃非多数族裔在至少有 # 名居民的集中住区的总人口中占至少 # %,则科索沃应与该族裔协商,以期另设新市。 otwithstanding the provisions of Article # of this Annex, Kosovo shall engage in consultations with a non-majority Community where that Community makes up at least # % of the population of a concentrated settlement with a minimum total population of # inhabitants, with a view to establishing other new municipalities |
有子女的低收入家庭这方面的替换率更高,通过家庭补助,他们的保险收入可达到 # %,即每周的补助金最多达到 # 加元。 Low-income families with children may receive a higher replacement rate, of up to # percent of their insured earnings through the Family Supplement (FS), up to the maximum weekly benefit of $ |
南弗吉尼亚大学生物系副教授理查·贾纳弟兄表示,他对耶稣基督福音的信心对他有很大的帮助。 Brother Richard Gardner, an associate professor of biology at Southern Virginia University, says that his faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been a big help to him. |
半年审查会议将有以下目的:(a) 审查在实现《框架》目标和承诺方面取得的进展以及建设和平委员会在几内亚比绍的参与的整体情况;(b) 使国际社会集中关注需要采取进一步行动的建设和平差距;(c) 评估几内亚比绍政府、建设和平委员会以及其他相关的利益攸关者是否履行了根据本框架所作的各项承诺;(d) 总结经验教训和确定最佳做法;以及(e) 酌情更新本《框架》和确认正在出现的对于建设和平而言至关重要的问题。 The semi-annual review meetings will have the following objectives: (a) to review progress in achieving the objectives and commitments of the Framework and the overall engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission with Guinea-Bissau; (b) to focus the attention of the international community on key peacebuilding gaps requiring additional action; (c) to assess whether the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Peacebuilding Commission and all other relevant stakeholders are honouring their commitments under the present Framework; (d) to draw lessons and establish good practices; and (e) to update the present Framework and identify emerging issues that are critical for peacebuilding, as appropriate |
有一国代表团询问外部评价和内部评价的依据是什么。 One delegation asked about the basis for external and internal evaluations |
儿童有权要求负责定期审查在落实儿童权利方面所取得进展情况的委员会确实能实行定期审查。 It is the right of children that the United Nations committee in charge of regularly examining the progress made in the implementation of their rights should have the opportunity to do so. |
工会代表应由属于某个企业的工人和多企业临时工会会员以及至少有八名工会会员组成但尚未选举出工会主席的会员们选举产生。 The trade union representative shall be elected by workers who belong to an enterprise and who are members of a provisional multi-enterprise trade union and who, numbering at least eight, have not elected a director in their particular union |
其中只有一部归还了原主,一些车主知道他们的车辆仍在被交战各方使用,包括苏丹解放军团结派和苏丹政府在朱奈纳的国家边境卫队。 Of these, only one vehicle was returned to its proper owner, and a number of the owners are aware that their vehicles are still in use with belligerents, ranging from SLA Unity to the Government of the Sudan National Border Guard in El Geneina. |
我 有 什么 事 让 马丁 太太 如此 紧张 ? Now what is there about me that makes Mrs. Martin so nervous? |
10月1日:大日本帝國完成全國17間民營鐵路國有化。 October 1 - The Empire of Japan completes the nationalization of nationwide 17 private railroads. |
实际上在距离明天还有一个月时间, 关于这个问题 在华盛顿特区会有一个会议 由美国国家科学院举办的, 就我们应该做什么 这个问题做一个细致的讨论。 There's actually going to be a meeting a month from tomorrow in Washington, D.C. by the US National Academy of Sciences to tackle that exact question. |
在菲律宾,耶和华的仆人有很多机会证明自己对上帝忠贞不二。 There have been numerous opportunities for Jehovah’s servants in the Philippines to demonstrate this. |
这有使局势进一步复杂化的风险。 This risks further complicating the situation. |
为此,该国政府提请特别代表注意,他的信中说所有有价值的设备都完好无损并非属实,因为办公室的下列物件也不见了:六台计算机处理器、一台计算机屏幕、一台电视机、一台录像机和一台录音器。 In that respect, the Government drew the Special Representative's attention to the fact that, unlike what is mentioned in his letter stating that all valuable equipment was left untouched, the following objects were missing from the office: six computer processors, one computer monitor, one television, a video recorder and a dictaphone |
集体谈判对农业工人至关重要,因为在农村地区,对法律的知晓度往往较低,而且执法往往不力,还因为劳动法在工作时间、加班费和休假这些问题上常将农业部门和其他部门区别对待。 Collective bargaining is crucially important for agricultural workers, both because knowledge and enforcement of the law tend to be weak in rural areas and because labour legislation frequently treats the agricultural sector differently from other sectors with regard to issues such as working time, overtime pay, or leave. |
又谴责对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国文化遗产的损坏和摧毁,以及有组织的洗劫和贩运其文化财产的行为, Condemning also the damage to and destruction of the cultural heritage of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as the organized looting and trafficking of its cultural property, |
不过,如果根据知识产权相关法律,知识产权担保权的文件或通知可在知识产权登记处登记,同时根据《指南》所建议的法律,该担保权也可在普通担保权登记处登记,便有必要解决这两种登记处之间的协调问题。 However, where, under law relating to intellectual property, a document or notice of a security right in intellectual property may be registered in an intellectual property registry and, at the same time, under the law recommended in the Guide, that security right may also be registered in the general security rights registry, there is a need to address the issue of coordination between these two registries. |
例如,在14个办事处中,有9个办事处没有对伙伴管理和解释现金转账的能力进行评估或者做得不对。 For example, the assessment of the capacities of UNICEF partners to manage and account for cash transfers was either not done or done incorrectly by 9 of the 14 offices. |
只有开展集体努力,才能确保提高所有人的生活水平,并使他们享有更大的尊严。 Only collective efforts can ensure a better standard of living and greater dignity for all human beings. |
在毒品和犯罪问题办公室的帮助下,通过、修改和审查本国立法以执行关于毒品和犯罪的法律文书、特别是《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其各项议定书的规定的会员国数目增加 Additional number of Member States drawing on the assistance of UNODC to adopt, adapt or review domestic legislation to implement the provisions of the legal instruments relating to drugs and crime, in particular the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols |
本委员会对这些事态的发展深感震惊;因为发生事件之时,国际社会正在通过“四方”竭力争取结束暴力,恢复双方间有意义的政治对话并争取达成谈判解决,以实现以色列和巴勒斯坦两国在和平与安全中毗邻而居的理想。 Our Committee is appalled by these developments taking place at a time when the international community, through the Quartet, is working hard to stop the violence, resume a meaningful political dialogue between the parties and move forward to a negotiated settlement, with a view to realizing a vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. |
我赞许你们为提出第11项可持续发展目标所做的工作,该目标专门致力于使城市和人类住区对于所有人“具包容性、安全、有复原力及可持续”。 I commend your work in proposing sustainable development goal 11, which is dedicated to making cities and human settlements “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” for all. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.