What does 治標不治本 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 治標不治本 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 治標不治本 in Chinese.

The word 治標不治本 in Chinese means to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 治標不治本

to treat the symptoms but not the root cause

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所以 我 確定 強奸 是是 有 笑點
So I'm not sure how rape is funny.
He will also carry out liaison with the United Nations system and regional entities and collect information on massive and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law of ethnic and racial origin that, if not prevented or halted, might lead to genocide, and will act as an early warning mechanism to the Secretary-General and the Security Council
太 有把握 字 拼得 对
I wasn't too sure about the spelling in them.
The people did not fear Jehovah and change their ways even after witnessing his judgment on other nations
There is no comparable offset in Europe, where taxes are almost exclusively paid to, and transfers received from, national governments.
Although the nature of an open framework agreement tends to indicate that the description of the procurement will be framed in functional and broad terms so as to allow refinement to the statement of the procuring entity’s needs at the second stage, it is important that it is not so broad that the open framework agreement becomes little more than a suppliers’ list.
It was also noted that a chronological way of presenting digital recordings would be insufficient, since the most relevant information would not be so easy to find in a potentially long series of relevant statements.
I wish to reiterate that India remains strongly committed to disarmament and non-proliferation
Most regional groups do not wish to meet outside of traditional meeting hours
ollmann先生(丹麦观察员)说,丹麦代表团认为,第 # 条草案应包含新公约取代现有内陆单一方式公约,因为那会破坏公约草案的适用性。
Mr. Mollmann (Observer for Denmark) said that his delegation did not think that draft article # should encompass new conventions replacing existing inland unimodal conventions, for that would undermine the application of the draft convention
The majority, if not all, supported the full implementation of the recommendations of the Mitchell report without any conditions
Mr. Debabeche (Algeria) wondered whether the ongoing reform of procurement at the United Nations had been initiated in response to the oil-for-food scandal, and pointed out that the oil-for-food programme had been managed by the Security Council and not the General Assembly
Urges Member States, in cooperation, as appropriate, with relevant international organizations and relevant non-State actors, to develop effective preventive measures to enhance and promote the safety and protection of medical and health personnel, as well as respect for their respective professional codes of ethics, including but not restricted to:
Paragraph 1 is intended to ensure that a security right in assets commingled in a mass or product, even though they are no longer identifiable, continues in the mass or product.
The international community should also continuously scale up investment in the least developed countries in the areas of infrastructure, productivity and services, and endeavour to help them to restructure their economies, which were too dependent on production of commodities.
They had also arisen in individual project proposals where the Party submitted associated documentation that forecast its future non-compliance
Also, unwise practices, commercial greed, lack of education of the public and indifference have produced a shocking situation.
The recently established Special Climate Change Fund and Least Developed Countries Fund, managed by the GEF with proceeds from the clean development mechanism for adaptation, will provide a solid financial basis for continuing work in the future.
Paragraph 14 of General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) provides that, when the Conference is not in session, the Board shall carry out the functions that fall within the competence of the Conference.
We couldn’t get him out.
Collective bargaining is crucially important for agricultural workers, both because knowledge and enforcement of the law tend to be weak in rural areas and because labour legislation frequently treats the agricultural sector differently from other sectors with regard to issues such as working time, overtime pay, or leave.
The lack of coordination at the national level and the requests from international organizations requiring input from multiple institutions and various national entities responsible for reporting similar data to different organizations may lead to inconsistency in the national data reported.
問她 什麼 地方 對 了, 她 就 挑起 爭 鬥. 你 和 她 共事
Ask her what' s wrong, she picks a fight
The policy makers’ awareness of and access to research findings and recommendations on the effect of economic reforms on gender inequality was continued through a series of presentations and by incorporating the gender dimension into those outputs where it was considered to be relevant and feasible.
Christians who have a genuine interest in one another find no difficulty in spontaneously expressing their love at any time of the year.

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 治標不治本 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.