What does 之前 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 之前 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 之前 in Chinese.
The word 之前 in Chinese means before, by, ago. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 之前
beforeadpositionadverb (in front of in space) 正如我之前提到的,经过严格的调查后,我们发现公司的管理层没有任何问题。 As I've already mentioned before, after a rigorous investigation, we have found nothing wrong with our company's management. |
byadposition (not later than) 明日之前必须把工作做完. I must have my work finished by tomorrow. |
agoadverb 这是三天之前了。 That was three days ago. |
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按照资发基金管理部门2013年4月发布的业绩管理与发展准则,上一年的业绩评估和下一年的业绩计划要在每年1月/2月之前完成。 According to the performance management and development guidance note, issued in April 2013 by UNCDF management, the year-end performance assessments for the previous year and the performance plans for the following year must be completed by January/February of each year. |
科技咨询机构第二十四届会议 注意到第 # 号决定,请缔约方、获得接纳的观察员和有关政府间组织在 # 年 # 月 # 日之前向秘书处提交材料,详细阐述处理以上第 # 段所指情况影响的实际解决办法。 Noting decision # the SBSTA, at its twenty-fourth session, invited Parties, admitted observers and relevant intergovernmental organizations to submit to the secretariat, by # ugust # their inputs elaborating practical solutions to address the implications of the situation referred to in paragraph # above |
在第107段中,审计委员会建议妇女署力争在执行周期开始之前完成年度工作计划核准程序。 妇女署同意这一建议。 In paragraph 107, UN-Women agreed with the Board’s recommendation that it strive to complete the annual workplan approval process before the start of the performance cycle. |
审计委员会在报告第97段中,建议行政当局:(a) 紧急调查其报告中提到的180个事例,并收回超付包机商的费用(如有应收回款);(b) 紧急拟订标准作业程序,以定期分析电子月度航空飞行报告所载数据,并在放款之前核查包机商提交的发票。 In paragraph 97 of its report, the Board recommended that the Administration urgently: (a) investigate the 180 instances cited in its report and effect recoveries, if due, from the contractors; and (b) develop a standard operating procedure for periodic data analysis of the electronic monthly aviation reports and for verification of invoices received from the air charters before releasing payments. |
在科学和技术委员会第一届特别会议之前举行的公约执行情况审查委员会第七届会议上,各国代表商定了衡量公约执行进展情况的报告原则。 At the seventh session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention, which immediately followed the first special session of the Committee on Science and Technology, delegates agreed on reporting principles that would measure progress in the implementation of the Convention |
今天的发言名单上有尊敬的乌克兰代表梅海罗·斯库拉托夫斯基先生,但在请他发言之前,并且在你们同意的情况下,我认为有必要向会议报告一下我作为会议主席在闭会期间举行的磋商的情况。 Today we have on our list of speakers the distinguished representative of Ukraine, Mr. |
除非有第15条草案规定的情形,一国对于其国民或第8条草案所指的其他人所受的损害,在该受害人用尽一切当地救济之前,不得提出国际求偿。 A State may not present an international claim in respect of an injury to a national or other person referred to in draft article 8 before the injured person has, subject to draft article 15, exhausted all local remedies. |
全权证书应在12月16日星期四之前提交人权高专办纽约办事处(DC1-0504室)。 Credentials should be submitted to the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (room DC1-0504), prior to Thursday, 16 December. |
审计委员会建议,儿基会应考虑修订VISION系统相关模块的控制点,以确保其国家办事处事在向逾六个月未报告现金使用情况的执行伙伴直接转移更多现金之前获得事先核准。 The Board recommends that UNICEF consider revising the control point of the relevant module of the VISION system to ensure that its country offices obtain prior authorizations for the release of additional direct cash transfers to implementing partners with unreported cash utilization for more than six months. |
甚至在日内瓦完成有关禁止化学武器组织的谈判之前,阿根廷、巴西和智利联合起来,在1991年签署了《门多萨宣言》,正式完全致力于禁止化学和生物武器。 Even prior to the conclusion of the negotiations of OPCW in Geneva, Argentina, Brazil and Chile united to sign the Mendoza Declaration in 1991, a formal commitment completely to prohibit chemical and biological weapons. |
不歧视;法律之前平等;一般的政策 Non-discrimination; equality before the law; general policy |
执行主任应采取措施,在2011年底之前建立内部监督机制度,检查相关监督机构提出的建议的执行情况。 The Executive Director should undertake measures to create, by the end of 2011, an internal system to monitor the implementation of recommendations made by relevant oversight bodies. |
在4月份实质性会议之前,我们是否还将举行更多会议? Are we going to have further meetings before the April substantive session? |
此外,关于耶路撒冷遭受毁灭的预言清楚显示,耶和华能够在新事还没有发生之前,就让他的子民听见。( 以赛亚书42:9) The prophecy regarding the destruction of Jerusalem clearly portrays Jehovah as a God who ‘causes his people to know new things before they begin to spring up.’ —Isaiah 42:9. |
高级别对话的许多结论响应了国际移徙组织在之前就一直传达的关键信息,该组织同时期待能够帮助后续行动获得成功。 Many of its conclusions echoed the key messages that IOM itself had been sending during the lead-up period, and the Organization looked forward to helping make the follow-up a success |
所需经费减少的主要原因是,在特派团最后关闭之前,比计划提前缩编军事观察员,使 # 个月实际部署的平均兵力 # 名军事观察员少于预算编列 # 个月平均兵力的 # 人。 esource variance amounts are expressed in thousands of United States dollars. Analysis is provided for variances of at least plus or minus # per cent and $ |
定于 # 年年底之前完成的轻水反应堆建设项目眼下还只是在挖掘地基阶段。 The project for the construction of light water reactors scheduled to be completed by # now stands at only ground excavation |
� 在大会辩论中,俄罗斯联邦表示,“关于与武装冲突有关的环境保护专题,国际人道主义法已有足够的规定,因为武装冲突之前和之后的时期被视为和平时期,在此期间,适用于环境保护的一般规则完全适用”。 � During the debate in the General Assembly, the Russian Federation expressed that “[o]n the topic of protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts, sufficient regulation already existed under international humanitarian law, since the period before and after an armed conflict was considered to be peacetime, during which the general rules applicable to the protection of the environment were fully applicable”. |
我们曾表示,希望在俄罗斯和亚美尼亚之前发言。 We indicated our desire to speak before Russia and Armenia. |
共同事务扩大方案的目的是在2005年年底之前,使联合国工作人员在130个国家中能够利用共同事务指导原则和新的成果追踪系统(RTS)。 The Common Services Expansion Programme aims at having United Nations staff in 130 countries using common services guidelines and a new results-tracking system (RTS) by the end of 2005. |
在游戏中,五人一队的两组玩家通过选择预先设计的游戏英雄角色进行比赛,每个角色具有各种先天技能和可部署的能力,并且在他们自己的基地被摧毁之前一起合作摧毁另一个团队的基地为了赢得这一局比赛。 In it, two teams of five players compete by selecting pre-designed in-game hero characters, each with a variety of innate skills and abilities, and cooperating together to destroy the base of the other team before their own base is destroyed as to win the round. |
在出台明确了能够实施流产的条件的立法之前,应提供更多的信息说明政府有关流产的政策的使用情况和适用性,以及流产服务的提供情况。 Pending the legislation that would identify the conditions under which abortions could be performed, further information should be provided about the use and application of the Government policy on abortion and about the availability of abortion services. |
缔约方会议在第 # 号决定中核可了这些建议,请秘书处拟订关于开展技术援助活动以满足工作组在优先领域查明的需要的建议,并将这类建议提交工作组在缔约方会议第四届会议之前举行的会议审议。 By its decision # the Conference endorsed those recommendations and requested its secretariat to submit proposals for technical assistance activities designed to meet the needs identified by the Working Group in the priority areas and to submit them to the Working Group for consideration at its meeting to be held before the fourth session of the Conference |
该《宣言》呼吁制订在指定日期之前减少不平等和消除赤贫的国家政策和战略。 The Declaration calls for the adoption of national policies and strategies to reduce inequalities and eradicate absolute poverty by a target date. |
一些专家认为,必须确定全球排放水平,以避免为确定参考排放水平而使用的最初单个国家估算导致随时间改进估算值之前全球一级排放量估算高得不切实际。 Some experts were of the view that global reference levels are necessary, in order to avoid initial individual country estimates used for establishing reference emission levels leading to unrealistically high emission estimates at the global level before improvement of these estimates over time. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.