What does 中共中央纪委监察部 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 中共中央纪委监察部 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 中共中央纪委监察部 in Chinese.
The word 中共中央纪委监察部 in Chinese means party discipline committee. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 中共中央纪委监察部
party discipline committee
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审计和监察部还正在执行同行审查中提出的建议。 The Department was also in the process of implementing the recommendations made in the peer review |
这是除其审计和监察部所提供内部调查服务之外另行建立的一项安排。 This arrangement is in addition to the investigation services provided internally by its Audit and Inspection Department |
此外,它邀请监督厅追踪调查联合国合办工作人员养恤基金联合横向审计(监督厅及审计和监察部)的进展情况。 In addition, OIOS is invited to follow up progress in the joint horizontal audit (OIOS and the Audit and Inspection Department) of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund |
纪委认为,这些案件为不构成严重违反行为。 These cases were not considered major acts of non-compliance |
在第70段,审计委员会建议审计和监察部遵守内部审计员协会制定的内部审计专业实务标准和行为守则。 In paragraph 70, the Board recommended that the Audit and Inspection Department conform to the standard for the professional practice of internal auditing and the code of conduct established by the Institute of Internal Auditors. |
在这样的背景下,国家劳动监察部对雇主组织进行了检查。 In this context, the National Labour Inspectorate conducted inspections in employer organisations |
2010年4月21日,监察部、人力资源和社会保障部、公安部联合出台《公安机关人民警察纪律条令》,规定违反规定采取强制措施或者行政拘留的,非法剥夺、限制他人人身自由的,违反规定延长羁押期限或者变相拘禁的,体罚、虐待违法犯罪嫌疑人、被监管人员或者其他工作对象的,实施或者授意、唆使、强迫他人实施刑讯逼供的,依法予以记过、降级、撤职或者开除处分。 On 21 April 2010, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the Ordinance on Discipline for the People’s Police of the Public Security Organs, stipulating that whosoever implements compulsory measures or administrative detention in violation of regulations, unlawfully takes away or limits the personal liberties of other persons, extends a term of custody or implements disguised detention in violation of regulations, corporally punishes or abuses criminal suspects, prisoner detainees or other persons in his or her working capacity, or who coerces, or incites, suborns or compels others to coerce, confessions by torture shall be sanctioned in the form of demerits, reduction in rank, dismissal from office or expulsion from the employing organization. |
国家劳动监察部和地方劳动监察部门应该根据《劳动检查法令》继续进行旨在检查是否遵守现行主要关于平衡工作和生活的法规,并将制订更为有效的方法和指标,以评估遵守就业性别平等原则的情况。 The National Labour Inspectorate and regional labour inspectorates shall, within the meaning of the Act on labour inspection, continue conducting individual inspections aimed at checking compliance with the effective regulations pertaining mainly to reconciliation of family life and work, and shall work on the development of more effective methodologies and indicators for assessing compliance with the principles of gender equality in employment. |
联合纪律委员会(纪委会)及 Committee (JDC) and related matters |
随后在 # 年,《监察部接待性暴力受害者议定书》引进了关于紧急避孕药的信息制度。 Subsequently, in # information regarding the emergency contraceptive pill was included in the protocols for the care of victims of sexual violence of the Public Prosecutor's Office |
一共六个人:三个检察院来的,两个地方纪委来的,加上我弟弟。 Two from the local CDI, plus my brother. |
肖疑飞曾向检察院和纪委投诉酷刑,但全无下文,被他投诉的官员们反而获得晋升。 In July 2014, Xiao was taken into custody again. |
监察部法规司处长;《联合国反腐败公约》相关问题协调小组办公室成员;拥有政策制定和预防领域的专门知识 Division Director of the Department of Law and Regulation in the Ministry of Supervision; Member of the Office of the Coordination Group responsible for UNCAC related matters; expertise in policymaking and prevention |
根据关于劳动监察以及若干法律修正案的第125/2006 Coll号法令,劳动监察部有权检查条款规定的执行情况,勒令消除查出的缺点,并依照违反条款的情况禁止工作继续进行,并最终依照违反关于建立、变更或终止雇用关系,雇员(包括妇女、青少年、工作能力不符的雇员)工作条件的雇用条文,工资条文,集体协议的义务,关于禁止非法工作和非法雇用法律条文的情况,对雇主处以罚款。 Under the Act No. 125/2006 Coll. on labour inspection, and on amendment of certain acts, as later amended, the Labour Inspectorate is authorised to conduct inspection of compliance with regulations, order the elimination of the shortcomings found, and, on the basis of establishing any contravention of regulations, prohibit performance of work and finally impose on the employer penalties for the contravention of employment regulations providing for the rise, change or termination of employment relations, working conditions, of employee, including women, the adolescent and the persons with altered work capacity, wage regulations, obligations arising from collective agreements, legal regulations providing for the prohibition of illegal work and illegal employment. |
随后在2000年,《监察部接待性暴力受害者议定书》引进了关于紧急避孕药的信息制度。 Subsequently, in 2000, information regarding the emergency contraceptive pill was included in the protocols for the care of victims of sexual violence of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. |
所谓的“国家秘密”是一份中共中央发出的文件,警告党员防范“七种危险事物”,包括“普世价值”、公民社会和新闻自由,通称“9号文件”。 The alleged “state secret” is a document issued by the Central Committee warning its members against “seven perils” including “universal values,” civil society, and a free press, referred to as “Document Number 9.” |
执行这一建议是各部负责人的责任,他们应与审计和监察部主任协商。 The implementation of the recommendation is the responsibility of department heads, in consultation with the Director, Audit and Inspection Department. |
12月,一群公共知识分子发表公开信,呼吁中共中央委员会委员应以身作则公布财产。 In December, a group of public intellectuals issued a letter calling on members of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee to set an example by disclosing their assets. |
近东救济工程处告知委员会,审计和监察部将继续改进其及时审查工作文件方面的业绩以及有关档案审查方面的完成程序。 UNRWA informed the Board that the Audit and Inspection Department will continue to improve its performance with respect to timely review of working papers and on the completion of procedures related to file review |
k) 第 # 段中建议近东救济工程处审计和监察部确定和实施更严格的时限,以改进和加强报告和后续工作的过程。 k) Recommendation in paragraph # that UNRWA's Audit and Inspection Department should establish and enforce stricter time frames to improve and strengthen the processes of reporting and follow-up |
审计和监察部已制定了一个正式职业发展方案,该方案现正在执行之中。 The Audit and Inspection Department has developed a formal professional development programme, which is being implemented. |
2008年10月12日,中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》, 此草案旨在推进农村发展。 On October 12, the Plenary Assembly of the CCP approved the “Resolutions concerning the many important problems in the development of reform in the countryside”, a law draft aiming at boosting development of the rural areas in the country. |
《中共中央管理的干部职务名称表》包括党政机构中的头5000名职位,这全部由中组部决定。 The central nomenklatura list comprises the top 5,000 positions in the party-state, all of which are controlled by the Organization Department. |
总管党国公安、检察、法院机关的孟建柱──前公安部长及现任中共中央政法委书记──曾在2015年指出,大数据的重要性在于从“碎片化”的信息中找到规律,进而“确定一个人身份”。 Meng Jianzhu – the former Minister of Public Security and the current Secretary of the Communist Party Political and Legal Committee – which oversees the Party-state’s police, procuratorate, and the courts – said in 2015 that big data is important to “find order... in fragmented information” and “to pinpoint a person’s identity.” |
审计和监察部已经改善其反应和建议执行表,以便跟踪所收到的用于总体后续和审查目的的反应。 The Audit and Inspection Department has improved its Response and Recommendation Implementation Table to facilitate tracking of responses received for overall follow-up and review purposes |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.