英语 中的 agent 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 agent 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 agent 的说明。

英语 中的agent 表示代理人 dài lǐ rén, 经纪人 jīng jì rén, 特务 tè wù, 试剂 shì jì, 施事物,动作主体, 橙剂, 密探 mì tàn, 首席代表, 驻伦敦的总代表, 预定代理 yù dìng dài lǐ, 艺人经纪人 yì rén jīng jì rén, 清洁剂 qīng jié jì, 代收人 dài shōu rén, 海关工作人员, 清关代理, 双面间谍 shuāng miàn jiàn dié, 托管代理人, 房地产商,房地产代理 fáng dì chǎn shāng,fáng dì chǎn dài lǐ, 自由人 zì yóu rén, (可以和任何球队签约的)自由球员 kě yǐ hé rèn hé qiú duì qiān yuē de zì yóu qiú yuán, 保险代理人 bǎo xiǎn dài lǐ rén, 凝胶剂 níng jiāo jì, 污染物 wū rǎn wù, 广告宣传员 guǎng gào xuān chuán yuán, 房产代理人 fáng chǎn dài lǐ rén, 销售代理, 特工 tè gōng, 特别探员 tè bié tàn yuán, 特工 tè gōng, 售票代理 shòu piào dài lǐ, 旅游代理商 lǚ yóu dài lǐ shāng, 旅游代理人 lǚ yóu dài lǐ rén。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 agent 的含义

代理人 dài lǐ rén

noun (representative)

Amanda's agent has secured a book deal for her.

经纪人 jīng jì rén

noun (sports) (体育运动)

The quarterback's agent will answer those questions.

特务 tè wù

noun (spy)

The government covertly sent an agent to spy on the gang's activities.

试剂 shì jì

noun (chemistry)

Oxidizing agents are reduced when they take on electrons.


noun (grammar) (语法)

In the sentence "The teacher marked the homework", the agent is "the teacher".


noun (herbicide: anti-crop weapon) (除草剂:抗作物武器)

密探 mì tàn

(secret agent)


noun (chief representative)


noun (English government: representative)

预定代理 yù dìng dài lǐ

noun ([sb]: takes reservations)

艺人经纪人 yì rén jīng jì rén

noun (for performers)

Booking agents find galleries for artists and runway shows for fashion models.

清洁剂 qīng jié jì

noun (substance that cleans)

Supermarkets stock a bewildering range of cleaning agents, from old-fashioned soap to the latest detergent.

代收人 dài shōu rén

noun (debt collector)


noun (officer who checks imports)

At the airport, a customs agent checked our suitcases.


noun (importer's representative)

The customs agent knew all the regulations about importing goods into the country.

双面间谍 shuāng miàn jiàn dié

noun (government spy)

We didn't know that our spy was a double agent, also working for our enemy.


noun (person: holds money for [sb] else) (钱)

房地产商,房地产代理 fáng dì chǎn shāng,fáng dì chǎn dài lǐ

noun (UK (sells homes, property) (英国)

If you want to be an estate agent, you should first do a course on how to sell property.

自由人 zì yóu rén

noun ([sb] independent)

(可以和任何球队签约的)自由球员 kě yǐ hé rèn hé qiú duì qiān yuē de zì yóu qiú yuán

noun (sports: non-contract player)

His contract with the Yankees has expired so now he's a free agent.

保险代理人 bǎo xiǎn dài lǐ rén

noun ([sb] who sells insurance policies)

I needed to update my policy so I called my insurance agent.

凝胶剂 níng jiāo jì

noun (ingredient used to thicken and set)

污染物 wū rǎn wù

noun (substance that contaminates)

The polluting agent in the river turned out to be chlorine from the laundry service.

广告宣传员 guǎng gào xuān chuán yuán

noun (public relations manager)

The actor's press agent has just released a statement.

房产代理人 fáng chǎn dài lǐ rén

noun (sells homes, property)

The real estate agent showed us a lot of houses before we found the perfect one.


noun (commercial representative)

特工 tè gōng

noun (spy)

特别探员 tè bié tàn yuán

noun (government investigator)

The special agent stepped off the plane in Miami.

特工 tè gōng

noun (spy)

售票代理 shòu piào dài lǐ

noun (business that sells tickets)

A ticket agent can help you arrange your trip to Asia. I'll see if the ticket agent has anything suitable.

旅游代理商 lǚ yóu dài lǐ shāng

noun (company that sells holidays)

I always book my holidays at the same travel agent.

旅游代理人 lǚ yóu dài lǐ rén

noun ([sb] employed to sell holidays)

The travel agent sold us a vacation to Bermuda.

让我们学习 英语

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agent 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。