英语 中的 clock 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 clock 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 clock 的说明。

英语 中的clock 表示钟 zhōng, 时光 shí guāng, 测量…的时间 cè liáng de shí jiān, 打 dá dǎ, 打卡上班 dǎ kǎ shàng bān, 达到…, 打卡, 下班打卡, 抢时间 qiǎngshí jiān, 闹钟 nào zhōng, 不分日夜 bù fēn rì yè, 连续不停地 lián xù bù tíng de, 原子钟 yuán zǐ zhōng, 生物钟 shēng wù zhōng, 育龄期, 钟面,表盘, 时钟收音机 shí zhōng shōu yīn jī, 钟楼 zhōng lóu, 钟表, 盼望下班的员工, 不断看表的人, 钟表匠 zhōng biǎo jiàng, 钟表制造 zhōng biǎo zhì zào, 布谷鸟钟, 数字钟 shù zì zhōng, 八点钟, (早上)八点 zǎo shàng bā diǎn, (晚上)八点 wǎn shàng bā diǎn, 十一点钟, 早上11点, 晚上11点, 五点 wǔ diǎn, 晚上5点, 早上5点, 清晨才刮过傍晚就已长出的短胡须 qīng chén cái guā guò bàng wǎn jiù yǐ zhǎng chū de duǎn hú xū, 四点 sì diǎn, 下午4点, 凌晨4点, 落地大座钟,落地大摆钟, 九点 jiǔ diǎn, 早上九点, 晚上九点, …点钟 diǎn zhōng, 一点 yì diǎn, 中午一点, 凌晨一点, 夜以继日 yè yǐ jì rì, 全天候的, 七点钟,七点 qī diǎn, 早晨七点, 傍晚七点, 六点钟 liù diǎn zhōng, 晚上六点 wǎn shàng liù diǎn, 早上六点 zǎo shàng liù diǎn, 停止计时 tíng zhǐ jì shí, 十点, 上午十点 shàng wǔ shí diǎn, 晚上十点 wǎn shàng shí diǎn, 三点钟, 下午三点, 凌晨三点, 出勤打卡钟, 把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn, 把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn, 十二点, 正午十二点 zhèng wǔ shí èr diǎn, 午夜十二点 wǔ yè shí èr diǎn, 两点,两点钟 liǎng diǎn, 下午两点 xià wǔ liǎng diǎn, 凌晨两点 líng chén liǎng diǎn, 挂钟 guà zhōng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 clock 的含义

钟 zhōng

noun (device to measure time)

The teacher checked the clock to see if it was lunchtime.

时光 shí guāng

noun (figurative (time)

You cannot turn back the clock; time keeps going.

测量…的时间 cè liáng de shí jiān

transitive verb (time: record, measure)

The referee clocked the runner's time at thirty seconds.

打 dá dǎ

transitive verb (slang, figurative (hit [sb] on the head)

She was so upset by what he said that she clocked him round the head.

打卡上班 dǎ kǎ shàng bān

phrasal verb, intransitive (register arrival at work)

Steven clocks in at 7 every morning. Don't forget to clock in when you get to work.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (mainly UK (get to a large number of)


phrasal verb, intransitive (activate time card at job) (指上班记录考勤的方法)


phrasal verb, intransitive (at work: record leaving time)

抢时间 qiǎngshí jiān

adverb (under pressure of time)

It's seems as though I am always working against the clock! These deadlines are ridiculous.

闹钟 nào zhōng

noun (clock that sounds an alert)

My alarm clock sounds every morning at 6 AM. My power went out last night, so my alarm clock didn't go off.

不分日夜 bù fēn rì yè

adverb (all the time)

The engineers are working around the clock to get the project finished on time.

连续不停地 lián xù bù tíng de

adjective (constant)

His mother is very sick and needs around-the-clock care.

原子钟 yuán zǐ zhōng

noun (highly accurate electronic clock) (一种精度非常高的钟)

Atomic clocks are the most accurate type of clock.

生物钟 shēng wù zhōng

noun (regulation of bodily processes)

Our biological clock tells us when to eat and sleep.


noun (figurative (fertility time limit)

Older women may race against their biological clock when thinking about having children.


noun (display of an analogue timepiece)

时钟收音机 shí zhōng shōu yīn jī

noun (device: radio plus clock)

The clock radio is difficult to set, and often wakes guests up during the night.

钟楼 zhōng lóu

noun (tower with built-in clock)


(striking watch)


noun (employee who often looks at time)


noun ([sb] who looks at clock closely)

钟表匠 zhōng biǎo jiàng

noun ([sb] who makes timepieces)

Pinocchio's father was a clock maker.

钟表制造 zhōng biǎo zhì zào

noun (horology, act of creating clocks)


noun (clock: noise on the hour)

数字钟 shù zì zhōng

noun (clock displaying time digitally)

The batteries in the digital clock need changing.


noun (time: 8 o'clock)

We arranged to meet at eight in the evening.

(早上)八点 zǎo shàng bā diǎn

noun (time: 8 A.M.)

I always get up around 8 o'clock, whether I'm working or not.

(晚上)八点 wǎn shàng bā diǎn

noun (time: 8 P.M.)


noun (time: 11 o'clock)

I'll meet you at the bus stop at eleven.


noun (time: 11 A.M.)


noun (time: 11 P.M.)

五点 wǔ diǎn

noun (time: 5 o'clock)

It's five already? I should go home soon.


noun (time: 5 P.M.)


noun (time: 5 A.M.)

清晨才刮过傍晚就已长出的短胡须 qīng chén cái guā guò bàng wǎn jiù yǐ zhǎng chū de duǎn hú xū

noun (informal (stubble on a man's chin)

My beard grows so quickly that I always have a five o'clock shadow by lunchtime.

四点 sì diǎn

noun (time: 4 o'clock) (时间)

What time is it? It's four.


noun (time: 4 P.M.)


noun (time: 4 A.M.)


noun (tall freestanding clock)

九点 jiǔ diǎn

noun (time: 9 o'clock)

The next movie starts at nine.


noun (time: 9 A.M.)


noun (time: 9 P.M.)

…点钟 diǎn zhōng

adverb (on the hour)

Come here at six o'clock sharp.

一点 yì diǎn

noun (time: 1 o'clock) (时间)

It's already one; how am I ever going to finish everything today?


noun (time: 1 P.M.)


noun (time: 1 A.M.)

夜以继日 yè yǐ jì rì

adverb (throughout the day and night)

The suspected terrorist's house was under surveillance round the clock.


adjective (throughout the day and night)

七点钟,七点 qī diǎn

noun (time: 7 o'clock) (时间)

If we have dinner at seven, it will be difficult to see the eight-o'-clock movie.


noun (time: 7 A.M.)


noun (time: 7 P.M.)

六点钟 liù diǎn zhōng

noun (time: 6 o'clock)

I get off work at 6.

晚上六点 wǎn shàng liù diǎn

noun (time: 6 P.M.)

I should be leaving work around six o'clock tonight.

早上六点 zǎo shàng liù diǎn

noun (time: 6 A.M.)

It's still dark when I get up at six o'clock.

停止计时 tíng zhǐ jì shí

verbal expression (finish timing [sth])

The timers stopped the clock when the last participant crossed the finish line.


noun (time: 10 o'clock) (时间)

"What time is it?" - "Ten."
“几点了?” - “十点。”

上午十点 shàng wǔ shí diǎn

noun (time: 10 A.M.)

At weekends, I rarely get up before ten o'clock.

晚上十点 wǎn shàng shí diǎn

noun (time: 10 P.M.)

There's not much to do in this town after ten o'clock.


noun (time: 3 o'clock)

I'm meeting Anne at three.


noun (time: 3 P.M.)


noun (time: 3 A.M.)


noun (records work hours)

把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn

verbal expression (figurative (restore youth)

When she reached the age of 80 she became desperate to turn back the clock. Nora hoped that plastic surgery would turn back the clock for her.

把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn

verbal expression (figurative (revert)

The restore function in my computer turns back the clock to reset the software.


noun (time: 12 o'clock) (时间)

"What time is it?" "Twelve."

正午十二点 zhèng wǔ shí èr diǎn

noun (time: 12 noon, midday)

午夜十二点 wǔ yè shí èr diǎn

noun (time: 12 midnight)

两点,两点钟 liǎng diǎn

noun (time: 2 o'clock)

Come back at 2 when I've finished my lunch.

下午两点 xià wǔ liǎng diǎn

noun (time: 2 P.M.)

Each day at about two o'clock I get sleepy.

凌晨两点 líng chén liǎng diǎn

noun (time: 2 A.M.)

挂钟 guà zhōng

noun (timepiece mounted on a wall)

This classroom needs a wall clock so that the teacher can stay on schedule.

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clock 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。