英语 中的 girl 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 girl 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 girl 的说明。

英语 中的girl 表示女孩 nǚ hái, 女孩 nǚ hái, 女儿 nǚ ér, 女性朋友 nǚ xìng péng yǒu, 母的 mǔ de, 女朋友 nǚ péng yǒu, 女仆 nǚ pú, 女婴 nǚ yīng, 美丽少女 měi lì shào nǚ, 生日女孩, 健康的女婴, 俗套爱情的,老套爱情的, 幼年女童子军 yòu nián nǚ tóng zǐ jūn, 餐厅的女杂工 cān tīng de nǚ zá gōng, 应召女郎, 应召女郎的, 职业女性 zhí yè nǚ xìng, 黄毛丫头 huáng máo yā tóu, 唱诗班女童, 歌舞队的女成员 gē wǔ duì de nǚ chéng yuán, 都市女孩, 女大学在校生 nǚ dà xué zài xiào shēng, 受过大学教育的年轻女子 shòu guò dà xué jiào yù de nián qīng nǚ zǐ, 封面女郎, 乖乖女,爸爸的好女儿, 走读女生, 梦中女孩 mèng zhōng nǚ hái, 梦中女孩 mèng zhōng nǚ hái, 应召女郎, 卖花的女孩 mài huā de nǚ hái, 撒花女,撒花女傧, 女童子军队员 nǚ tóng zǐ jūn duì yuán, 黄金女郎, 牧场女工, 小女孩 xiǎo nǚ hái, 好女孩, 性感女郎 xìng gǎn nǚ láng, 海报女郎 hǎi bào nǚ láng, 牧场女工, 女童子军成员, 歌舞女郎 gē wǔ nǚ láng, 单身女孩儿 dān shēn nǚ hái er, 少女 shào nǚ, 女气象播报员, 职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ, 职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ, 年轻姑娘 nián qīng gū niáng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 girl 的含义

女孩 nǚ hái

noun (female child)

There were several girls playing in the sand.

女孩 nǚ hái

noun (female adolescent)

He's fourteen and he's started noticing girls.

女儿 nǚ ér

noun (daughter)

My girl starts school next September.

女性朋友 nǚ xìng péng yǒu

plural noun (informal (female friends)

Tonight, I'm leaving the children at home and going out with the girls.

母的 mǔ de

noun as adjective (informal (female)

Is that a girl dog or a boy dog?

女朋友 nǚ péng yǒu

noun (informal (sweetheart) (非正式用语)

I love my girl and really want to marry her.

女仆 nǚ pú

noun (dated (female servant)

The housekeeper told the girl to clean the kitchen.

女婴 nǚ yīng

noun (female infant)

After seven grandsons, she was happy to have a baby girl in the family.

美丽少女 měi lì shào nǚ

noun (attractive young female)


noun (female child whose birthday it is)

It's time for the birthday girl to open her presents.


noun (informal, figurative (healthy newborn female)


adjective (typical love story)

幼年女童子军 yòu nián nǚ tóng zǐ jūn

noun (UK (young Girl Guide, Girl Scout)

You wouldn't believe it but my sister was once a Brownie.

餐厅的女杂工 cān tīng de nǚ zá gōng

noun (US (assistant waitress)


noun (female prostitute)


noun as adjective (relating to prostitution)

职业女性 zhí yè nǚ xìng

noun (ambitious young woman)

Do you think that career girl will ever marry, have children and settle down to family life?

黄毛丫头 huáng máo yā tóu

noun (pejorative, dated (young, immature girl)


noun (young female choral singer)

歌舞队的女成员 gē wǔ duì de nǚ chéng yuán

noun (musical: female dancer)

The chorus girls in 'Chicago' were some of the best I've ever seen.


noun (young woman from urban area)

女大学在校生 nǚ dà xué zài xiào shēng

noun (US (student: female)

Today she's 40 and she still looks like a college girl.

受过大学教育的年轻女子 shòu guò dà xué jiào yù de nián qīng nǚ zǐ

noun (US (woman: young, educated)


(woman on magazine cover)


noun (informal (daughter indulged by father)


noun (young female at boarding school in day) (寄宿学校)

梦中女孩 mèng zhōng nǚ hái

noun (idealized woman)

Sometimes a dream girl is just a dream.

梦中女孩 mèng zhōng nǚ hái

noun (desirable young woman)

The calendar features a collection of dream girls in bikinis.


noun (hired companion, prostitute)

Robert hired the escort via an app.

卖花的女孩 mài huā de nǚ hái

noun (young female flower vendor)

A flower girl was selling violets at the corner of the street.


noun (bridesmaid) (指婚礼上的)

女童子军队员 nǚ tóng zǐ jūn duì yuán

noun (member of girls' youth group)

I was a Girl Scout when I was young.


noun (successful or celebrated woman)


noun (historical, often capitalized (WWII: woman working on farm) (二战期间)

小女孩 xiǎo nǚ hái

noun (young female child)

When I was a little girl I loved to play with dolls.


noun (informal (virtuous young woman) (贞洁的,品行端正的)

Maria is a nice girl and doesn't kiss on the first date.

性感女郎 xìng gǎn nǚ láng

noun (informal (glamour model) (非正式用语)

That fellow has his bedroom wall plastered with magazine pin-up girls.

海报女郎 hǎi bào nǚ láng

noun (informal (attractive female celebrity)


noun (dated (female farm worker)


noun (member of girls' youth group)

Paula is a scout.

歌舞女郎 gē wǔ nǚ láng

noun (female cabaret dancer)

单身女孩儿 dān shēn nǚ hái er

noun (young woman without a partner)

少女 shào nǚ

noun (female aged between 13 and 19)


noun (informal (female weather presenter on TV)

职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ

noun (slang, euphemism (prostitute)

Mary has been a working girl since adolescence.

职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ

noun (informal, dated (employed woman)

All five of my daughters are working girls now.

年轻姑娘 nián qīng gū niáng

noun (female child)

The young girl is going to school on foot.

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girl 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。