英语 中的 god 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 god 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 god 的说明。

英语 中的god 表示神 shén, 神像 shén xiàng, 杰出之人 jié chū zhī rén, 天啊!上帝啊! tiān a shàng dì a, 顶层座位, 受崇拜对象 shòu chóng bài duì xiàng, 上帝 shàng dì, 天灾 tiān zāi, 天灾 tiān zāi, 鬼才知道,天知道 guǐ cái zhī dào,tiān zhī dào, 看在上帝的份上!, 看在上帝的份上 kàn zài shàng dì de fèn shàng, 上帝恩赐的礼物,上天恩赐, 荣耀归于我主 róng yào guī yú wǒ zhǔ, 荣耀归于神 róng yào guī yú shén, 与上帝同行, 上帝保佑 shàng dì bǎo yòu, 上帝保佑你 shàng dì bǎo yòu nǐ, 上帝赐予的,上天恩赐的, 天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de, 上帝救救我!, 战神 zhàn shén, 如果天从人愿,如果一切顺利, 虔诚的,敬神的 qián chéng de, 天赐的, 命中注定 mìng zhōng zhù dìng, 神的意志, 荒无人烟的,荒凉的,偏远的 huāng wú rén yān de,huāng liáng de ,piān yuǎn de, 真正的,真实的 zhēn zhèng de ,zhēn shí de, 对上帝的希望 duì shàng dì de xī wàng, 教堂 jiào táng, 羔羊 gāo yáng, 牧师 mù shī, 天啊! tiān ɑ !, 天哪!, 天哪!, 扮演上帝的角色,决定他人的生死 bàn yǎn shàng dì de jué sè,jué dìng tā rén de shēng sǐ, 赞美主!, 赞美上帝 zàn měi shàng dì, 上帝的儿子 shàng dì de ér zi, 感谢上帝 gǎn xiè shàng dì, 谢天谢地 xiè tiān xiè dì, 感谢上帝 gǎn xiè shàng dì, 相信上帝 xiāng xìn shàng dì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 god 的含义

神 shén

noun (any divine being)

The ancient Romans believed in many gods.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 壁画上画了很多男女神仙。

神像 shén xiàng

noun (idol)

You should not worship false gods made of marble and plaster.

杰出之人 jié chū zhī rén

noun (figurative, exaggeration (exceptional man)

That man is so brilliant at his job - he is a god!

天啊!上帝啊! tiān a shàng dì a

interjection (exclamation) (感叹语)

Oh god! I forgot to turn the oven off!


plural noun (theatre: gallery) (剧院中的)

We can't afford seats in the stalls, so we have to sit up in the gods.

受崇拜对象 shòu chóng bài duì xiàng

noun (object of worship)

She adores him so much, she treats him like a god.

上帝 shàng dì

noun (divine being: creator) (基督教)

The Bible says that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.

天灾 tiān zāi

noun (natural disaster)

天灾 tiān zāi

noun (law: unpreventable disaster)

The insurance company refused to pay out, ruling that the damages resulted from an act of God.

鬼才知道,天知道 guǐ cái zhī dào,tiān zhī dào

adverb (informal (and [sth] unknown) (非正式用语)

I sent him out to do the shopping and he came back with a new TV and God knows what.


interjection (possibly offensive (expressing anger or frustration) (表示生气或沮丧)

For God's sake, leave me alone when I'm trying to read!

看在上帝的份上 kàn zài shàng dì de fèn shàng

interjection (expression of frustration)

John, for the love of God, just sit quietly for a minute and let me think!


noun ([sth] welcomed or cherished)

荣耀归于我主 róng yào guī yú wǒ zhǔ

interjection (used to praise Christian god)

The men have all returned home safely. Glory be to God!

荣耀归于神 róng yào guī yú shén

interjection (praising Christian god)

Glory to God in the highest!


interjection (parting expression) (告别用语)

The Bishop dismissed him, saying "Go with God, my son".

上帝保佑 shàng dì bǎo yòu

interjection (Christian well-wishing)

You're moving away? Well, good luck and God bless!

上帝保佑你 shàng dì bǎo yòu nǐ

interjection (Christian well-wish)

God bless you and keep you safe, my child.


adjective (welcomed or cherished)

天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de

adjective (inborn, natural)


interjection (expressing exasperation)

战神 zhàn shén

noun (mythology: Mars, Ares, Odin, etc.) (神话,包括宙斯、阿瑞斯、欧丁等)

Mars was the Roman god of war.


adverb (if this is what God wishes)

虔诚的,敬神的 qián chéng de

adjective (religious, devout)


adjective (welcomed or cherished)

After the long drought, the farmers rejoiced at the God-sent rain.

命中注定 mìng zhōng zhù dìng

noun (figurative ([sth] predetermined or meant to be)


noun ([sth] determined by God)

荒无人烟的,荒凉的,偏远的 huāng wú rén yān de,huāng liáng de ,piān yuǎn de

adjective (figurative, slang (place: desolate) (俚语,比喻)

How could anyone live in this godforsaken place?

真正的,真实的 zhēn zhèng de ,zhēn shí de

adjective (informal (real, true)

对上帝的希望 duì shàng dì de xī wàng

verbal expression (hope sincerely)

Tim hoped to God the Wifi was working in the hostel. I hope to God that Anna will forgive me.

教堂 jiào táng

noun (church, mosque, synagogue)

Speak quietly when you enter God's house.

羔羊 gāo yáng

noun (Jesus Christ) (基督教中指耶稣基督)

Jesus is often referred to as the Lamb in the Bible.

牧师 mù shī

noun (priest)

天啊! tiān ɑ !

interjection (expressing shock or surprise)

Oh my God! Get that child out of that mud puddle this instant!


interjection (expressing horror or dismay) (表惊慌)


interjection (expressing horror or astonishment)

扮演上帝的角色,决定他人的生死 bàn yǎn shàng dì de jué sè,jué dìng tā rén de shēng sǐ

verbal expression (figurative (make life-and-death decisions) (比喻)

Ivan opposes euthanasia because he believes that nobody has the right to play God.


interjection (religious exclamation)

Nobody was hurt in the accident – praise God!

赞美上帝 zàn měi shàng dì

verbal expression (worship)

We would like to invite you to praise God with music by joining us in our opening hymn.

上帝的儿子 shàng dì de ér zi

noun (Christianity: Jesus Christ)

The Son of God died for our sins.

感谢上帝 gǎn xiè shàng dì

interjection (expression of gratitude or relief)

Thank God you're all right! // That stupid show went off the air, thank God.

谢天谢地 xiè tiān xiè dì

expression (it is fortunate that)

Thank God you're coming with me – I'd hate to go alone.

感谢上帝 gǎn xiè shàng dì

interjection (religious expression of gratitude)

Thanks be to God, when I lost control of my car there were no other vehicles nearby.

相信上帝 xiāng xìn shàng dì

verbal expression (rely on supreme being)

让我们学习 英语

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god 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。