英语 中的 nothing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 nothing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 nothing 的说明。

英语 中的nothing 表示无物,没有东西 wú wù,méi yǒu dōng xī, 没有东西,没有事情 méi yǒu dōng xī,méi yǒu shì qíng, 零 líng, 不重要的事情, 微不足道的,没什么了不起的 wēi bù zú dào de ,méi shén me liǎo bù qǐ de, 无 wú, 无足轻重的人或事物,谁或什么也不是 wú zú qīng zhòng de rén huò shì wù, 孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì, 孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì, 聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú, 不喜欢 bù xǐ huān, 不在乎 bú zài hu, 没有实现,毫无结果 méi yǒu shí xiàn,háo wú jié guǒ, 不花钱 bù huā qián, 不费吹灰之力 bú fèi chuī huī zhī lì, 不作为 bú zuò wéi, 没有工作 méi yǒu gōng zuò, 不作为的 bú zuò wéi de, 不采取行动的人 bù cǎi qǔ xíng dòng de rén, 要么双倍付钱,要么一笔勾销, 要么赢双倍, 几乎不花钱 jī hū bù huā qián, 免费地 miǎn fèi de, 徒劳地 tú láo de, 无缘无故地 wú yuán wú gù de, 游手好闲的人 yóu shǒu hào xián de rén, 堕懒无能的, 毫无用处的 háo wú yòng chù de, 毫无共同之处 háo wú gòng tóng zhī chù, 什么都没穿, 比不上, 没有不利于…的证据, 无所事事 wú suǒ shì shì, 不会有任何损失, 什么也没听说 shén me yě méi tīng shuō, 至少 zhì shǎo, 没什么 méi shén me, 一无所知 yì wú suǒ zhī, 对…一无所知 duì yì wú suǒ zhī, 对…没有经验 duì méi yǒu jīng yàn, 出类拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì, 出类拔萃的 chū lèi bá cuì de, 几乎没有 jī hū méi yǒu, 什么都没有,一无所有 shén me dōu méi yǒu,yì wú suǒ yǒu, 只不过 zhǐ bù guò, 不行 bù xíng, 无事可做 wú shì kě zuò, 没有任何别的东西,别无他物 méi yǒu rèn hé bié de dōng xī,bié wú tā wù, 除了…就没有… chú le jiù méi yǒu, 没有什么特别的 méi yǒu shén me tè bié de, 与…完全不同 yǔ wán quán bù tóng, 没有别的,没有更多事, 仅此而已, 很少 hěn shǎo, 绝不是那么回事,才不是呢 jué bú shì nà me huí shì,cái bú shì ne, 绝对不是这样的,绝对没有, 绝没有这回事,才不是呢 cái bú shì ne, 非常难受 fēi cháng nán shòu, 除…外没有 chú … wài méi yǒu, 只有 zhǐ yǒu, 十足,简直 shí zú, 没什么特别的事, 没什么出彩的地方, 与...无关, 与…没有关系 yǔ … méi yǒu guān xì, 不干涉..., 不与…来往, 无话可说 wú huà kě shuō, 平淡无奇, 没有什么 méi yǒu shén me, 平平无奇, 毫无悔意, 什么也不说 shén me yě bù shuō, 更别提 gèng bié tí。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 nothing 的含义

无物,没有东西 wú wù,méi yǒu dōng xī

pronoun (as object: not anything)

No, I have nothing in my pockets.

没有东西,没有事情 méi yǒu dōng xī,méi yǒu shì qíng

pronoun (as subject: not anything)

Nothing can stop me from getting what I want.

零 líng

noun (zero)

My bank account was reduced to nothing after the last withdrawal.


pronoun ([sth] unimportant)

"What's wrong?" "Oh, it's nothing."

微不足道的,没什么了不起的 wēi bù zú dào de ,méi shén me liǎo bù qǐ de

pronoun (informal, figurative ([sth] unimpressive) (非正式用语)

You can eat two hot dogs? That's nothing! I can eat four at a time.

无 wú

noun (nothingness)

Do you believe that the universe was made out of nothing?

无足轻重的人或事物,谁或什么也不是 wú zú qīng zhòng de rén huò shì wù

noun (figurative ([sb] insignificant)

Don't worry about what he says. He's a nothing.

孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì

noun (no compromise)

孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì

adjective (no compromise)

聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú

adjective (a small gain)

I hate soup, but it is better than nothing since I am hungry.

不喜欢 bù xǐ huān

verbal expression (feel no affection)

不在乎 bú zài hu

verbal expression (not think important)

没有实现,毫无结果 méi yǒu shí xiàn,háo wú jié guǒ

verbal expression (plan, idea: fail) (计划等)

He felt that all his efforts had come to nothing.

不花钱 bù huā qián

verbal expression (be free of charge)

If they say it costs nothing, it must be a scam of some kind.

不费吹灰之力 bú fèi chuī huī zhī lì

verbal expression (figurative (require no effort)

Being helpful and friendly to people costs nothing.

不作为 bú zuò wéi

(fail to act)

How can you sit there and do nothing while your son sits in jail?

没有工作 méi yǒu gōng zuò

(have no occupation)

不作为的 bú zuò wéi de

adjective (informal (politics: no action)

不采取行动的人 bù cǎi qǔ xíng dòng de rén

noun (informal (person: takes no action)

He has great ideas, but when it's time to act on them he's a do-nothing.


noun (gambling: type of bet) (赌博、打赌)


noun as adjective (bet: risk is double)

I won $100 in a double-or-nothing bet.

几乎不花钱 jī hū bù huā qián

expression (very cheaply)

When we were first married, we bought an old couch for next to nothing. At a yard sale you can buy anything you want for next to nothing.

免费地 miǎn fèi de

adverb (freely, free)

Billy's helping old Mrs.Thomas with her yard work for nothing.

徒劳地 tú láo de

adverb (without achieving goal)

I put in all that effort for nothing!

无缘无故地 wú yuán wú gù de

adverb (without good reason)

The little boy came up from behind and hit me for nothing.

游手好闲的人 yóu shǒu hào xián de rén

noun (slang (person: lazy)

In my opinion, Jake is nothing but a lazy good-for-nothing.


adjective (informal (person: lazy)

My brother's a good-for-nothing scrounger.

毫无用处的 háo wú yòng chù de

adjective (informal (useless)

My Dad thinks I wasted 4 years of college on a good-for-nothing Philosophy degree.

毫无共同之处 háo wú gòng tóng zhī chù

verbal expression (have no similarities or shared interests)

At first glance she seems to have nothing in common with her boyfriend.


verbal expression (informal (be naked)

Don't come in! I've got nothing on!


verbal expression (slang (be inferior)

Richard is lovely, but he's got nothing on his brother.


verbal expression (informal (have no evidence against)

The police can't arrest me. They've got nothing on me!

无所事事 wú suǒ shì shì

verbal expression (be idle)


verbal expression (risk nothing)

You have nothing to lose by applying to the university.

什么也没听说 shén me yě méi tīng shuō

(receive no news of [sb], [sth])

Since Mark moved to London, I have heard nothing from him.

至少 zhì shǎo

expression (at least)

It's a long flight, but if nothing else, you can finish reading that novel.

没什么 méi shén me

expression (informal (it is not important)

"What's the problem?" "Oh, it's nothing."

一无所知 yì wú suǒ zhī

(be ignorant)

I know nothing about that.

对…一无所知 duì yì wú suǒ zhī

verbal expression (be ignorant of)

I'm ashamed to say I know nothing of American literature.

对…没有经验 duì méi yǒu jīng yàn

transitive verb (have no experience of)

It is often said that the Royal Family know nothing of real life.

出类拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì

adverb (in a unique way)

The sound of babies crying irritates me like nothing else.

出类拔萃的 chū lèi bá cuì de

adjective (unique)

The train ride through the Swiss Alps was like nothing else.

几乎没有 jī hū méi yǒu

noun (very little)

After paying that huge telephone bill, I have next to nothing left in the bank. She managed to prepare a sumptuous meal from next to nothing.

什么都没有,一无所有 shén me dōu méi yǒu,yì wú suǒ yǒu

pronoun (not anything)

I've got nothing at all suitable to wear for the party!

只不过 zhǐ bù guò

adverb (only)

I have nothing but admiration for people who can speak several languages.

不行 bù xíng

interjection (informal (refusal: certainly not)

无事可做 wú shì kě zuò

expression (informal (no activity)

Pete went to the bar, but there was nothing doing there, so he headed home.

没有任何别的东西,别无他物 méi yǒu rèn hé bié de dōng xī,bié wú tā wù

pronoun (not anything more)

When I'm in the mood for ice cream, nothing else will do. There is nothing else to say.

除了…就没有… chú le jiù méi yǒu

preposition (only, solely)

Nothing else but violin is needed to complete this orchestration.

没有什么特别的 méi yǒu shén me tè bié de

pronoun (not anything specific)

Nothing in particular is needed to complete this decor.

与…完全不同 yǔ wán quán bù tóng

expression (completely unlike)

Chicken tastes nothing like shrimp.


pronoun (not any additional thing)

There's nothing more the doctors can to do to help Jim.


expression (merely, solely)

Sympathy is nothing more than the understanding of someone else's feelings.

很少 hěn shǎo

noun (not a lot) (口语)

There is nothing much happening downtown today.

绝不是那么回事,才不是呢 jué bú shì nà me huí shì,cái bú shì ne

noun (not that) (强调情况不同)

They thought we were coming for a visit, but we had planned nothing of the kind.


noun (not at all as described) (强调情况不同)

I've done nothing of the sort!

绝没有这回事,才不是呢 cái bú shì ne

interjection (not at all) (强调情况不同)

"I heard that you borrowed Jane's car without asking her." "Nothing of the sort!"

非常难受 fēi cháng nán shòu

noun (not anything)

Nothing on earth can keep me from the man I love. Nothing on earth will persuade me to talk in front of an audience.

除…外没有 chú … wài méi yǒu

expression (actually, in fact)

Some Americans think government oversight of health care is nothing other than socialism.

只有 zhǐ yǒu

expression (with noun: only)

Nothing short of a full apology will mollify him.

十足,简直 shí zú

expression (with adjective: utterly)

His behaviour was nothing short of rude.


noun (no unusual thing)

Nothing special happened that day.


noun (not very good)

The film was nothing special.


verbal expression (not concern [sb])

Stop listening in to our conversation; this is nothing to do with you.

与…没有关系 yǔ … méi yǒu guān xì

verbal expression (be unrelated)

You would think that volcanoes have nothing to do with the weather, but they do. My bad mood today has nothing to do with the weather.


verbal expression (not get involved)

I'll have nothing to do with your plan to steal gold from Fort Knox.


verbal expression (not associate with)

I've had nothing to do with my ex-husband since our divorce.

无话可说 wú huà kě shuō

preposition (no information or opinion about)

When the reporter asked about his alleged affair, he answered "I have nothing to say about that."


expression (figurative, informal (unremarkable)

I enjoyed his last film, but this new one is nothing to write home about.

没有什么 méi yǒu shén me

pronoun (not anything)

I will have nothing whatsoever to do with that boy, he's awful!


noun ([sth] unremarkable)

It's not a bad restaurant but it's nothing out of the ordinary.


(feel no remorse)

什么也不说 shén me yě bù shuō

verbal expression (remain silent)

A defendant has the right to say nothing in a court of law.

更别提 gèng bié tí

verbal expression (not mention)

She said nothing of her upcoming surgery for fear her family would worry. You don't need to thank me - say nothing of it!

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。