英语 中的 police 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 police 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 police 的说明。

英语 中的police 表示警察部门,警察局 jǐng chá bù mén ,jǐng chá jú, 警察 jǐng chá, 警察 jǐng chá, 警用的, 动用警力维持…的治安 dòng yòng jǐng lì wéi chí de zhì ān, 保卫…的安全 bǎo wèi de ān quán, 警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng, 警察署长 jǐng chá shǔ zhǎng, 罪案剧, 帮厨兵, 警方 jǐng fāng, 警徽 jǐng huī, 警长 jǐng zhǎng, 警车 jǐng chē, 警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng, 警方放行证,警方放行证书, 警务处处长 jǐng wù chù chù zhǎng, 警察 jǐng chá, 巡逻警车, 警察局 jǐng chá jú, 警探 jǐng tàn, 警犬 jǐng quǎn, 警方档案, (地方)警察机关 dì fāng jǐng chá jī guān, (一国的)警察 yì guó de jǐng chá, 警察总局 jǐng chá zǒng jú, 督察 dū chá, 警方讯问 jǐng fāng xùn wèn, 警督 jǐng dū, 警察 jǐng chá, 警察在场, 突击搜查, 前科,犯罪记录 fàn zuì jì lù, 警方报告, 警长 jǐng zhǎng, 警察国家 jǐng chá guó jiā, 警察局 jǐng chá jú, 警车 jǐng chē, 防暴警察 fáng bào jǐng chá, 加拿大皇家骑警, 秘密警察 mì mì jǐng chá, 盖世太保 gài shì tài bǎo, 州警 zhōu jǐng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 police 的含义

警察部门,警察局 jǐng chá bù mén ,jǐng chá jú

noun (always singular (force keeping public order)

The city depends on an independent police.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 群众把小偷扭送到了铁路警卫处。

警察 jǐng chá

plural noun (police officers, collectively) (合称,用作复数)

The police arrived on the scene.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 接到学生电话后,学校警卫人员立刻赶到学生寝室。

警察 jǐng chá

plural noun (police officers)

One hundred armed police were stationed around the building.


noun as adjective (used by, relating to police)

Jeff let his nephew try on his police helmet.

动用警力维持…的治安 dòng yòng jǐng lì wéi chí de zhì ān

transitive verb (keep [sth], [sb] under police control)

The riot squad policed the crowd.

保卫…的安全 bǎo wèi de ān quán

transitive verb (patrol [sth], monitor [sb])

The soldiers policed the area.

警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng

noun (US (head of police department)

The reporters asked the chief of police for his comments on the case.

警察署长 jǐng chá shǔ zhǎng

noun (UK (head of police force)


noun (TV drama about detective, police)


noun (US, informal, initialism (military: kitchen duty)

警方 jǐng fāng

noun (law: official)

警徽 jǐng huī

noun (emblem worn or carried by police)

American policemen wear a police badge which bears a star.

警长 jǐng zhǎng

noun (US (head of a police district in US)

警车 jǐng chē

noun (vehicle used by police)

We arrived to see a police car outside our home. Within minutes of the alarm going off, 12 police cars were surrounding the building.

警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng

noun (US (chief of police: head of a US police force)

Many uniformed officers report to the police chief.


noun (document required to clear immigration)

警务处处长 jǐng wù chù chù zhǎng

noun (UK (head of UK police force)

警察 jǐng chá

noun (UK (police officer)

They panicked when they saw the police constable marching towards them.


noun (US (patrol car used for law enforcement)

Two police cruisers came to arrest my neighbor for stealing electricity.

警察局 jǐng chá jú

noun (law enforcement office)

警探 jǐng tàn

noun (police officer: investigator)

A plain-clothes police detective arrived to finish the investigation.

警犬 jǐng quǎn

noun (trained dog used in police work)

He didn't want the police dog sniffing around his flat.


noun (record)

(地方)警察机关 dì fāng jǐng chá jī guān

noun (local law-enforcement team)

(一国的)警察 yì guó de jǐng chá

noun (national law-enforcement organization)

警察总局 jǐng chá zǒng jú

noun (building where police are stationed)

She went to the police headquarters to hand in the evidence.

督察 dū chá

noun (UK (rank of police officer in the UK)

警方讯问 jǐng fāng xùn wèn

noun (questioning of a suspect by police)

The police interrogation was recorded on a tape recorder.

警督 jǐng dū

noun (US (rank of police officer in the US)

警察 jǐng chá

noun (member of police force)

When he grows up he wants to be either a firefighter or a police officer.


noun (attendance or proximity of police officers)

There was a strong police presence around the Capital, when the people came to protest.


noun (police: surprise visit) (警察)

前科,犯罪记录 fàn zuì jì lù

noun (law: criminal history)


noun (written summary of police investigation)

In order to make an insurance claim for theft, you need to provide the insurance company a copy of the police report.

警长 jǐng zhǎng

noun (rank of police officer)

The police sergeant had three stripes on the sleeve of his uniform.

警察国家 jǐng chá guó jiā

noun (country where police maintain oppressive control)

Germany became a police state under Hitler's rule.

警察局 jǐng chá jú

noun (building where police are stationed)

I had to report to the police station with my driving licence.

警车 jǐng chē

noun (small truck for transporting criminals)

The police van was called to take all the gang members into custody.

防暴警察 fáng bào jǐng chá

noun (for protests, mob violence, etc.)

The riot police were called to the estate to try to control the situation.


noun (Canadian police on horseback)

His law enforcement background and experience with horses made him an excellent candidate for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

秘密警察 mì mì jǐng chá

noun (covert police force)

盖世太保 gài shì tài bǎo

noun (historical (Nazi Germany: Gestapo) (纳粹德国的秘密警察)

州警 zhōu jǐng

noun (US (law force of a US state)

Most interstate and state highways are patrolled by state police, not local police.

让我们学习 英语

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police 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。