英语 中的 together 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 together 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 together 的说明。

英语 中的together 表示一起 yì qǐ, 聚在一起 jù zài yì qǐ, 合起来 hé qǐ lái, 合计地 hé jì de, 合起来 hé qǐ lái, 共同 gòng tóng, 相互帮助地 xiāng hù bāng zhù de, 自信的 zì xìn de, 挤在一起,挤成一堆 jǐ zài yì qǐ, 叮当一声合在一起 dīng dāng yì shēng hé zài yì qǐ, 公摊费用, 将...结成块, 拼凑出,粗制滥造出, 聚集 jù jí, 聚一聚, 跟…聚一聚, 收集 shōu jí, 约会 yuē huì, 一起出去, 聚集 jù jí, 一致 yí zhì, 互相支持 hù xiāng zhī chí, 拢在一起 lǒng zài yì qǐ, 团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì, 不分道扬镳,团结在一起 bù fēn dào yáng biāo,tuán jié zài yì qǐ, 团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì, 勉强凑齐 miǎn qiǎng còu qí, 共同行动 gòng tóng xíng dòng, 合作 hé zuò, 将...与...相加, 将...与...组合, 齐声 qí shēng, 一起 yì qǐ, 联合起来 lián hé qǐ lái, 合适 hé shì, 将…连为一体, 物以类聚,人以群分, 混合, 融合, 协调 xié tiáo, 使团结 shǐ tuán jié, 使集合 shǐ jí hé, 把…召集起来,使…聚集, 碰响..., 彼此靠近的 bǐ cǐ kào jìn de, 凑钱, 聚集 jù jí, 团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì, 一起来 yì qǐ lái, 集合 jí hé, 使聚成一团 shǐ jù chéng yì tuán, 团结起来 tuán jié qǐ lái, 重新组装,重新装配 chóng xīn zǔ zhuāng,chóng xīn zhuāng pèi, 重新组装,重新装配 chóng xīn zǔ zhuāng,chóng xīn zhuāng pèi, 互相扣住 hù xiāng kòu zhù, 聚在一起 jù zài yì qǐ, 聚合 jù hé, 把…凑在一起 bǎ còu zài yì qǐ, 聚会 jù huì, 合理安排, 处理好自己的事情, 一起去 yì qǐ qù, 配成一对 pèi chéng yí duì, 协调 xié tiáo, 把…归于一类 bǎ guī yú yí lèi, 将…粘到一起, 使…团结在一起, 抱团, 联合,联手 lián hé ,lián shǒu, 聚集 jù jí, 将…和…连接起来,将…和…拼接在一起, 连接在一起,连在一起 lián zài yì qǐ, 将…存放在一起 jiāng cún fàng zài yì qǐ, 拼凑而成 pīn còu ér chéng, 住在一起 zhù zài yì qǐ, 把…与…归并在一起, 把...和...归并在一起, 将...搅拌在一起 jiāng jiǎo bàn zài yì qǐ, 将...掺在一起 jiāng chān zài yì qǐ, 把...和...混合, 拼凑 pīn còu, 把…拼凑起来 bǎ pīn còu qǐ lái, 把…拼合起来 bǎ pīn hé qǐ lái, 齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì, 组织起, 振作起来 zhèn zuò qǐ lái, 将…组合在一起, 综合考虑..., 加在一起, (依据事实)推理、推断 yī jù shì shí tuī lǐ tuī duàn, 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng, 发生性关系 fèi shēng xìng guān xì, 扣在一起的, 站在一起,并排站立 zhàn zài yì qǐ,bìng pái zhàn lì, 团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì, 连贯一致, 使(词语、句子等)表达连贯, 把…串成一串, 一起谈谈 yì qǐ tán tán, 匆忙地拼凑起 cōng máng de pīn còu qǐ, 使偶然凑到一起 shǐ ǒu rán còu dào yì qǐ, 与…一起,搭配着 yǔ … yì qǐ, 一起工作 yì qǐ gōng zuò, 相搭。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 together 的含义

一起 yì qǐ

adverb (in one group)

We went to the theatre together.

聚在一起 jù zài yì qǐ

adverb (in one place)

We have the whole family together.

合起来 hé qǐ lái

adverb (into one group)

She gathered the flowers together in a bunch.

合计地 hé jì de

adverb (in total)

Together, the figures added up to ten.

合起来 hé qǐ lái

adverb (collectively; as a group)

Taken together, their problems seem overwhelming.

共同 gòng tóng

adverb (in concert)

The students answered together.

相互帮助地 xiāng hù bāng zhù de

adverb (reciprocally)

They worked together, helping each other.

自信的 zì xìn de

adjective (self-assured)

Imogen is a very together young woman.

挤在一起,挤成一堆 jǐ zài yì qǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (form a clump)

The frightened goats bunched together in the pasture.

叮当一声合在一起 dīng dāng yì shēng hé zài yì qǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (knock, make tinkling sound)

I woke to the sound of cups clinking together in the kitchen next door.


phrasal verb, intransitive (share cost)

All Jon's colleagues clubbed together and got him a nice leaving gift.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (gather, stick together)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (assemble clumsily)

聚集 jù jí

phrasal verb, intransitive (people: gather)

The team leaders need to get together to discuss the problem.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (people: socialize)

Let's get together sometime and catch up on each other's news.


(informal (socialize with [sb])

Every Friday after work, Joe gets together with his colleagues for a drink.

收集 shōu jí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (items: collect)

Ed got his belongings together ready to go home.

约会 yuē huì

(date each other)

Alan and Julie are going out together.


(go somewhere together)

We all went out together for a meal at a local restaurant.

聚集 jù jí

phrasal verb, intransitive (gather) (本义)

Animals often group together to provide protection against predators.

一致 yí zhì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be consistent)

These two paragraphs don't hang together; I can't see how they are related.

互相支持 hù xiāng zhī chí

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (support one another)

As a society, we must all hang together if we wish to achieve our aims.

拢在一起 lǒng zài yì qǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (not fall apart)

Incorporate the liquid into the dry ingredients until they hold together.

团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (stay unified)

The team managed to hold together for the win.

不分道扬镳,团结在一起 bù fēn dào yáng biāo,tuán jié zài yì qǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (not go separate ways)

Keep together when we get to the station, otherwise we will lose each other.

团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (maintain unity)

If we keep together, we will have a better chance of getting a pay rise.

勉强凑齐 miǎn qiǎng còu qí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (struggle to gather [sth])

If we had only scraped together a little more money, we'd be living in our dream house. Jim and Emily managed to scrape up the deposit for the flat they wanted.

共同行动 gòng tóng xíng dòng

(have an effect together)

合作 hé zuò



(calculate the total)

Add these numbers together and divide the total by three.



Add together the eggs and milk and whisk them until thoroughly mixed.

齐声 qí shēng

adverb (in chorus, in unison)

一起 yì qǐ

adverb (gathered, in a group)

联合起来 lián hé qǐ lái

(join forces)

The inhabitants banded together to fight the insect invaders.

合适 hé shì

(be well matched)

Greens and pinks belong together in this decorating plan.


(cause to feel connected)


expression (figurative (people who are similar form groups)

混合, 融合

(mix, combine)

If you blend yellow and blue together, you get green.

协调 xié tiáo

(go well together)

使团结 shǐ tuán jié


Sunday lunch at my parents' house brings the whole family together.

使集合 shǐ jí hé


This exhibition brings together all of Picasso's major paintings.


(summon group)


(knock with tinkling sound)

He proposed a toast and we clinked our glasses together.

彼此靠近的 bǐ cǐ kào jìn de

adjective (near to one another,)

If his eyes weren't so close together, he'd be almost handsome.


verbal expression (share cost)

The students clubbed together to buy a present for their teacher.

聚集 jù jí

(be stuck in a cluster)

团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì

(unite, join forces)

We must come together if we want to win the battle.

一起来 yì qǐ lái

(arrive at same time)

Since they ride the same bus, they always come together.

集合 jí hé

noun (act of joining or gathering)

The coming together of North and South Korean politicians signaled a change of policy.

使聚成一团 shǐ jù chéng yì tuán

(form a huddle or group)

Penguins sometimes draw together to share body warmth.

团结起来 tuán jié qǐ lái


重新组装,重新装配 chóng xīn zǔ zhuāng,chóng xīn zhuāng pèi

verbal expression (be reassembled)

He took the clock apart; now he can't get it to fit back together.

重新组装,重新装配 chóng xīn zǔ zhuāng,chóng xīn zhuāng pèi

verbal expression (reassemble)

互相扣住 hù xiāng kòu zhù


The pieces of a puzzle are supposed to fit together perfectly.

聚在一起 jù zài yì qǐ

(figurative (people: gather)

The people began to flock together to see what was going on.

聚合 jù hé

(form a group)

把…凑在一起 bǎ còu zài yì qǐ

(make a collection)

聚会 jù huì

noun (informal (informal gathering)

The girls are having a get-together tonight at my house.


verbal expression (behavior: make socially acceptable)


verbal expression (vulgar (live life seriously)

一起去 yì qǐ qù

(accompany one another)

How about if I leave my car here and we go together to the party?

配成一对 pèi chéng yí duì

(form a pair)

This gun and holster go together.

协调 xié tiáo

(form a pleasing combination)

Wine and cheese go together very well.

把…归于一类 bǎ guī yú yí lèi

(figurative (class in same category) (比喻)

Rabbits and hares are often grouped together in wildlife books.



Car manufacturers are increasingly using glue to hold parts together.


(figurative (maintain unity of)

The military sees itself as the sole force capable of holding the country together.


(form close group)

联合,联手 lián hé ,lián shǒu

(figurative (unite)

聚集 jù jí

(people: gather) (人们)



连接在一起,连在一起 lián zài yì qǐ

(linked up, connected)

将…存放在一起 jiāng cún fàng zài yì qǐ

(store in one place)

I keep all my shoes together in a cupboard in my room.

拼凑而成 pīn còu ér chéng

(slang (assemble crudely)

Helga knocked dinner together from whatever she could find in the fridge.

住在一起 zhù zài yì qǐ


A year after they started dating, they decided to live together.


(group together)

The politician's remarks lumped his rival and various criminal enterprises together unrealistically.


verbal expression (group together with)

将...搅拌在一起 jiāng jiǎo bàn zài yì qǐ

(blend by stirring)

Mix together the flour, egg and milk until you have a smooth paste.

将...掺在一起 jiāng chān zài yì qǐ

(combine, blend)

If you mix blue and red together, you get purple.


verbal expression (combine, blend)

拼凑 pīn còu

(assemble roughly)

Sam patched a team together for Saturday's football match.

把…拼凑起来 bǎ pīn còu qǐ lái

(figurative (make coherent) (比喻)

It was hard to piece together what he meant.

把…拼合起来 bǎ pīn hé qǐ lái

(assemble, collate)

I pieced together a bookshelf from boards and cement blocks.

齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì

(figurative, informal (make a joint effort)

Everyone pulled together to make the concert a success.


(assemble, gather)

Brian pulled a team together to come up with a plan.

振作起来 zhèn zuò qǐ lái

interjection (informal (regain composure)

Stop crying and pull yourself together.



Can you help me put this bookcase together, please?


(figurative (consider as a whole)

Once you had put all the clues together, it was obvious what Cassius was hiding.


expression (combined)

That girl has more brains than all her siblings put together.

(依据事实)推理、推断 yī jù shì shí tuī lǐ tuī duàn

verbal expression (figurative, informal (deduce [sth]) (比喻,非正式用语)

I think you can figure out who sent you the Valentine's Day card: just put two and two together!

鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng

verbal expression (applaud)

发生性关系 fèi shēng xìng guān xì

(informal, euphemism (have sex with one another)

After they slept together once, they never saw each other again.


adjective (that fasten by clipping one into another)

站在一起,并排站立 zhàn zài yì qǐ,bìng pái zhàn lì

(figurative (be united)

The country must stand together if we are to survive these difficult times.

团结一致 tuán jié yí zhì

(informal, figurative (be united)

We will stick together through thick and thin!


(adhere to one another) (情节等)

The plot of the novel didn't make sense because several pages had stuck together.


(figurative (arrange coherently)

After his brain injury, he had difficulty stringing sentences together.


(beads, etc.: thread)

I like to string together small seashells to make a pretty necklace.

一起谈谈 yì qǐ tán tán


匆忙地拼凑起 cōng máng de pīn còu qǐ

(informal (assemble hastily)

For dinner Thursday night I just threw some stuff together. My presentation was just thrown together at the last minute.

使偶然凑到一起 shǐ ǒu rán còu dào yì qǐ

(put in each other's company)

A lot of very different people were thrown together in the lifeboat.

与…一起,搭配着 yǔ … yì qǐ

(combined with)

Tomatoes together with chilis are what give this sauce its flavor.

一起工作 yì qǐ gōng zuò


We'll finish the job more quickly if we work together.


(be harmonious)

I don't think these flavours really work together.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 together 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

together 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。