英语 中的 your 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 your 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 your 的说明。

英语 中的your 表示你的 nǐ de, 某个特定人群的,你们,那些 mǒu gè tè dìng rén qún de,nǐ men,nà xiē, 您尊敬的 nín zūn jìng de, 你的 nǐ de, 值得骄傲的事, 如同套在脖子上的磨盘, 举止与年龄相称 jǔ zhǐ yǔ nián líng xiāng chèn, 余生 yú shēng, 某人的掌上明珠, 后腰拱起处, 向后弓起背, 很长, 一流的 yī liú de, 表现杰出, 声嘶力竭地, 茫然不知所措, 束手无策,无计可施 shù shǒu wú cè, 随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào, 听您指挥 tīng nín zhǐ huī, 可供你自由使用 kě gōng nǐ zì yóu shǐ yòng, 听候您的差遣 tīng hòu nín de chāi qiǎn, 在您方便的时候 zài nín fāng biàn de shí hòu, 由你决定 yóu nǐ jué dìng, 供你自由使用 gōng nǐ zì yóu shǐ yòng, 随时为您服务 suí shí wèi nín fú wù, 尽早 jǐn zǎo, 唾手可得的,手边的 tuò shǒu kě dé de,shǒu biān de, 你有空的时候 nǐ yǒu kòng de shí hòu, 自己决定 zì jǐ jué dìng, 按自己的步调,按自己的节奏, 由自己负责, 听候吩咐 tīng hòu fēn fù, 暮年 mù nián, 心里不自觉地, 灾星,祸害 zāi xīng,huò hài, 物有所值 wù yǒu suǒ zhí, 露出牙齿 lù chū yá chǐ, 痛哭流涕, 非常厌烦 fēi cháng yàn fán, 站在...的角度思考, 举止得当, 仓皇失措, 让…得益, 做你自己, 就在眼面前, 在你出生前 zài nǐ chū shēng qián, 你来之前, 在…背后, 最佳选择, 敢打包票, 耐心等待, 裸体 luǒ tǐ, 对..发火, 揭露...的身份, 让…震惊, 让…无法思考, 擤鼻子 xǐng bí zi, 自吹自擂,自夸 zì chuī zì léi,zì kuā, 暴怒,发脾气 bào nù,fā pí qì, 不可思议, 生在富贵之家, 摇逗, 低下 dī xià, 辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò, 减弱落势, 伤某人的心, 和...分手, 扭断你的脖子 niǔ duàn nǐ de bó zi, 尽全力做某事 jìn quán lì zuò mǒu shì, 想尽一切办法 xiǎng jìn yí qiè bàn fǎ, 断气 duàn qì, 弥合分歧, 挥霍无度, 切断退路, 自寻烦恼, 逃避现实 táo bì xiàn shí, 忐忑不安, 摸石头过河, 勉强 miǎn qiǎng, 虚张声势 xū zhāng shēng shì, 投票 tóu piào, 大范围搜索, 广泛撒网, 明珠暗投, 不计回报地做好事, 回想一下, 投票 tóu piào, 为…而投票 wèi ér tóu piào, 没话说了?,怎么不说话了?, 喘过气来, 松一口气 sōng yì kǒu qì, 得重感冒, 改变观念 gǎi biàn guān niàn, 转变态度,改变想法 gǎi biàn xiǎng fǎ, 随音乐拍手 suí yīn yuè pāi shǒu, 拍手 pāi shǒu, 改邪归正 gǎi xié guī zhèng, 腾出时间 téng chū shí jiān, 证明你的清白 zhèng míng nǐ de qīng bái, 清嗓子,清清喉咙 qīng sǎng zi, 握紧两个拳头, 你所珍爱的 nǐ suǒ zhēn ài de, 闭眼 bì yǎn, 无视 wú shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 your 的含义

你的 nǐ de

adjective (possessive: belonging to you)

Is that your dog?

某个特定人群的,你们,那些 mǒu gè tè dìng rén qún de,nǐ men,nà xiē

pronoun (informal (members of a group) (口语)

Your average teenager isn't interested in the stock market.

您尊敬的 nín zūn jìng de

adverb (formula used to end letter) (用作信函结尾)

Ellen, please write to me as soon as you can. Yours, Maddy.

你的 nǐ de

pronoun (possessive: belonging to you)

Is this umbrella yours?


noun (figurative (achievement)


expression (figurative (burden: mental or emotional)

举止与年龄相称 jǔ zhǐ yǔ nián líng xiāng chèn

interjection (informal (stop behaving immaturely)

Fred should start acting his age.

余生 yú shēng

expression (for rest of your life)


noun (beloved person)

Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.


noun (curve of lower back)

In this yoga pose, tuck your right arm behind the arch of your back.


verbal expression (stretch over backwards)

Please arch your back and take a deep breath.


expression (figurative, informal (very long)

一流的 yī liú de

adjective (among the best)

He graduated at the top of his class and was accepted to a very good university.


expression (figurative (performing brilliantly)


expression (voice: as loud as possible)


adjective (upset, frustrated)

Kathy was at her wit's end with worry when her son failed to come home from school.

束手无策,无计可施 shù shǒu wú cè

adjective (unable to find a solution)

Having spent three hours unsuccessfully trying to fix the photocopier, Dave was at his wit's end.

随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào

expression (available to serve you at any time)

I will be at your beck and call.

听您指挥 tīng nín zhǐ huī

adverb (under your control)

可供你自由使用 kě gōng nǐ zì yóu shǐ yòng

adverb (available to you)

听候您的差遣 tīng hòu nín de chāi qiǎn

adverb (humorous (ready to help you)

在您方便的时候 zài nín fāng biàn de shí hòu

expression (formal (when it suits you) (正式用语)

Please return my books at your convenience.

由你决定 yóu nǐ jué dìng

adverb (according to your judgement)

You may sign your name or remain anonymous, at your discretion.

供你自由使用 gōng nǐ zì yóu shǐ yòng

adverb (available for your use)

I'll leave the computer at your disposal.

随时为您服务 suí shí wèi nín fú wù

adverb (person: available to serve you)

Once I finish this work I will be at your disposal.

尽早 jǐn zǎo

expression (as soon as it is possible for you)

Please respond at your earliest convenience. Please call me back at your earliest convenience.

唾手可得的,手边的 tuò shǒu kě dé de,shǒu biān de

expression (figurative (easily available) (比喻)

You should have everything you need at your fingertips before you start your work.

你有空的时候 nǐ yǒu kòng de shí hòu

adverb (when you feel like it)

You may finish the job at your leisure.

自己决定 zì jǐ jué dìng

adverb (as you see fit)


adverb (at a speed one is comfortable with)

From the tortoise and the hare, we learn that one can proceed at one's own pace and still be a winner.


adverb (without anyone else being liable)

Swim in the river at your own risk.

听候吩咐 tīng hòu fēn fù

adverb (ready to help you)

I am at your service.

暮年 mù nián

noun (figurative (later years of life)

In the autumn of his life, Charles was no longer interested in his former hobbies.


expression (in background thought processes)

灾星,祸害 zāi xīng,huò hài

noun (figurative (source of annoyance) (造成不快的源头)

My computer's crashed again; technology is the bane of my life!

物有所值 wù yǒu suǒ zhí

noun (US, slang (value for money)

This computer is last year's model, but it has great bang for your buck.

露出牙齿 lù chū yá chǐ

verbal expression (snarl, show teeth)

The dog growled and bared his teeth at the cat.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (cry, weep loudly)

The little girl was bawling her eyes out because she had lost her doll.

非常厌烦 fēi cháng yàn fán

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be extremely bored)


verbal expression (figurative (be in another person's situation)


verbal expression (behave very well)


verbal expression (be very worried or frightened)


verbal expression (benefit [sb])

I know you're not a natural linguist, but learning French would be to your advantage, given that we live in France.


verbal expression (male: be independent)


adverb (right in front of you)

His father was murdered right before his eyes.

在你出生前 zài nǐ chū shēng qián

adverb (informal (before your birth)

I remember the day President Kennedy was shot - but that's before your time.


adverb (informal (before your involvement)

He used to be Managing Director here, but that was a few years before your time.


expression (figurative, informal (without [sb]'s knowledge)

She often told lies about him behind his back.


noun (informal, figurative (most promising option)

Your best bet would be to contact the organisers directly and ask if they still have tickets.


verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (be certain)

You can bet your bottom dollar I'll get home in time for supper.


verbal expression (wait calmly)

裸体 luǒ tǐ

noun (slang, figurative (nakedness)

"What do you wear in bed?" "My birthday suit."


verbal expression (figurative, informal (respond angrily, impatiently)


verbal expression (reveal [sb]'s true identity)


verbal expression (slang (astound [sb])

When I heard about the revolutionary new cancer treatment, it blew my mind. Wait until you see the final scene of the movie--it's going to blow your mind!


verbal expression (slang (drugs: disorient, overwhelm [sb]) (药物)

擤鼻子 xǐng bí zi

verbal expression (expel mucus)

Please blow your nose instead of sniffing.

自吹自擂,自夸 zì chuī zì léi,zì kuā

verbal expression (figurative (boast, be self-congratulatory)

暴怒,发脾气 bào nù,fā pí qì

verbal expression (figurative, informal (become very angry)


verbal expression (be bewildering, amazing)


adjective (figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.


verbal expression (baby, child: dandle) (放在膝上的孩子)

低下 dī xià

transitive verb (lower: your head) (头)

The parishioners bowed their heads in prayer.

辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò

verbal expression (figurative (work very hard)

My dad breaks his back trying to earn enough money to feed us all.


verbal expression (lessen impact)

Fortunately, the pillow broke the boy's fall, and he wasn't injured.


verbal expression (figurative (make [sb] sad)

It breaks my heart to hear you are quitting.


verbal expression (figurative (end relationship)

That boy will only break your heart.

扭断你的脖子 niǔ duàn nǐ de bó zi

verbal expression (fracture a neck bone)

Chris ended up paralysed after breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident.

尽全力做某事 jìn quán lì zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

This project is so much work; I've been breaking my neck all week and I still don't feel like I'm getting anywhere!

想尽一切办法 xiǎng jìn yí qiè bàn fǎ

verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

We broke our necks to get our candidate elected.

断气 duàn qì

verbal expression (die)

After she received extreme unction, she breathed her last breath.


verbal expression (figurative (be reconciled)

Once Matt and Julie had bridged their differences, they were able to be friends again.


verbal expression (US (eager to spend money)


verbal expression (figurative (eliminate possibility of retreat)


verbal expression (figurative (suffer off-putting consequences)

逃避现实 táo bì xiàn shí

verbal expression (figurative (ignore stressful situation)


plural noun (figurative (nerves, performance anxiety)

I had butterflies in my stomach before the exam. Nina always gets butterflies before a performance.


expression (without experience or knowledge)

勉强 miǎn qiǎng

expression (only just, barely)

虚张声势 xū zhāng shēng shì

verbal expression (challenge [sb] who may be faking)

投票 tóu piào

verbal expression (vote)

The issue has been discussed, so please cast your ballots in silence.


verbal expression (figurative (search over a large area)

The police cast a wide net whilst searching for the missing fugitive.


verbal expression (figurative (use wide range of resources)

The company is casting its net wide in its search for exactly the right person for the job.


verbal expression (figurative (squander [sth] on [sb] who does not value it)


verbal expression (do good without expecting a reward)


verbal expression (recall the past)

投票 tóu piào

verbal expression (vote)

You must go to a polling booth to cast your vote.

为…而投票 wèi ér tóu piào

verbal expression (vote for)

Are you going to cast your vote for the liberal or conservative candidate?


expression (figurative, informal (Why aren't you talking?)

What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue?


verbal expression (pause to breathe)

I had to take 20 flights of stairs. It took me several minutes to catch my breath.

松一口气 sōng yì kǒu qì

verbal expression (figurative (take a break)

Now that we're done with most of the rush jobs, we can catch our breath.


verbal expression (informal (catch a bad cold)

改变观念 gǎi biàn guān niàn

verbal expression (reverse your decision)

I changed my mind and decided to go to the party after all.

转变态度,改变想法 gǎi biàn xiǎng fǎ

verbal expression (change opinion)

随音乐拍手 suí yīn yuè pāi shǒu

verbal expression (clap in time to music)

The children clapped their hands along with the music.

拍手 pāi shǒu

verbal expression (applaud, get attention, etc.) (表示高兴或引起注意)

The children were becoming noisy and hyperactive, and the teacher had to clap her hands loudly to get their attention. Lady Winifred superciliously clapped her hands for the soup to be served.

改邪归正 gǎi xié guī zhèng

verbal expression (informal (behave properly)

腾出时间 téng chū shí jiān

verbal expression (make time)

Could you clear some space on your calendar to spend some time with her?

证明你的清白 zhèng míng nǐ de qīng bái

verbal expression (prove your innocence)

You'll have to sue that slanderer in court in order to clear your name.

清嗓子,清清喉咙 qīng sǎng zi

verbal expression (cough before speaking) (讲话前)

The butler respectfully cleared his throat.


verbal expression (make fist with both hands)

你所珍爱的 nǐ suǒ zhēn ài de

expression (cherished, important)

It's a subject that's close to my heart.

闭眼 bì yǎn

verbal expression (shut your eyelids)

When you feel stressed, just relax, close your eyes and take deep breaths.

无视 wú shì

verbal expression (figurative (ignore [sth])

Most families close their eyes to the fact that they're responsible for their children's failure.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 your 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

your 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。