英语 中的 out of 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 out of 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 out of 的说明。

英语 中的out of 表示至...的外面, 从...里面, 在…范围外, 缺乏,缺少 quē fá,quē shǎo, …当中, 由于 yóu yú, 在...之外, 用 yòng, 从…中摆脱, 从…出来,出现 cóng chū lái,chū xiàn, 从…中出,从…中扣除 cóng zhōng chū,cóng … zhōng kòu chú, 有…结果, 爬出, 从...逃走,从...逃离 cóng táo zǒu, 避免承担…的责任 bì miǎn chéng dān de zé rèn, 下..., 由于长大而不适于… yóu yú zhǎng dà ér bú shì yú …, 因长大而改掉,因长大而消失, 源于 yuán yú, 如离水之鱼, 非常厌烦 fēi cháng yàn fán, 仓皇失措, 锤爆, 把…打得屁滚尿流,把…打出屎来, 夸大其词 kuā dà qí cí, 私生的 sī shēng de, 出柜 chū guì, 突然冒出 tū rán mào chū, 不假思索地丢弃 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de diū qì, 骗走某人的某物,向某人骗取某物, 使某人极为恼怒 shǐ mǒu rén jí wéi nǎo nù, 把某人迷得七荤八素 bǎ mǒu rén mí de qī hūn bā sù, 退出…, 把...吃穷, 下滑 xià huá, 掉热度, 脱离习惯 tuō lí xí guàn, 失去联系 shī qù lián xì, 因…激动 yīn … jī dòng, 怒发冲冠 nù fà chōng guān, 起床 qǐ chuáng, 脱离控制 tuō lí kòng zhì, 出去!, 不可思议!我不信!, 顺序被打乱, 不挡道,被弄开, 完成 wán chéng, 忘记某事 wàng jì mǒu shì, 轰轰烈烈地走到尽头, 倒闭,停业,歇业 dǎo bì,tíng yè,xiē yè, 不再时髦,不再流行 bú zài shí máo,bú zài liú xíng, 过时 guò shí, 作出额外努力 zuò chū é wài nǔ lì, 绕路, 把…挤到一边 bǎ jǐ dào yì biān, 秘密泄露,真相大白 mì mì xiè lù,zhēn xiàng dà bái, 风驰电掣地 fēng chí diàn chè de, 如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ, 小题大做 xiǎo tí dà zuò, 越界地 yuè jiè de, 让人无法接受的 ràng rén wú fǎ jiē shòu de, 上气不接下气的 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì de, 不符合...的性格, 没电的 méi diàn de, 无法使用的,不能使用的, 不能活动的, 停止使用 tíng zhǐ shǐ yòng, 无法进行某项活动, 失去控制 shī qù kòng zhì, 失去控制的 shī qù kòng zhì de, 庭外,不经法庭, 脱离危险的 tuō lí wēi xiǎn de, 过时的 guò shí de, 失效的 shī xiào de, 过期的,不新鲜的 guò qī de ,bù xīn xiān de, 户外地 hù wài dì, 露天的 lù tiān de, 过时地 guò shí de, 过时的 guò shí de, 过气, 模糊的,不清楚的,焦点没对准的 mó hu de ,bù qīng chǔ de ,jiāo diǎn méi duì zhǔn de, 没有焦点的,不专注的 méi yǒu jiāo diǎn de,bù zhuān zhù de, 难以控制 nán yǐ kòng zhì, 不加思索地一口(拒绝) bù jiā sī suǒ de yì kǒu ( jù jué ), 迷糊的 mí hú de, 脱臼 tuō jiù, 混乱 hùn luàn, 令人无法接受的 lìng rén wú fǎ jiē shòu de, 举止不当, 举止不当的 jǔ zhǐ bú dàng de, 不幸的 bú xìng de, 缺钱的,贫穷的 quē qián de ,pín qióng de, 出于需要, 突然冒出来地 tū rán mào chū lái de, 不运转的,不起作用的 bú yùn zhuǎn de,bù qǐ zuò yòng de, 不运转,不起作用, 发生故障的, 不妥当的,不适合的 bú shì hé de, 不得体的 bù dé tǐ de, 次序混乱的, 违反规定的, 不协调地 bù xié tiáo de, 不协调的 bù xié tiáo de, 格格不入的 gé gé bú rù de, 自掏腰包垫付的, 亏本的,赔钱的 kuī běn de,péi qián de, 疏于练习的, 售罄地,绝版地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 out of 的含义


adverb (to the exterior of)

The barman threw the drunks out of the bar.


adverb (from the interior of)

I took the fork out of the drawer.


adverb (used in expressions (beyond)

We continued to wave to our grandson until he was out of sight.

缺乏,缺少 quē fá,quē shǎo

verbal expression (informal (be lacking)

I had to go shopping as we were completely out of milk.


preposition (of total number)

Three people out of ten preferred milk chocolate over dark chocolate. Eight out of ten cats prefer this brand of cat food. Out of all the people in the world, I had to bump into my ex-boyfriend!

由于 yóu yú

preposition (motivated by) (指动机)

Laura turned the volume up high out of spite. The parents did what they did out of love for their children.


expression (excluded, outside)

My dad kept me out of school for a week.

用 yòng

preposition (from)

These clothes are made entirely out of recycled materials.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (end involvement)

Eric bailed out of the project when the firm didn't pay him.

从…出来,出现 cóng chū lái,chū xiàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (emerge)

Bears generally come out of hibernation in the Spring.

从…中出,从…中扣除 cóng zhōng chū,cóng … zhōng kòu chú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (costs: be subtracted) (开支等)

The cost of that broken lamp is going to come out of your pay check.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (result)

Let's hope that something good can come out of this.


(creep outside)

She crawled out of her sleeping bag to see if it was a bear making all the noise outside her tent.

从...逃走,从...逃离 cóng táo zǒu

(extricate oneself from) (本义)

The children could not get out of the building because it was on fire.

避免承担…的责任 bì miǎn chéng dān de zé rèn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative, informal (free yourself from an obligation) (非正式用语)

I need to get out of my meeting this afternoon because I have a doctor's appointment. The teenager tried to get out of his homework by pretending to be ill.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (exit a vehicle)

Audrey parked near the beach and got out of the car.

由于长大而不适于… yóu yú zhǎng dà ér bú shì yú …

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (clothing: outgrow)

Children at that age grow out of their clothes so quickly.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (habit: outgrow) (习惯)

Richard grew out of the habit of sucking his thumb.

源于 yuán yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (originate, develop)

The idea grew out of discussions between leading organizations in the environment sector.


noun (figurative ([sb] in unfamiliar place, situation) (比喻,指因处于陌生环境而感觉不适者)

Although a fantastic football player, he was a fish out of water on the golf course.

非常厌烦 fēi cháng yàn fán

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be extremely bored)


verbal expression (be very worried or frightened)


verbal expression (slang, figurative, vulgar (beat physically) (俚语)

He threatened to beat the crap out of me if I didn't pay him by the end of the week.


verbal expression (slang, figurative, vulgar (beat physically) (比喻义、俗语)

We got into a fistfight and he beat the s*** out of me.

夸大其词 kuā dà qí cí

verbal expression (figurative, informal (overdramatize)

Sure, it seems like a lot of snow, but don't blow it out of proportion -- we usually have several inches in April.

私生的 sī shēng de

adjective (dated (illegitimate)

"Bastard" is the legal term for a child born out of wedlock.

出柜 chū guì

verbal expression (figurative, dated (announce that you are gay) (承认是同性恋)

He only came out of the closet when he was 34.

突然冒出 tū rán mào chū

verbal expression (figurative, disapproving (appear suddenly)

不假思索地丢弃 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de diū qì

verbal expression (disregard)

I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I beg you not to dismiss it out of hand.


verbal expression (informal (deprive, cheat)

使某人极为恼怒 shǐ mǒu rén jí wéi nǎo nù

verbal expression (figurative, informal (annoy)

The baby's constant crying drove James out of his mind.

把某人迷得七荤八素 bǎ mǒu rén mí de qī hūn bā sù

verbal expression (figurative, informal (arouse sexually)

Watching you sunbathe used to drive me out of my mind.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (withdraw from [sth])

He dropped out of school before completing his degree. Several competitors have dropped out of the tournament due to injuries.


verbal expression (eat so much as to strain [sb]'s funds)

下滑 xià huá

verbal expression (figurative (figures: drop) (指数字)


verbal expression (lose popularity)

脱离习惯 tuō lí xí guàn

verbal expression (no longer do [sth] regularly)

I used to go to the gym three times a week, but now I've fallen out of the habit.

失去联系 shī qù lián xì

verbal expression (lose contact)

因…激动 yīn … jī dòng

verbal expression (slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)

She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos.

怒发冲冠 nù fà chōng guān

verbal expression (figurative, slang (be resentful, angry)

起床 qǐ chuáng

verbal expression (rise in morning)

I was sick today and did not want to get out of bed.

脱离控制 tuō lí kòng zhì

verbal expression (informal (become uncontrolled)

The party got out of hand, and a neighbour called the police.


interjection (informal (command: go)

"Get out of here!" she cried, waving her broom at the startled cat.


interjection (mainly US, slang, figurative (disbelief)

You bought that shirt for $10? Get out of here!


verbal expression (be jumbled)

The professor's notes had got out of order and he was having trouble giving his lecture.


verbal expression (informal (move aside) (障碍等)

The truck finally got out of the way and I was able to turn right.

完成 wán chéng

verbal expression (informal, figurative (task: complete)

Let's get the cleaning out of the way: then we can do something fun.

忘记某事 wàng jì mǒu shì

verbal expression (stop thinking about [sth])

I know it was a tough breakup, but you need to get it out of your mind.


verbal expression (figurative (come to a heroic end)

倒闭,停业,歇业 dǎo bì,tíng yè,xiē yè

verbal expression (company: fail) (企业)

The company went out of business during the recession.

不再时髦,不再流行 bú zài shí máo,bú zài liú xíng

verbal expression (be dated) (事物)

Three-piece suits had gone out of fashion by the early 1990s.

过时 guò shí

verbal expression (be dated) (衣物,款式等)

Hawaiian shirts went out of style after the '60s.

作出额外努力 zuò chū é wài nǔ lì

verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

Don't go out of your way to bring me the book: I don't need it today. She went out of her way to help me.


verbal expression (take detour)

It is the best bakery in town, and it is worth going out of your way to get your bread there.

把…挤到一边 bǎ jǐ dào yì biān

verbal expression (informal (shove aside)

He ran down the school hallway knocking people out of his way.

秘密泄露,真相大白 mì mì xiè lù,zhēn xiàng dà bái

verbal expression (figurative, informal (reveal the secret) (非正式用语)

Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about me being pregnant.

风驰电掣地 fēng chí diàn chè de

adverb (very fast)

The cat ran into the house like a bat out of hell.

如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ

adverb (out of place, out of one's element)

I always feel like a fish out of water at formal gatherings.

小题大做 xiǎo tí dà zuò

verbal expression (figurative (exaggerate a trivial problem)

越界地 yuè jiè de

adverb (outside a prescribed boundary)

The referee blew his whistle when the ball went out of bounds. During the war most beaches were out of bounds to civilians.

让人无法接受的 ràng rén wú fǎ jiē shòu de

adjective (figurative (not permitted, unacceptable)

Your behaviour at the wedding reception was out of bounds.

上气不接下气的 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì de

adjective (panting, breathless)

After sprinting round the track I was out of breath and could barely speak.


adjective (not typical of [sb])

没电的 méi diàn de

adjective (having lost battery power)


adjective (not in active service or use)

The ship is out of commission while it undergoes repairs.


adjective (figurative (inactive due to injury, etc.) (由于受伤等)

He sprained his ankle running and the doc says he'll be out of commission for a couple of weeks.

停止使用 tíng zhǐ shǐ yòng

adverb (out of active service or use)

The paramilitary group has finally put its weapons out of commission.


adverb (figurative (out of action due to injury, etc.) (由于受伤等)

One tiny slip can put a skater out of commission for months.

失去控制 shī qù kòng zhì

adverb (wild, unrestrained)

The child was screaming and stamping his feet, quite out of control.

失去控制的 shī qù kòng zhì de

adjective (unrestrained, wild)

You're just an out-of-control brat!


adverb (without legal ruling)

脱离危险的 tuō lí wēi xiǎn de

adjective (no longer at risk)

Although the patient was still very ill, he was out of danger.

过时的 guò shí de

adjective (old-fashioned, outmoded)

The 70's-style couch is out of date.

失效的 shī xiào de

adjective (no longer valid)

That program had been updated; yours is an out-of-date version.

过期的,不新鲜的 guò qī de ,bù xīn xiān de

adjective (food: no longer fresh) (食物)

The milk expired two weeks ago and is thus out of date.

户外地 hù wài dì

adverb (outside, outdoors)

The school bell sounded, and the children poured out of doors into the playground. Since I moved to Spain I spend most of my time out of doors.

露天的 lù tiān de

adjective (in the open air)

There will be an out-of-doors performance of the play this evening.

过时地 guò shí de

adverb (no longer popular)

Bell bottom pants are out of fashion, skinny jeans are back in.

过时的 guò shí de

adjective (outmoded)

Fat ties and wide lapels are so out of fashion!


verbal expression (have lost popularity)

模糊的,不清楚的,焦点没对准的 mó hu de ,bù qīng chǔ de ,jiāo diǎn méi duì zhǔn de

adjective (blurred, indistinct)

The impressionist style gave the painting a fuzzy, out of focus look. As she came out of the anesthesia, everything was fuzzy and out of focus.

没有焦点的,不专注的 méi yǒu jiāo diǎn de,bù zhuān zhù de

adjective (figurative (not concentrating on single issue) (比喻)

She was out of focus all day after taking a new allergy medication.

难以控制 nán yǐ kòng zhì

adverb (uncontrolled)

When the fight got out of hand the barman called the police.

不加思索地一口(拒绝) bù jiā sī suǒ de yì kǒu ( jù jué )

adverb (without further thought)

The boss dismissed my ideas out of hand; he didn't even ask me any questions.

迷糊的 mí hú de

adjective (unable to think clearly)

Cal was having trouble answering basic questions in math class today--he's really out of it.

脱臼 tuō jiù

expression (medicine: dislocated)

混乱 hùn luàn

expression (figurative (not in order or appropriate)

令人无法接受的 lìng rén wú fǎ jiē shòu de

adjective (figurative, informal (comment: unacceptable)


adjective (figurative, informal (person: behaving unacceptably)

举止不当的 jǔ zhǐ bú dàng de

adverb (figurative, informal (unacceptably)

不幸的 bú xìng de

adjective (informal (unlucky)

I'm afraid you're out of luck; there are no tickets left.

缺钱的,贫穷的 quē qián de ,pín qióng de

adjective (short of cash)

I can't go out this weekend because I'm out of money.


adverb (due to need)

突然冒出来地 tū rán mào chū lái de

adverb (unexpectedly)

He showed up out of nowhere. The winner of the competition came from nowhere and surprised everyone.

不运转的,不起作用的 bú yùn zhuǎn de,bù qǐ zuò yòng de

adjective (no longer functioning)


adverb (no longer functioning)


adjective (not functioning) (机器)

The furnace is out of order, so I've called a repairman.

不妥当的,不适合的 bú shì hé de

adjective (figurative, slang (behavior: inappropriate) (行为等)

Terry's rude comments about your brother were out of order.

不得体的 bù dé tǐ de

adjective (figurative, slang (behaving inappropriately)

You were out of order last night; I think you need to call our guests today to apologise.


adjective (jumbled)

I dropped my manuscript and now the pages are all out of order.


adjective (court: in breach) (法庭)

The judge ruled the prosecutor's question out of order.

不协调地 bù xié tiáo de

adverb (in an unsynchronized way)

His manner of speech seemed completely out phase with his age.

不协调的 bù xié tiáo de

adjective (not synchronized)

格格不入的 gé gé bú rù de

adjective (not belonging)

As the only Europeans present, we felt a little out of place.


adjective (expenses: paid by individual)

亏本的,赔钱的 kuī běn de,péi qián de

adjective (UK (having made a loss, short of money)

By the time I'd paid for all the repairs, I was seriously out of pocket.


adjective (not used to doing [sth] anymore)


adverb (no longer being published)

The book is quite difficult to get hold of because it has gone out of print.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。